I need Advice....

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Nov 10, 2004
So I've been talking to this girl on myspace since Dec. 5th. This is the girl that inspired Having Text. Her name is Christina. We have been talking everyday on myspace IM and on the phone since. Well, not long after we started talking, she got pregnant and her babies' daddy told her to abort it and hasn't talked to her since. I told her that I would be her babies daddy and I would step up and be there for the kid whose name was to be Max. Well last Tuesday, I got home from work and she was online so we talked for a couple hours before she had to go to the doctor for her monthly check up.

That was the last time I talked to her. She never got back online and won't answer the phone when I call. On Thursday, I seen that she was logged in so I asked if she was mad at me, only to find out that it wasn't her, but it was her friend Angie. Angie then informs me that Christina had a miscarriage and that she was logged in as her so that she could email all of her friends and let them know because she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. My stomach dropped. I am supposed to be leaving on a plane to go see her in August when her baby was due and I was going to be there with her in the room when he was born.

I have called her twice a day since Tuesday and left her messages telling her that I'm here for her. The thing is, I can't even fathom what she is feeling right now. Angie has been telling me what's been going on, and she says that Christina will not get up out of bed. Angie says that she has been going over to Christina's house everyday to let her dog out and feed it and such, but she tells me that all she does is lay in bed and cry and won't talk to even her who is right there in front her. She isn't eating either. She hasn't been back to work and I'm worried she is gonna lose her apartment and her car.

I'm beyond worried about her. We have been talking for 8 hours a day faithfully for 5 months. I don't know what I can even do if I wanted to do something. A part of me wants to drop everything and get on a flight and go there and take care of her until she feels like she can live again. I feel so sorry and bad for her. I hurt too. I was looking at this whole situation as I was gonna have another son, even if he wasn't biologically mine. I'm thinking about bringing my son Kale to meet her, thinking that maybe he will help fill the void that she has due to the loss of her unborn son. I'm in love with her. She is in love with me. I tell her I love her but she doesn't say it back, but I feel it. Which is fine because I'd rather feel loved than be told I'm loved and it not be true. I'm clueless people. Please help me. I miss her so much. Us not talking hasn't happened since the day we started talking. Please save the shit talk too cuz this is some serious shit and I need some constructive oppinions here.


Sicc OG
Dec 15, 2007
First of all, why come here?

There aren't any magic words that you can use to fix everything. Grief is normal. She will come to terms with it. Just know it will be hard for both of you.
Nov 21, 2007

just after reading the title of your thread my first response was "dont ask it here, thats my advice"

but anyway,

let me make sure i understand this.. You wanted to play Baby daddy to someone You only really been talkin to on myspace? and your assuming she loves you because you can feel it?? Telling a female that you love them, and them not saying it back is an indication they arent on your level yet imo. Maybe she really went through with an abortion like her REAL baby daddy wanted in the first place because she still got feelins for him or someshit and has been pretending to be "angie" or she thought "maybe he will leave me alone if i told him i got pregnant." so now that it back fired she's going to pretend to be her friend logging into her account to play it off like she's depressed after a miscarriage.. im jus sayin, somethin doesn't sound right..

you did your part by letting her know your there for her when she's ready to communicate. Give her that breathing room. She will talk to you when she wants to. Worry bout you and don't ever ever ever ever be ready to start a family with someone you have only been talkin to on myspace for only about 5 months.... :eyecross:
Nov 10, 2004

just after reading the title of your thread my first response was "dont ask it here, thats my advice"

but anyway,

let me make sure i understand this.. You wanted to play Baby daddy to someone You only really been talkin to on myspace? and your assuming she loves you because you can feel it?? Telling a female that you love them, and them not saying it back is an indication they arent on your level yet imo. Maybe she really went through with an abortion like her REAL baby daddy wanted in the first place because she still got feelins for him or someshit and has been pretending to be "angie" or she thought "maybe he will leave me alone if i told him i got pregnant." so now that it back fired she's going to pretend to be her friend logging into her account to play it off like she's depressed after a miscarriage.. im jus sayin, somethin doesn't sound right..

