Napoleon of the Outlawz performs Hajj

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May 18, 2004
shoowilla said:
asalamu alaikum brothers, kreep my brother i just learned this the other day that the word mosque means mosquito in spanish and when king ferdinand i think kicked out the muslims in spain he said to squish them like a mosquito or a mosque in spanish hence the word mosque being used for masjid, so really we shouldnt use the word mosque, just thought that was interesting, one of the convert mexican brothers converted to islam after purchasing the book idiots guide to understanding islam and that was in there.
Wa alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullah

In a real life conversation, I rarely use the word Mosque, I usually prefer to say Masjid. But when I'm talking to a non-Muslim about Islaam, then I'll usually say Mosque because they most likely won't know what a Masjid is. This is why I said Mosque instead of Masjid in the other post. Cause most people who will read this thread probably won't know what a masjid is. And I'm from the Bay akhee, where are you from?

And to Dirty Shoez, have you taken Shahada yet? Just curious... But you still gotta be careful what you say, because it is Kufr (disbelief) to consider the ahadith of the Messenger (SAW) as useless and unimportant. As the brother said, the hadith and the Qu'ran go hand in hand, you can't understand the Qu'ran without hadith, and you can't understand hadith without the Qu'ran. I'm not saying it's kufr to disagree with certain ahadith or to not follow them, but it is clear kufr to disregard all the hadiths completely, considering them usless and unimportant.

Wasalaamu alaykum
Aug 13, 2005
asalamu alaikum brother kreep, im from the valley used to live out in the bay. Yeah i understand about the mosque thing bu tjust thought i would pass it along since i just found out about it and i thought it was interesting.

ok i get what you were saying, when i told the brother i meant that we shouldnt make decisions when it comes to these matters by ourself we should take the opinion of the scholars. My opinion was something that the brother himself can tell you is the majority opinion of the scholars. Either way i dont go around telling people what to do because im not anywhere near perfect i need to work on myself before i start preaching to people so dont think what i said was any type of preaching.
Oct 28, 2005
Kreep said:
And to Dirty Shoez, have you taken Shahada yet? Just curious... But you still gotta be careful what you say, because it is Kufr (disbelief) to consider the ahadith of the Messenger (SAW) as useless and unimportant. As the brother said, the hadith and the Qu'ran go hand in hand, you can't understand the Qu'ran without hadith, and you can't understand hadith without the Qu'ran. I'm not saying it's kufr to disagree with certain ahadith or to not follow them, but it is clear kufr to disregard all the hadiths completely, considering them usless and unimportant.
No, i have not taken the Shahadah yet. The main reason is that, although pork wouldn't be a problem as i have quit eating it before, I am to arrogant and selfish at this point in time to give up drinking.

The second reason is exactly the DOGMA you are explaining right here, that goes against what the QURAN teaches.** The QURAN ITSELF, says it is 'PERFECT'. This does not render the Hadith useless, but it does explain, unequivocally, that the Quran is not only higher, but MUCH HIGHER than Hadith. Hadith IS NOT CAPABLE of supplanting the Quran. It is ONLY capable of supplementing it.

Like the man said before--Allah did not "forget" to ban music, and wait for Hadith to come along to do so. If it was meant to be banned, it would have been banned IN THE QURAN.

(**This is something I am not right now prepared to deal with. It would be horrible to take my shahadah, and end up in a mosque that prescibes all kinds of bans on things that Allah wanted for us, but by some mistranslation or misinterpretation of Hadith, can subject a man to excommunication for his continued use or involvement in so-called "haram" things.

Islam is a great religion. The fact that there are no leaders of Islam is excellent. But this must be extended further if the religion hopes to become viable in Western countries. Hadith must be put back in their RIGHTFUL position, which is inferior to the Quran; NOT equal to it.)
Aug 13, 2005
brother dirty shoez check this out anyways brother i thought i would never stop listening to music, heck i was a producer etc... but im occupied with school and work and music took alot of time outta my life so it worked out for the better, im not telling you whats right or wrong but im just bringing the other side of the opinion on this subject. They have sayings in the Quran that explain why its haram aswell.
Aug 13, 2005
Dirty shoez brother if you believe islam is it, you should make the shahadah because you dont know if your going to live tomorrow or not. And no one can judge you about listening to music except for Allah alone so if you truly look into it and believe that its ok to listen to music then go ahead and no one can judge you on that in the end everyone is responsible for their actions. If you are drinking as a believer its a sin but not making the shahadah is kufr, Your right no one can declare something Haram only Allah does, but the tafseer's show something else about the music.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2004
tadou said:
You been hearing some wild mulahadaat then, yaa saahib, cuz that stuff about the music and America aint even close to haraam or shirk

I'd suggest you pick up "American Muslims" by Asma Gull Hasan and start learning about the real.

Xoda Haffez
Dirty Shoez about that book American Muslims by Asma Gull Hasan, you have to be VERY careful who you take your knowledge about Islam from. Cause in this country, anybody and I mean anyone, can write a book about Islam without being qualified to do so. As long as you got the skrill and a publishing company, anyone living here can write whatever they like about Islam whether it's positive or negative, and we've seen that happen in many cases.

So if you would really like to learn true Islam from qualified scholars, who have spent years seeking knowledge, and studying under traditional shaykhs, then I suggest you read some trustworthy books that will present you with true Islam in light of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah (way of the Messenger SAW).

If you're reading this thread, then just holla and I'll recommend some beneficial books you can check out.

In the meantime, here are some sites you can hit up

And this one here is probably my favorite Islamic site on the net, very beneficial mashAllah

There's a lot more but that'll help you get started...


Sicc OG
May 18, 2004
Wa alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullah

I'm not currently living in the Bay right now akhee, I'm currently staying in the Eastcoast at the moment.
Oct 28, 2005
#33, i have definitely been to before. One of my all time favorites, although it is a bit unorganized. Islamicity is also good.

I am definitely down to read more material, especially shit written "for" Americans considering conversion. Some books comparing Current Politics (abortion, terrorism, environmentalism, etc.) as it relates to Islam would also be good.
Aug 13, 2005
Dirty Shoez i dont know how much knowledge you have about Islam, but one of the brothers out here that was a convert gave me a recommendation of a book for people intrested in Islam. Its from the Idiots Guide series called Understanding Islam, its packed with info written by i believe an american convert. It covers many things but not really in depth i dont know if thats what your looking for or not, but the brother kreep im sure will have some better recommendations.