Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
WASSup Cuzz, WelCum 2 my pAGe. im dAt niGGA KillA b.K.A pROfeSSOR KillA RepReSentin' dAt nOtORiOuS CRip GAnG ORientAl StReet bOy'z in dA 781 AReA, lynn, C-tOWn Of Sin, mASSiCARe. thiS pAGe WAz mAde fO Cuzz n' Cuzz Only, SO if u iz A SlOb OR A buStA Get dA fuCC Out.187 On All yA bitCh ASSz. muCh luv 2 All my niGGAz lOCCed up dOin' tyme, my niGGA flip dOGG, dARO, n' my niGGA ShoRt dOGG"OCG"(even dOe u Ain't A StReet bOy We GOt muCh luv fO u Cuzz), All my niGGAz dAt R Out RepReSentin' 24/7, plAybOy, KelO, lAzie, miStA C, ShAGGy, SKidelS, mACe, tRippy, tOny, ACe, p.j. n' dA ReSt n' lOWell n' 2 Cum, Oh yA luv 2 All my RasCAl niGGAz, tRG(GRey n' blue) KROme, tRiGGa, SpAde, bAby tRiGGa, jOe ShmOe, jeRRy n' dA ReSt in lOWell, AlSO luv 2 my niGGAz dAt Aint bAnGin but Still dOWn fO thiS CRip Shit, SpooK nyCe. muCh luv 2 my 781 niGGAz in dA OSb n' TRG fAm. i hOpe yAll enjOy my pAGe n' dOnt fOGet tO tAG up my GueSS bOOK. 1 luv Cuzz, bK All muthAfuCCin dAy n' nite niGGa.


Mar 15, 2010
WASSup Cuzz, WelCum 2 my pAGe. im dAt niGGA KillA b.K.A pROfeSSOR KillA RepReSentin' dAt nOtORiOuS CRip GAnG ORientAl StReet bOy'z in dA 781 AReA, lynn, C-tOWn Of Sin, mASSiCARe. thiS pAGe WAz mAde fO Cuzz n' Cuzz Only, SO if u iz A SlOb OR A buStA Get dA fuCC Out.187 On All yA bitCh ASSz. muCh luv 2 All my niGGAz lOCCed up dOin' tyme, my niGGA flip dOGG, dARO, n' my niGGA ShoRt dOGG"OCG"(even dOe u Ain't A StReet bOy We GOt muCh luv fO u Cuzz), All my niGGAz dAt R Out RepReSentin' 24/7, plAybOy, KelO, lAzie, miStA C, ShAGGy, SKidelS, mACe, tRippy, tOny, ACe, p.j. n' dA ReSt n' lOWell n' 2 Cum, Oh yA luv 2 All my RasCAl niGGAz, tRG(GRey n' blue) KROme, tRiGGa, SpAde, bAby tRiGGa, jOe ShmOe, jeRRy n' dA ReSt in lOWell, AlSO luv 2 my niGGAz dAt Aint bAnGin but Still dOWn fO thiS CRip Shit, SpooK nyCe. muCh luv 2 my 781 niGGAz in dA OSb n' TRG fAm. i hOpe yAll enjOy my pAGe n' dOnt fOGet tO tAG up my GueSS bOOK. 1 luv Cuzz, bK All muthAfuCCin dAy n' nite niGGa.
sounds like an asian