you did your part by letting her know your there for her when she's ready to communicate. Give her that breathing room. She will talk to you when she wants to. Worry bout you and don't ever ever ever ever be ready to start a family with someone you have only been talkin to on myspace for only about 5 months.... :eyecross:
To clarify, this is something that we have talked about over countless hours of chatting on IM and on the phone. She ain't pretending anything and it isn't about "having text" anymore either. My mom met my step dad in a chat room and they have been married for 11 years and love the fuck out each other, so having feelings for someone you have never physically met isn't all that strange to me, and as far as it only being 5 months, I started a family with my ex wife 2 weeks after meeting her. I'm trying to give her breathing room, I honestly am, but we haven't talked in 6 days and I'm down right trippin' and worried about her. I'm to the point of losing sleep. To me, this shit is real as fuck. Call me a Captain Save Em' All Day, but I'm telling you right now, if I really was SuperMan, I'd save this one for sure. I know she loves me because she used to tell me that and I fucked up by hooking up with and sticking my dick in some stupid immature broad up here back in February and I told her about the other girl because I couldn't deal with the guilty conscience it gave me and it crushed her. She called me crying, telling me that I broke her heart and it was at that point that I knew this shit was real. I broke it off with the girl I was seeing up here to pursue the woman I've never met.

Call it crazy, call it whatever. It isn't even about sex, we couldn't have sex if we wanted to. We live 1000 miles apart. She doesn't tell me she loves me anymore because she isn't one to throw it around, and besides, I don't need to hear it anyway. I just know she does. She kisses me, hugs me, puts her head on my chest, eskimoe kisses me, and nuzzles her cheeks on mine on a regular basis. I feel what she is afraid to say. It's my fault she is afraid to say it. I hurt her because she took it all as like we were officially dating and I didn't at that time. I do now tho, from the bottom of my heart.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
Just a few gems from his posts
So I've been talking to this girl on myspace since Dec. 5th. This is the girl that inspired Having Text.

I told her that I would be her babies daddy

I was going to be there with her in the room when he was born.

I have called her twice a day since Tuesday and left her messages telling her that I'm here for her.

I'm in love with her. She is in love with me. I tell her I love her but she doesn't say it back

I'm clueless people.

Please help me.

Please save the shit talk too cuz this is some serious shit and I need some constructive oppinions here.
you posted this in the open forum so that negates the last line

She ain't pretending anything and it isn't about "having text" anymore either.

My mom met my step dad in a chat room

I'm trying to give her breathing room, I honestly am, but we haven't talked in 6 days and I'm down right trippin'

She kisses me, hugs me, puts her head on my chest, eskimoe kisses me, and nuzzles her cheeks on mine on a regular basis.
put the computer down! sheesh!


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
So I've been talking to this girl on myspace since Dec. 5th. This is the girl that inspired Having Text. Her name is Christina. We have been talking everyday on myspace IM and on the phone since. Well, not long after we started talking, she got pregnant and her babies' daddy told her to abort it and hasn't talked to her since. I told her that I would be her babies daddy and I would step up and be there for the kid whose name was to be Max. Well last Tuesday, I got home from work and she was online so we talked for a couple hours before she had to go to the doctor for her monthly check up.

That was the last time I talked to her. She never got back online and won't answer the phone when I call. On Thursday, I seen that she was logged in so I asked if she was mad at me, only to find out that it wasn't her, but it was her friend Angie. Angie then informs me that Christina had a miscarriage and that she was logged in as her so that she could email all of her friends and let them know because she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. My stomach dropped. I am supposed to be leaving on a plane to go see her in August when her baby was due and I was going to be there with her in the room when he was born.

I have called her twice a day since Tuesday and left her messages telling her that I'm here for her. The thing is, I can't even fathom what she is feeling right now. Angie has been telling me what's been going on, and she says that Christina will not get up out of bed. Angie says that she has been going over to Christina's house everyday to let her dog out and feed it and such, but she tells me that all she does is lay in bed and cry and won't talk to even her who is right there in front her. She isn't eating either. She hasn't been back to work and I'm worried she is gonna lose her apartment and her car.

I'm beyond worried about her. We have been talking for 8 hours a day faithfully for 5 months. I don't know what I can even do if I wanted to do something. A part of me wants to drop everything and get on a flight and go there and take care of her until she feels like she can live again. I feel so sorry and bad for her. I hurt too. I was looking at this whole situation as I was gonna have another son, even if he wasn't biologically mine. I'm thinking about bringing my son Kale to meet her, thinking that maybe he will help fill the void that she has due to the loss of her unborn son. I'm in love with her. She is in love with me. I tell her I love her but she doesn't say it back, but I feel it. Which is fine because I'd rather feel loved than be told I'm loved and it not be true. I'm clueless people. Please help me. I miss her so much. Us not talking hasn't happened since the day we started talking. Please save the shit talk too cuz this is some serious shit and I need some constructive oppinions here.
Jesus. You don't know this bitch and you want to be her baby's daddy?

Are you FUCKING retarded or just a total idiot? Flying out there to be there when it's born and you met this hoe on MYSPACE and all you do is talk on the phone and Myspace IM? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DOG??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Props: ballinnnn2010
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