MC Pooh (Pooh Man) First Interview After Serving 13Yrs In Prison

On 7/10 Poohman was on the Murder Master Music Show ofUGS Radio. Gold and Platinum Bay Area Legend and former Too Short and Dangerous Crew associate, did his first interview since 2000. Not to long ago he got out of prison after serving 13 years for catching a bank robbery charge. As soon as he was released he started to record music with former collaborator and super producer Ant Banks who actually picked him up from the penitentiary.
Poohman stayed on the Murder Master Music Show with Prez & Mac Jay for about 70 minutes or more discussing everything from his time in the pen to his early days in the Bay coming up in Oakland. Reminiscing on the days he was on the road with the likes of ScarfaceGanxsta NIP, and Luther Campbell to name a few as well as speaking on his success such as landing on the platinum soundtrack to the classic Tupac debut film Juice. He also debuted some new music off his upcoming album Kaos Theory
At one point during the interview his Daughter called in to show support for her Father. It was another historical interview on the Murder Master Music Show.


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