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Oct 28, 2002
wsup game insane long time no talk cuz how ya been? young bull i didnt know u was palestinian good shit cuzzin, now i read alot of bullshit from u guys, young bull put it in a good way, u guys needa go back and read ur history books, do u understand u americans are brainwashed by the media and who runs the fuckin media? the jews!!!!! in reality u guys arnt gettin ur info from an american perspective..its all ran by jews! u notice how ted ksinzky aka the unibomber was ''jewish'' did they call him jewish terrorist? no they called him a mentally unstable person. now look at arabs killing for there country notice how they say muslim terrosist! they always gotta add the muslim terrorist thang, u guys dont fuckin know u americans are sittin at home wachin the news and thinkin damn theese folks are terrorists, now for all the shit talkin about islam and arabs how can u call arabs dirty and stinky and cowards? thats some fucked up shit i could go on on with black jokes mexican jokes and white jokes but im not dissrespectfull and i would never say race jokes to anybody either online or in person, yall needa wake up and smell the coffee dont be butt hurt when palestinians go off killin innocent jews in the middle east, because jews are known for killin off innocent people, remember the u.s.s cole? hmmmm think about it folks, and to the people who are askin where im from and all that bullshit im in modesto killa cali4nia workin at a lexus dealer that my ''arab muslim'' dad owne's. and to the people tellin me to go back home and blow myself up. i got alot to loose i got family money and a life, the people who actually blow themselves up live in poverty and dont have a life, cuz the jews aint givin them a life. and all u dicks talkin bad about my peoples, needa chill out, that shit is personell to me. if u aint got somethin good to say dont fuckin say it.
Apr 22, 2002
There's too many people speaking on shit they know nothing about..

I agree with a lot you're saying Sgt. Fawc You, but not the way you're saying it. Look at your name. How can you expect people to take you seriously?

Jun 28, 2002
If anybody is Hitler it would be yall perish George bush! He is continueing his fathers work. I you want to get down to business I'll hip yall on game. OIL,OIL,OIL,OIL,OIL!!!!!

America needs Oil Saddam gots it!

What does this have to do with this convo, hold up I'll be back to that^^^^^...

Now you got the so-called jews who in 1948 i think marshalled their forces to steal the land fro the palestinians!! This is FACT...
If you go to scripture they were suppose to wait for the messiah(the christ) to briing them into the promised land. They got tired of waiting(which i call not having the faith) and got their own troops together and stole the land. Ben Golreon(however you spell his name) was not the messiah. Goldie Maire was not the Messiah.

Why then steal these peoples land, why did america not stop this injustice? Is it because america felt guilty that they let the jews get burned without coming to their defense so guilty that they turned their backs while they stole the land from the palestinians.

This shit gets deep!

Now less then 60 years later these people still have no place to call home. Father's watch their babies suffer. Mother's cry, children hurt. Look at the news these people are throwing rocks at tanks. They don't fear death, they'd rather be dead then to continue to watch their people suffer.

What would you do? Looking into your childs eyes when he is starving, asking you for food, asking you why is momma crying why is it that my brother died, why do these people hate us so. Why father, why?

What would you do? Thats right anything, everything.
Now I read somebody say Islam a religion of peace YES but not of Punks. Injustice can only be taken for so long. How long will a just God allow this evil and injustice happen to the palestine people. What did they ever do to the Jews?

Of course in defense they strap bombs to their person and seek out other human lifes to harm. Why do I say in defense because in the eyes of a palestinian father or son. Something must be done. They are lost in the middle of no where kast out and the jews are over there living on our land in peace. NO! NO! NO!

We will allow them no peace! There will be no save haven for Jews, or Americans until Palestine is given justice.....

All over the world this is echoed!
Why does the President only help his pale brothers and not those of darker tint?
Why is Bush battling with every person that at one tim eor another his father gave weapons too. He helped Osama run out the Russia's in Afgstan. He helped Iraq in the battle against Iran...



But when Osama decides to do something that the Pre don't like bring him down!

Saddam does something the prez don't like bring him down.

Something that affect that oh so perish OIL!

Remember Somalia they were helping the poor african's who were suffering and you said what nodle people we are america. Then the Somalian soldiers started attacking us and you innocently and ignorantly say. Thenm savages, we are trying to help them and they are shotting at us.

But while we were sending food to one side of the country we were stealin the valuable uranium on the other side.

The whole worlds eyes are open now!

They all can see the snake now!

There will never be peace in Isreal, NEVER!

Bush wants war he has to fulfil prophesy!

I know this shit might be to deep for some of yall but he can't help it. He's blood thirsty! Greedy and prideful!

The fucked up thing is were the ones gonna have to suffer when those bombs overseas start exploding over here more and more!

and to think all those people want is JUSTICE!

My 38 cents



Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I agree that people shouldn't be talking shit on other relgions. There's a difference between terrorism and Muslims, and i respect that. But everything else you had to say was complete and utter bullshit.

You have more guts because you have more to defend. You have land and religion at stake, and you live in a war ridden country.

We don't pick up and fight, and we don't blow ourselves up. Because we're pussies? Fuck no. Because we don't have a cause that is that important.

