Fucked utUp Drunk Nights/Mornings

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Apr 25, 2002
im drunk right now off some fucken oe and takka vodka...for some strange reason my bathroom is 10 steps away but id rather take 30 steps to piss outside...yea i got plenty of storys...fuck aa
Jun 5, 2004
im drunk right now off some fucken oe and takka vodka...for some strange reason my bathroom is 10 steps away but id rather take 30 steps to piss outside...yea i got plenty of storys...fuck aa



Apr 25, 2002
well another one is...i was 18 yrs old actually the second time i ever got drunk in my life..and i had started driving this day...well i get off of work about 8 a clock at night im thinking im coo cuz i got a system in my shit custom paint custom rims...so i start my night out with a bud light..yes a fucken bud light...im rolling around by football games trying to look cool and shit...well after the game there was this party...and me and my buddy got a 7.80 cent bottle of paul massan yes i thought this was the shit.....we hit up the party around 11.00 i start drinking oh yea i felt like fucking superman....about 11:45 i was toasted...i must of got at every single bitch in the party...i was fucked up talking shit eating food out the fucken peoples refridgerator...i was just on one....around 1:00 i think i got home....now i dont know how this story went but my mother told me...i came home parked my galant in the middle of the fucken colde sac walked in...and passed out in the shower....well my mother woke up around 5:30 the water had been running for 4 fucken hours....she came in i got up out the bathtub..butt ass naked my mother asked me what i was doing i told her i was having fun in the warm jacuzzi...she started yelling to my dad and said julian is on drugs...so when i here that i start running out the house butt ass naked....to find my dad right in front of me....i was like fucken a...he made me sit outside and explain to him..fucken freezing cold in fucken bakersfield....and i told him i had a little to much to drink...so he said u like to drink and drive..i said no i dont it was a mistake...my pops made me drink beer till i threw up but ass naked outside....i was so sick that i thought i was going to die..i end up going to bed to find my self woke up in the corner of the fucken room at 1 a clock in the morning the next day....i will never forget that night cuz my father brings it up till this day.......yea fun times....i got plenty more i dont usually blackout i remember almost everything i have done

this picture was last week a little to drunk

Apr 25, 2002
i had a homeboy who got fucked up at another homeboy house and pissed in dudes refridgrator..and then passed out in a cubbard....lol.i think i got the picture to
Apr 8, 2005
this party, i roll in with just me and the homie stretch, from gtc, and we see these cats that started throwing hands with me and another homie for no reason. we keep it cool and what not, waiting for people to clear out before we start shit. right as a finish my 5th of yukon jack (a fifth to myself minus two shots i gave away, in 2 hours, im fuckin gonzo) i see stretch confronting one of them. apparently ol boy was claiming folk and murder one in the same night. well, this cat pushed my homie, and my homie starts unleashing on him. ol boy tries running in the room im in and closing the door, i sparta kick the door shut which knock him into my homies fist, and almost lays him out. everyone breaks it up and kicks me and stretch out. well out front we get stopped by like ten people. all yelling "fair ones, fair ones" so stretch and ol boy start goin at it again, and stretch is hella fuckin him up. all of a sudden stretch snatchs him up and throws him on his back, then stretch trips and falls over a snow bank and breaks his arm (bent his elbow the wrong way) so he obviously just chills on the ground for a second. i realized what happened and i throw ol boy off him and make him back the fuck up. we go to get a ride, and find our ride bitched out. so being as drunk as i was, i stopped an oncoming car, and told them everyone that didnt get out was getting fucked up. couple of them hop out and i have the driver run us to the hospital. that was prolly my craziest drinking night.

craziest thing ive done myself was choking the fuck out of this girl, she ran up on me, ripped my shirt and started swinging at me for no fucking reason. so tossed her on the ground, choked her till she chilled the fuck out, then sent her on her way.


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
I hardly ever throw up... when I do it's like one quick one because a shot just one down wrong... or when you chug a beer and that shit is hella flat and warm... and makes you yack...

the only times I've ever really just thrown the fuck up over long periods of time... can be described with 2 words: Jose Cuervo

because of a couple bad experiences with that shit in high school I was turned off of tokillya for years...


