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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I just read this in the paper sounds real fucked up

Man in road rage chase feared for his life

Jesse James Toro II is 28, married and has a young daughter. He makes a living designing medallions and other jewelry for musicians.

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He is non-violent, church-going and evenkeeled, according to his family, and he's not the type to aim a gun at police.
But that is what Seattle police say the Edmonds man did last week -- pointed a loaded gun at three undercover officers in the vice unit who were on duty and in an unmarked vehicle.
Toro's action, the police department says, touched off a high-speed pursuit. It also prompted an exchange of gunfire between officers and Toro, who mistook the cops for gangbangers or thugs.
Even if the undercover officers were in uniform and riding in a cruiser with flashing lights, the big question in my mind is why would they fuel a dangerous chase? Why not just jot down Toro's license plate then follow up? Or wait for a police cruiser -- not an unmarked car -- to pull him over to avoid confusion?
But given recent headlines about Seattle police and their truth issues, these procedural questions now take a back seat.
Instead, the question is: Can the cops' account in this case of jousting stories even be believed?
Toro's family says that someone in the undercover police vehicle flashed a gun first -- and pulled the trigger.
Toro then sped off, and later on fired his gun -- but in self-defense, they said.
He told his family about last week's moments of terror, and his sister shared the account with me.
After 11:30 p.m. last Thursday, Toro left 24 Hour Fitness downtown. He got behind the wheel of his white Cadillac STS and pulled into traffic, cutting off a blue Ford Edge, which then rode his bumper to Westlake.
Toro became concerned. And when the Cadillac and Ford wound up side-to-side, Toro rolled down his window and asked the occupants of the other car if they had a problem. Threats were volleyed between the cars.
Toro alleges the driver of the other car reached down and showed a gun. But police claim Toro reached for a weapon first, causing an officer to draw his Glock and fire.
Whichever is true, Toro raced away, hearing multiple gunshots fired from the officers' car. He said his car was hit more than once; his family says they have photos showing the bullet holes. But the cops insist they shot just once -- and missed.
The two vehicles tore down Denny Way, then headed north onto Aurora Avenue. Toro reached speeds over 100 mph. The Ford, a mini sport utility vehicle, struggled to keep up.
Moments later, Toro, who has a concealed weapons permit, took aim and shot out the tires of the officers' car.
"He was afraid for his life," said Toro's sister, Maria, who recounted the story her brother also has shared with a Seattle attorney.
Toro lost the cops in North Seattle, but hours later, police contacted him and his family. That's when he learned the people in the other car were cops, not gangsters.
Toro turned himself in Friday, was booked and then released on personal recognizance. On Wednesday afternoon, he was slammed with a charge of second-degree assault, a felony, and taken into custody as his family looked on in tears inside a courtroom.
In court documents, the officers paint Toro as the bad guy. They say he swore and flipped them off.
"(Toro) pointed the weapon at the officers," police spokeswoman Renee Witt said. "He aggressed them. Obviously, these officers had a duty to do something."
The officers' car had no lights or sirens and Toro said they never identified themselves. Police Capt. Neil Low tells me the officers just didn't have time. And while police are trained to de-escalate situations, here it seems their actions ramped up road rage.
And then there's yet another department discrepancy -- this time about the number of shots fired at Toro's Cadillac.
His car hasn't been impounded and Low said Wednesday that the department wants to take a look. Officers, he said, can be "wrong about the number of shots fired" during a fast-paced event because of adrenalin and tunnel vision.
"But we have the officer's gun, so we can check," Low added.
The story will play out in court. For now, it's the word of Jesse James Toro II versus the Seattle Police, whose badges can't seem to keep their shine of late.
I'm siding with the jeweler who feared for his life.

P-I columnist Robert L. Jamieson Jr. can be reached at 206-448-8125 or [email protected].
May 9, 2002
Man, I try and say that not ALL cops are bad guys...but this just doesnt help their case. I know Jesse and I know for a fact he wouldnt just fire a gun into a car for no reason...he is smarter than that.

Seems the cops have had a grudge against him for awhile now...looks like they fucked up on this one.
Nov 24, 2003
That doesn't even make sense. If JT was the one who initiated the shots, why would he be trying to speed away at 100 mph on Aurora? That sounds like someone shot at him first, and he was trying to get away....

Fucking Seattle Police man, Im glad the journalist is siding with JT in this article.
Dec 11, 2002
Wtf..... luckily JT wasnt hurt or worse.. I hope these crooked cops get theirs..

... tell JT to keep his head up...
Jan 22, 2007
Damn....what's with all these Hip-hop industry people getting messed with by the police out there! Are they still mad from the Fat Teusday riot's? hahaha I was there 3 nights in a row and saw the whole thing go down with my own 2 eyes! Seen a dude get killed with his own skateboard right in front of me and the cop's didn't do shit the whole night until they tear gassed us all!
The SPD had a BAAAD track record of making stupid decisions! It's getting out of control it seems!
Keep ya head up JT!
Jun 23, 2007
The gang squad tried to murder my guy, that's wassup and that's the truth. As it get played out in court you'll begin to see the corruption of the police force, at least with these folks.
Apr 10, 2006
Damn this is foul.... hope jt is keepin his head up....I myself had my share of run ins wit the police on soem faulty shit(what black man my age hasnt) This reminds me of that incident in Renton bout 3 years ago where an off duty plain clothed officer drew his weapon and shot and killed a 60 somethin year old man who was on the side of the road wit his son fixing their car....yall remember that....Knowing how the police are supposed to operate this shit is definately foul......they need to really get to to bottom of this here.....
Jun 26, 2007
nlrwriting said:
Damn....what's with all these Hip-hop industry people getting messed with by the police out there! Are they still mad from the Fat Teusday riot's? hahaha I was there 3 nights in a row and saw the whole thing go down with my own 2 eyes! Seen a dude get killed with his own skateboard right in front of me and the cop's didn't do shit the whole night until they tear gassed us all!
The SPD had a BAAAD track record of making stupid decisions! It's getting out of control it seems!
Keep ya head up JT!
Apr 25, 2002
Jesse Toro is an old school aquaintance of mine, always seemed cool headed and I don't beliueve these pigs for one second. I've never even heard of him being a violent person like this. Been a long time since I've seen him but damn...hope everything works out for him.