The minute somebody invades America or disrupts Christianity, we will fight back. Try calling me a pussy when I'm beating the fuck out of someone who disrupts my religion. The fact of the matter is that nobody in America fights over religion, because AMERICA IS A FREE COUNTRY. Maybe if all the Middle Eastern countries were more like America, nobody would every trip off of religion.

Not to mention that when Al Qaeda bombed the were we pussies there? We bombed the fuck out of them. We sent a solid message to the world. DO NOT FUCK WITH AMERICA.

I understand where you're comin from. If i was on a majority Islamic or Jewish website, and they talked shit on Christianity, I would be pissed. But saying that we're pussies with no morals and values is complete bullshit. I'm just as much a man as anybody in the Middle East.

Actually, I'm more of a man, because I don't have to kill myself or anyone else to prove a point.
Sep 13, 2002
good shit.

now lets look at it like this, how many innocent people died on sept 11???? and why did they die?????

you wanna know why they died cause everybody that involved with bin ladin is brain washed from the time there children. why is the US so rich and powerfull. caues we made our dammm selves rich and powerfull, we do control the world and always will. people dont realize this, the ecconomy is us, you fuck off our country you piss us off, your country gon be poor and borke for the rest of its existence. period.

honestly i dont think bush did the right things. he should have dropped an atom bomb on afganastan, then if another country tried to do the same thing let another bomb drop. honestly i think we should let everyone kill each other and worry about our selves. we should stick our nose out of everyones bussnness and worry bout us.

afganastan attacked us. fuck getting even 1 of our troops killed. 1 person 1 plane 1 bomb end of story.

oil oil oil.... hummmmmmmm honestly in this country we have more oil then anyone in the whole world. but enviermentalist make it so we can drill for it. the reason bush gettin at sadom is oil you right. why not take it back to along as time ago where if you take over a country its yours. we could take over the whole world and no one could do shit. but do we no. do we drop bombs non stop? no. everybody wanna go against the graina nd hate on the best country in the world and say that everybody brain washed and that were a bad country. but thats some bull shit period.

we got the smartest people we got the most powerfull people and the people in this country run every other country in this world. so deal with it.

notice we aint got problems with sweden norway canada and most other countries. alot of countries love us. i wonder why? because they dont blow up our buildings or starp bombs to the chest to kill who ever is standing there.

if yall were smart you would take out targets. cause all you doing is killing nobodys and then gettin ya ass killed and ya country fucked because of it. now thats supposed to be smart????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Tre-8, I agree Bush is a terrible president. I'm sure many other people on the boards would too. I understand why Islamic people hate him. But that does not make Americans bad. We Americans have not done anything, the government has done all of it. Yet Islamic people hate Americans? They kill innocents?

I understand your side. I just want you to know that this issue isn't black and white. There's two opposing perspectives, neither is right, neither is wrong.

And @Sgt faWk you:
You said that American media is controlled by Jews? That's stereotyped, or ignorant, or misleading...but most of can you imply that you are "enlightened" and then say that "Jews" control American media?

Maybe some Jews do...but its no monopoly. There's no conspiracy. You wanna know why the Unibomber wasn't called a "Jewish Terrorist"? Because he wasn't fighting a Holy War. He killed people, but it had nothing to do with Judiasm v. Christianity. Now peep your side...why are Muslims called "Islamic Terrorists"? Because not one man, but an entire group of men, are killing people for their religion. Maybe its in defense, maybe they're just clouded, maybe they've seen so much war and death in their life that it now seems justified. But don't give me that bullshit saying that America is a conspiracy and the media manipulates us to hate Muslims.
Aug 10, 2002
im an arab muslim not palestenian, but i still feel for them, although i totally 110% disagree against suicide bombings because in the islam religion it is a sin to committ suicide in any way shape or form, or killing women, children or eldelrly even during war, so what yall see isnt what islam teaches but for the palestinians thats the only thing they got is them kinda bombings they have not one tank not one army helicopter, many of yall got kids here and will do anythang if you see theyr life get took right infront of you, i know suicide bombings is a sin but i wont speak for the palestinians cuz i aint in thier shoes and not one of you muthafuckas can speak on it cuz yall just dont know, my homies brother got shot back there last month and guess how old he was 3! shot by a soldier why? they dont wanna answer, helicopters droppin bombs on buildings full of kids etc.....i feel for the people but not the government arafat and his folks all dirty as fuck

now to the people who say fuck islam this the last time ima post we can meet up no talkin just chunkin, i will smash on you and if your folks got the same point of view bring them too, my religion comes before my life before my family before anythang, and if u live somewhere far dont trip i got folks all over especially in frisco i got many noi folks out there and yall wont say none of that shit to there [email protected]
Oct 28, 2002
and yes fuck saddam.

i think i made my point clear....

