Why Do it seems like NFL Players Fuck Up More With Roger Goodell As Commissioner?

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May 30, 2006
Goodell is no Pete Rozell or Paul Tagliabue...This dude seems like he wants to whipe u out of work but players seem to be getting into alot more trouble and for alot more serious offenses since he became commisioner....This dude seems to get off on making examples of players in the league so why do these 80's babies in the NFL keep fucking up?
Sep 24, 2006
Because most morons just take it for advantage that they are an nfl player nowadays and feel they can get away with whatever they want. on a side note i dont like goodell that much Take the vick case for example if the government feels he has paid his debt to society then i feel goodell has no right to say that he still isnt allowed to actually play in a game that to me is pretty much making me feel like roger goodell is now more powerful than our government which i think is completely ridiculous


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
Chances are if you are getting into s--t as an adult, you were probably getting into s--t as a child..I dont think its the commissioner on this one..its the individual players...i think the 90's babies will be worse..


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
Because most morons just take it for advantage that they are an nfl player nowadays and feel they can get away with whatever they want. on a side note i dont like goodell that much Take the vick case for example if the government feels he has paid his debt to society then i feel goodell has no right to say that he still isnt allowed to actually play in a game that to me is pretty much making me feel like roger goodell is now more powerful than our government which i think is completely ridiculous

I feel you, but the same could be said for murders or any other convicted felon..just because the government has said a person has paid their debt to society, society still persecutes and judges those FORMER inmates...is it right or wrong?
May 30, 2006
Because most morons just take it for advantage that they are an nfl player nowadays and feel they can get away with whatever they want. on a side note i dont like goodell that much Take the vick case for example if the government feels he has paid his debt to society then i feel goodell has no right to say that he still isnt allowed to actually play in a game that to me is pretty much making me feel like roger goodell is now more powerful than our government which i think is completely ridiculous
Vicks employer suppose to discipline him and they did...Right now he's unemployed so Goodell is just on a power trip.
Apr 25, 2002
Take the vick case for example if the government feels he has paid his debt to society then i feel goodell has no right to say that he still isnt allowed to actually play in a game that to me is pretty much making me feel like roger goodell is now more powerful than our government which i think is completely ridiculous
Just because the goverment says he's paid his debt to society doesn't mean a former employer has to take him back. The NFL is trying to maintain a good reputation, that's why players get punished by the league as well as the law when they fuck up. That's why Stallworth is suspended. That's why Leonard Little was suspended when he did what he did. The league is a professional company and expects its employees to act like professionals. Allowing Vick to immediately come back and play would tarnish its reputation AND send the wrong message to these youngsters who are thinking they can get into trouble with the law and still have a job making millions when they get out. Allowing Vick to come back and play football for the NFL right off the bat would be a huge mistake for the league business-wise.


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
80'S babies and 90's babies are doomed! its not goodells fault that
"going the scrip club aint no sin... aint nuttin wrong wit da scrip club" -PacMan
WTF dj quik wearing a Sydney Swans jersey in your sig!!???!!?!???


what the fuck LOL
Sep 24, 2006
Just because the goverment says he's paid his debt to society doesn't mean a former employer has to take him back. The NFL is trying to maintain a good reputation, that's why players get punished by the league as well as the law when they fuck up. That's why Stallworth is suspended. That's why Leonard Little was suspended when he did what he did. The league is a professional company and expects its employees to act like professionals. Allowing Vick to immediately come back and play would tarnish its reputation AND send the wrong message to these youngsters who are thinking they can get into trouble with the law and still have a job making millions when they get out. Allowing Vick to come back and play football for the NFL right off the bat would be a huge mistake for the league business-wise.
lets have this conversation in a year and if stalworth only misses this season then goodell is on a powertrip and we need a new commish come on vick was involved in dogfighting ok and i think he missed two years or so already now if donte gets to play at all next year then it is ridiculous because he got drunk and killed someone i dont care if vick loses that long for dogfighting then stallworth should be done with playing in the nfl for killing a man it just seems like its not quite fair to me at this point in time.
dont get me wrong he should have done more than 23 days in jail for manslaughter yet vick did 23 months our whole system is messed up i just feel if that is goodell's stance with vick then stallworth needs to be out at least 3 years
Apr 25, 2002
First of all, and not to be an asshole, but you really need to brush up on your writing/typing skills. A little punctuation will help you make your points more clear to the people you're conversing with. I'm not saying that to clown you so don't get all defensive, I'm just sayin..

That aside.. Michael Vick voluntarily killed dogs. Daunte Stallworth's incident was not all his fault and the only reason he got convicted of anything is because he was legally drunk. The man he killed darted out in front of his car and there is even video evidence suggesting the same outcome would have occured even if he was 100% sober. Had it happened when he was sober, there would have been no charges and no suspension. The investigators of the case have come out and said they didn't believe his state of intoxication played much of a roll in the incident, but the law is the law and he had to pay for the fact he was legally intoxicated.

As for Vick missing the last couple years.. That's not because he was suspended. It was because of the legal issues he had to tend to and the Falcons organization decided not to roll with him. Vick's official suspension will likely begin this year and will probably only last one season, just like Stallworth's. You can get your little power trip theory and try to find more points to back it up with because this one is invalid.
Sep 24, 2006
I take no offense in real life I know how to spell and punctuate correctly i just dont really care on a forum. and Yeah i think the league was way better managed and run under Tagliabue or however its spelled. And I know that the only reason he got sentenced and you say the same thing would have happened if he was sober but i disagree. I honestly feel that he chose to drink and that is why he was even up and on that stretch of road that time in the morning. I don't drink and honestly think alcohol should be outlawed because I see how stupid people act when they drink and I just feel it shouldnt be allowed. ok this is my last long post.
May 30, 2006
As for Vick missing the last couple years.. That's not because he was suspended. It was because of the legal issues he had to tend to and the Falcons organization decided not to roll with him. Vick's official suspension will likely begin this year and will probably only last one season, just like Stallworth's. You can get your little power trip theory and try to find more points to back it up with because this one is invalid.
Vick was not active for the 2007 season and that was befoe he wa locked up....Legal issues alone don't keep u from playing it didn't keep Kobe from playing the 2003-04 NBA season....Its obvious Vick was already suffering some type of penalty way back then.
Oct 30, 2002
all I know is if I get a dui I get fired and I have an office job. motherfuckers are out here killing shit and the get to come back to playing a game for millions. if they fuck up that's on them. goodell is doing what he has to do to maintain his business. I don't feel bad for all these dudes who get suspended. just wait til 90's babies fuck up after seeing the conseuences they are facing now. goodell gonna be kick mofo's out the league if these millionaires don't act right in the future.
Apr 25, 2002
Vick was not active for the 2007 season and that was befoe he wa locked up....Legal issues alone don't keep u from playing it didn't keep Kobe from playing the 2003-04 NBA season....Its obvious Vick was already suffering some type of penalty way back then.
Yeah, from the FALCONS, not the league. Like I said, the Falcons chose not to roll with him.