The Official Random Thought Thread

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Sicc OG
Jun 16, 2004
I agree. I downgraded. Luckily I don't have an iPhone and don't use my Nano anymore. Though there are alternatives to iTunes that can sync the iPhone. I think you still need iTunes installed for drivers or what the heck ever (maybe), but you could still use another program as your main player and sync managers. They just can't do firmware updates.
Apr 30, 2008
"My vision is to smash the system-revolutionize the shady ass music Buisness -Create a renagade crusade for true independence-I am a outcast-I have been frozen out of the Label I founded-Funny thing-I don't give a fuck-It helps separate the real from the snakes-It's about to get Real..I have never feared change" - Daddy X

"I decided to quit Kottonmouth Kings. I was sick and tired of all the shit talking and back stabbing that goes on in the group. Lou and richter are still the same guys as they always were and I have nothing but love for them. The other guys in KMK treat lou and richter like shit and are always threatening to kick them out of the group. Bobby, DLOC, Dirtball and Brad turned into backstabbing assholes who treat everyone including our fans like shit. I have never seen people change and turn their backs on everything they have preached and stood for. They don't have anyone's back except their own. They are always treating each other and everyone like shit and I'm just over it. They preach family and unity and then treat me like shit and disrespect fans. The truth is they are all about the money and don't give a fuck about anything else. They turned their back on Pakelika and fucked him over. They have turned their back on all the people that have helped them over the years. From SRH and Sub Noize employees to other bands on the label. These guys have treated them like shit. And they turned their back on me. I put my heart and soul into building KMK. I worked as a crew member, built their sets, designed their clothes and helped with their merch and was happy to do it and still preform every night. I never got paid anything extra for any of it and got paid as a crew member. I didn't give a fuck about the money and did it all for the movement and the fans but they treated me like shit and were thankless dicks. I still believe in the movement, it's just not the same KMK that it was. The fans have been saying for years to get back to the roots, I wish that could have happened. I still believe in what KMK stood for at one time, but I'm not going to continue on with people who say one thing and do another."



Sicc OG
Feb 28, 2008
"My vision is to smash the system-revolutionize the shady ass music Buisness -Create a renagade crusade for true independence-I am a outcast-I have been frozen out of the Label I founded-Funny thing-I don't give a fuck-It helps separate the real from the snakes-It's about to get Real..I have never feared change" - Daddy X

"I decided to quit Kottonmouth Kings. I was sick and tired of all the shit talking and back stabbing that goes on in the group. Lou and richter are still the same guys as they always were and I have nothing but love for them. The other guys in KMK treat lou and richter like shit and are always threatening to kick them out of the group. Bobby, DLOC, Dirtball and Brad turned into backstabbing assholes who treat everyone including our fans like shit. I have never seen people change and turn their backs on everything they have preached and stood for. They don't have anyone's back except their own. They are always treating each other and everyone like shit and I'm just over it. They preach family and unity and then treat me like shit and disrespect fans. The truth is they are all about the money and don't give a fuck about anything else. They turned their back on Pakelika and fucked him over. They have turned their back on all the people that have helped them over the years. From SRH and Sub Noize employees to other bands on the label. These guys have treated them like shit. And they turned their back on me. I put my heart and soul into building KMK. I worked as a crew member, built their sets, designed their clothes and helped with their merch and was happy to do it and still preform every night. I never got paid anything extra for any of it and got paid as a crew member. I didn't give a fuck about the money and did it all for the movement and the fans but they treated me like shit and were thankless dicks. I still believe in the movement, it's just not the same KMK that it was. The fans have been saying for years to get back to the roots, I wish that could have happened. I still believe in what KMK stood for at one time, but I'm not going to continue on with people who say one thing and do another."

I would say after fire it up kmk went into the shitter lol. Where was this from??
Apr 30, 2008
It's all on facebook.

