The JUDGMENT of First Degree The D.E.

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Aug 17, 2004
I don't know what happen here. Have I missed something? pedo? end of career? someone can tell me what is all about? what I have noticed about his career he is on strange music projects right now...racist?bitch please...for example I hate stupid black persons that talkin shit about white domination and how hard lifes they have in "white world" now thats some fuckdup racist shit .I don't consider myself as a racist. I hate many stupid white peoples too.dont know many asian but I think if I really really want it I can find somethin just for hate them too...There are many stupid sterotypes about all races .If you think all white men cant jump all black males have big dick asians got small dicks and every polish is a drunken thief I cant say nothing good about you neither. this is my opinion and everybody can kiss my ass about that. Man just said his opinion about some white people and he did that whit due respect to people who deserve that. I agree whit him and I can say even worse things about some people in my country.enough of that honkey shit. You are a teahcer D.E? just like me. great job in my opinion! last thing is "stupid retared shit on youtube"- pick up your own camera and do somthing not stupid ewen more stupid. see how hard it is to shoot, direct a movie. quit hatin! I aint no D. E's ass licker but I dont understand why some people are on site like that just for hating the artist. if you want to say some bullshit to other person better dont say anithing Somedody may think other people laugh at you in your real life and you just over and over repeat shit you hear about yourself in school or job
^- Wtf is this shit? Your reading comprehension, spelling and sentence structure is abysmal. Quit hatin on anithing teahcer! Anithing
Apr 11, 2008
I don't know what happen here. Have I missed something? pedo? end of career? someone can tell me what is all about? what I have noticed about his career he is on strange music projects right now...racist?bitch please...for example I hate stupid black persons that talkin shit about white domination and how hard lifes they have in "white world" now thats some fuckdup racist shit .I don't consider myself as a racist. I hate many stupid white peoples too.dont know many asian but I think if I really really want it I can find somethin just for hate them too...There are many stupid sterotypes about all races .If you think all white men cant jump all black males have big dick asians got small dicks and every polish is a drunken thief I cant say nothing good about you neither. this is my opinion and everybody can kiss my ass about that. Man just said his opinion about some white people and he did that whit due respect to people who deserve that. I agree whit him and I can say even worse things about some people in my country.enough of that honkey shit. You are a teahcer D.E? just like me. great job in my opinion! last thing is "stupid retared shit on youtube"- pick up your own camera and do somthing not stupid ewen more stupid. see how hard it is to shoot, direct a movie. quit hatin! I aint no D. E's ass licker but I dont understand why some people are on site like that just for hating the artist. if you want to say some bullshit to other person better dont say anithing Somedody may think other people laugh at you in your real life and you just over and over repeat shit you hear about yourself in school or job

there was a program called Reading Is Fundamental and something tells me you were absent that day...or year.

You are a teacher....? the only school you might be able to teach at with that writing might be the Graphic Arts for the Blind University.
Sep 23, 2008
I don't know what happen here. Have I missed something? pedo? end of career? someone can tell me what is all about? what I have noticed about his career he is on strange music projects right now...racist?bitch please...for example I hate stupid black persons that talkin shit about white domination and how hard lifes they have in "white world" now thats some fuckdup racist shit .I don't consider myself as a racist. I hate many stupid white peoples too.dont know many asian but I think if I really really want it I can find somethin just for hate them too...There are many stupid sterotypes about all races .If you think all white men cant jump all black males have big dick asians got small dicks and every polish is a drunken thief I cant say nothing good about you neither. this is my opinion and everybody can kiss my ass about that. Man just said his opinion about some white people and he did that whit due respect to people who deserve that. I agree whit him and I can say even worse things about some people in my country.enough of that honkey shit. You are a teahcer D.E? just like me. great job in my opinion! last thing is "stupid retared shit on youtube"- pick up your own camera and do not stupid ewen more stupid. see how hard it is to shoot, direct a movie. quit hatin! I aint no D. E's ass licker but I dont understand why some people are on site like that just for hating the artist. if you want to say some bullshit to other person better dont say anithing Somedody may think other people laugh at you in your real life and you
just over and over repeat shit you hear

about yourself in school or job
stfu you Polack!
May 4, 2010
de, Face it... You need to retire from making what you call "music" And move to Wyoming or somewhere to fulfill your life long dream of working in law inforcement. If you keep going down the path you are currently on. Planet zero aka la-la land will eventually bump into the real world in which someone is going to knocc that blocc off your shoulders. I'm not threatening. Just saying. . .
Props: Codeine