''cant the whole world just get along'' ?

and 2 people who are saying that i posted that the americans have no morals and all that shit..if u read my posts i did not mention not 1 thing bad about americans........... ahmad-e wsup nigga
Jun 14, 2002
Fuck all the camel jockies and A-rabs...nothin but a dumb buncha peices of shit in my view..and wut gave u the fuckin right to critacize wut the fuck i think..if i say fuck so and so does that mean im wrong no it means i got my own view so shut the fuck up u dumbass..u and the rest of the arabs should be bombed..keep ya comments on the less supior to ur slef
Apr 25, 2002
"IF U TAKE US ARABS AND COMBINE EM TO U COWARD ASS AMERICANS..." you did say bad shit about Americans! you called us cowards.

now I have no problem at all with arabic folks, an muslim. AhmedE is coo as fuck an so is T1.

but I have a problem with you callin me an the rest of my country cowards. I gotta question for you.....if we are suck cowards......howcome anytime another country gets fucked with they come runnin to us? if we are such cowards.......howcome NO ONE will come to America to fight us??????????????????
Apr 25, 2002
Ahmad E said:
i totally 110% disagree against suicide bombings because in the islam religion it is a sin to committ suicide in any way shape or form, or killing women, children or eldelrly even during war, so what yall see isnt what islam
Yea, AhmadE droppin real knowledge. See, folks is gonna talk down on a whole religion cuz they dont know the real. Like Stealth said, there is a difference between terrorists and Muslims. Wouldnt yall agree that theres a big difference between the Ku Klux Klan and REAL Christians? What yall need to realize, instead of jumping to conclusions, is that terrorists are going against EVERYTHING Islam teaches. I doubt many on here have actually read the Quran....I have. It condemns suicide, killing of innocents, women, and children....condemns fighting unless in self defense, and preaches acceptance of other religions...all unconditionally. Bad mouth the terrorists, not the religion, cuz terrorists aint Muslims anyway....just a bunch of cowardly pussies that are fucked up in the head.
Jun 28, 2002
Cutt throat grow up homie!

Oh yeah the media is controlled by the Jews this is a fact! There is a Monopoly and this is a fact!

Check your information homie I must agree with homeboy on this one!

I forget the word oh LOBByist!! tHEM MUTHAFUCKAS BUY PEOPLE!
They run Hollywood ask Ice Cube who was almost blackballed if he didn't apolygize to the Jews!

America is indeed the greatest country in the world, but she is greedy and thinks that she is above destruction as do some of you... Proppa do you notice something about the american allies you named?????????????

Yeah their all white!!!

Now you can interperut that how you want to...
Don't be made at me you put it up there and that is also FACT!

Read the Bible homie about Babylon the great! She has become a habitant of evil and a cage for every fowl bird! The whole world has drunk the wine of her fornication! She is great and powerful sjhe has spread herself all over the world!

Then you see the book tell you Babylon the Great Babylon the Great has fallen!!!!!!!!!

Oil homie ???????

The richest place on theearth for oil is syria!!!!!!!

Thats why Bush needed afghan because they've been trying to build a pipeline thru afghan to syria....for what OIL!

PLease before you respond know your facts, this way we can have an intelligent convo!!!


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
I think the point he's trying to gat as is that there are diffrent types of muslims like there are christians so on and so forth .....i really dont think he was meaning all that , the point he was trying to get to I think is that once someone finds out that your "Muslim" then all the sudden your a terriorist. which that is bullshit!

Yes, I my self am not muslim but i do know a few and yes, the teaching of that religion is peace .

not saying what happened was right or wrong just givng my opinion.
Sep 13, 2002
tre you folks, yea the countries i named are white probably cause those the only ones i could half way spell. we aint never had no problems with africa.

we have the most oil in the world no one can touch us there. but we cant drill for it because we dont wanna fuck up our country and because of all the enviermentalist.

i got no problem with any race. but i dont got problems with other countries as a whole.
Apr 25, 2002
Tre-8 said:
America is indeed the greatest country in the world, but she is greedy and thinks that she is above destruction as do some of you... Proppa do you notice something about the american allies you named?????????????

Yeah their all white!!!

Now you can interperut that how you want to...
Don't be made at me you put it up there and that is also FACT!

Read the Bible homie about Babylon the great! She has become a habitant of evil and a cage for every fowl bird! The whole world has drunk the wine of her fornication! She is great and powerful sjhe has spread herself all over the world!

Then you see the book tell you Babylon the Great Babylon the Great has fallen!!!!!!!!!

Oil homie ???????

The richest place on theearth for oil is syria!!!!!!!

Thats why Bush needed afghan because they've been trying to build a pipeline thru afghan to syria....for what OIL!

PLease before you respond know your facts, this way we can have an intelligent convo!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Cutt Throat777 said:
Fuck all the camel jockies and A-rabs...nothin but a dumb buncha peices of shit in my view..and wut gave u the fuckin right to critacize wut the fuck i think..if i say fuck so and so does that mean im wrong no it means i got my own view so shut the fuck up u dumbass..u and the rest of the arabs should be bombed..keep ya comments on the less supior to ur slef


Blackjack 1577

Yea it's funny how these whiteboys on here be sayin fuck arabs, fuck muslims, fuck towelheads, etc. But when someone talks shit about whiteboys they get all butt hurt and start woofin shit like "Let's forget about racism " or "I got homies of all races" or "it's not 1860 it's 2002" and all kinds of other gay ass shit.

Watch them prove my point....