Kevin Zinger responded with this

"I’m personally not a big fan of going on the Internet and airing out issues that I have with people. I’m the kind of person who when they have an issue with someone I would rather look them in the eye and discuss it. Unfortunately, so much has been said about SRH, myself and Suburban Noize, that I just can’t sit back and watch as lies ruin the legacy that we all have built. When I say “we” I mean all the people who have worked for any of these companies, our fans and friends who have supported us for so many years, and all the bands, artists and team riders who have been apart of this big extended family. Including you. We all built something very special and I can’t be thankful enough to everyone who has been a part of this amazing movement. I dedicated most of my life to building this movement and spent every day for the last 20 years working to build it for the bands, family, fans and to help make SRH and Suburban Noize into what it is today.

With that being said I want to address some things that have been said by my partner in Suburban Noize Brad X and put out there that are just sad and downright lies. Let me say first I did not sleep with Brad X’s wife. But before I get into that ridiculous rumor, I want to circle back a few months to when I decided to quit managing Kottonmouth Kings. In the late Summer of 2012, it became clear to me that I should bow out from managing the band because I believed that some members of the band had completely lost sight of what they stood for. I’m not here to air all the bands dirty laundry but I was honestly heartbroken when Brad, D-Loc and Bobby B didn’t show up to the memorial party we put on to raise money for Pakelika’s family after he passed away. After I made the final decision to quit, I didn’t want anything to get ugly, I just wanted to stop managing the band. I resigned as their manager and wished them all the best of luck.

Shortly after stepping down as the bands manager, I received a letter from an attorney representing Brad X and KMK threatening to file a lawsuit against me, my management company, SRH and Suburban Noize. I was shocked that people that I considered to be close friends would have a lawyer contact me and threaten to sue me and any company that I was involved in. I believe Brad spearheaded this and highly doubt some of the other members know or understand what is going on with the lawyers. Because of the threatened litigation, I cannot go into details now and really don’t feel like we should drag our fans and friends into it, but all of these allegations are completely false. For example, I NEVER had sex with Brad X’s wife and it is sad and pathetic that he would make such a disgusting allegation. I have always been good to Brad’s family and stood by them in all the times they needed my support. I can’t believe Brad would put that rumor out there and I can’t believe he hasn’t set the record straight. Even though I have sat back and watched as Brad has tried to tarnish my name and the legacy of the label online. I have continued to reach out to him to try and sit down with him and work out any issues we have face-to-face and man-to-man.

Brad likes to quote the Corporate Avenger and saying only the Truth can be the Truth. So please feel free to ask what the truth is. Brad also claims to want to “protect the artists”. But yet chooses to not communicate, makes false allegations on the Internet, and is ruining the label and legacy that so many people have worked so hard to build. I have no idea what Brad’s motivation is with all this and why he would drag our fans and family into it. All I can say is a man is judged in life by his actions not his words. It’s one thing to preach family, freedom, justice, and truth. It is another thing to live your life by the words. I’m sorry that you and the Suburban Noize and SRH family have been dragged into this. It was not my choice or decision but felt I should reach out to defend the truth and what we have all built. Stay spaded and support the underground."


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
^ Same. This is the second day I've called in because of slick road surfaces..

Last night, my girlfriend and I went to the store just as the snow started sticking to the ground, and I had to drive home under 10mph to make it back safely.

It's the car I drive, and I'm really tired of getting stranded because I have an excess of horsepower.
Jul 3, 2008
Would anyone pretty please give me some feedback to one of my recent songs???

The good and the bad's appreciated.

it was surprisingly good man
ur quality was good, pro tools with waves or what?
PERSONALLY i dont like your delivery. Ur flow is on point but your voice/swag i didnt like. u ever adlib/ double ur shit?

the hook was too loud like the vanilla gorilla pointed out.
also them breaths in the hook coulda been fixed by doing every other bar on one take, and then going back and filling in the gaps then doubling it all on another take so you cant tell that you split it up like that. iono if u put them breaths in there on purpose, some rappers do that, but you can elimitate them breaths by doing what i did.
no hate, just tryna give u some feedback.

overall good shit
Props: Rezin