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
oh yeah I've been known to occassionaly get super duper drunk and pass out... then wake up and piss on random shit

like I got hella drunk at my boy's house back in the day... passed out on his couch... I woke up... walked straight to his bedroom and startin pissin on his floor like it was nothin... walked back to the couch and went back to sleep... lol... the funny thing is my me 2 boys just watched me do the whole thing... yellin at me like "wtf are you doing?" I dont remember at all though

another time we were drinkin at my house... my boy left to go pick up these bitches... during that time I passed the fuck out... well apparently as soon as he came back to my house... right when he walked inside... I got up opened the garage and start peeing in the garbage can... my boy and the beezies he came through with were just watching me piss in my garbage... and they were asking me what I was doing... of course I didnt respond... just handled my business and went back to sleep


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
It's an all day affair son, when I drink. There's nothing to be proud of when you start puking or get a hangover. Fuck that shit, that's just being dumb. I slam to have a good time, not to have anti-social behavior that ends up making you look like a fool. If you find it troubling to puke all the time when you drink hard, that's just your fault IMO and you need to find a healthier way to get your buzz on. I say keep it steady and let the buzz ride out. I still have a great time drinking Budlight or just beer in general, the buzz is the same, except no puking or feeling like shit.
I disagree... the buzz is NOT the same...

I have to drink so much fucking Bud Lite to actually get drunk... and then you're just have to piss so often it;s ridiculous... and I probably still won't be as drunk as I would off liquor

I don't think I've ever drank only Bud Lite and woke up like... daaaamn I was fuckin DRUNK last night! WTF happened?

and IMO... Bud Lite will make me feel more like shit the next day... that cheap ass shit will give me a headache if I drink too much of it

liquor >>>>>> beer

all day long

don't get me wrong... I do like beer... but if I'm tryin to really go out an get drunk and have a good time... hand me a bottle...


Oct 12, 2004
I've def. done my fair share of puking and that's mostly cuz I was a binge drinker. Binge drinkers have one goal and one goal only... get fucked up as fast as you can and that's exactly what I used to do. I don't do that shit anymore... back then when you were just a kid you didn't really realize how self-destructive that shit was. I take it easy these days... I don't even fuck with the hard shit but maybe once in a great while because like some of you said... I don't like wasting my days being hungover.

Back in the days though I could drink dudes under the table. I remember one time my boyfriend was having his usual weekend field party and we were all back there partying it up. I was pretty smashed myself. One of our good friends called me a cunt and I pretty much lost it at that point. I just started punching him and then I went for the face and got 3 good punches in before my boyfriend ripped me away and asked me what the fuck? I told him he called me a cunt and he said, "Oh, well then Rob you deserved it." They all laughed it off and so did I until I woke up the next morning and seen what I did to the poor dude. His eye was the size of a fuckin' golf ball. He had already went to the doctor and the doctor told him he was lucky that I didn't make him blind. Once he told me that I felt horrible, I even cried I felt so bad. And anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not a fighter, that shit was outta pure drunkness. If I was sober when he called me a cunt, I just woulda called him a dick and walked away, but the alcohol got the best of me that night and I just lost it. I never ever hit anyone in the face again after that incident nor do I ever plan to. That shit scared me, I don't wanna be the one responsible for somebody goin' blind for the rest of they life over a stupid drunken comment.
Apr 25, 2002
let's see

i got so drunk one time n pissed in my cousins oven , when i tried to leave i opend the frig door .blacked out

one time i went to this punk rockers party i was the designated drive so i thought it would be kool to take 2 keg stands while drinking copious amounts alcohol, when i left i licked the side of a girl face drove home pretty good. not blacked out

i blacked out n beat up somebody for no reason , i heard i shooks his hand n just started hitting him but i wasnt mean about they told me i was laughin the whole time.blacked out

i went to a party in stockton threw up in the sink got kicked out, some how i ended up at my homeboys house in a wifebeater n my boxers sleepin on the couch

went to the bar tried to fight the bar left , hung outside of the window the whole time while i was in the car infront of the cops, broke into someones house ate thier food n drank their beer lol. blacked out

i got more
Apr 25, 2002
one time i walked into the wrong house , i made a left instead of a right and my homeboys house im always welcomed so i just walked in , only thing i member is that some old white yellin at me i thought it was my brodies uncle until the police came and got me