who here will vote for Ron Paul, the only honest n level headed man running?

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Apr 25, 2002
Even if I believed in voting there is no way in hell I'd vote for him.

Because I actually know his truce stances.

People will say "whine, whine, whine, why?,whine". So here:

Because on every issue he would be faced with he would make the wrong decision because he is a crazy old man or because his decision is motivated by some crazy old idea which in his insanity he believes in.

When I say "wrong" I mean he would make a decision that is contrary to what the roll of the president of the united states is. That roll being to preserve, defend, and protect the constitution which means by extension the union and the systems and ways of life of the american people.

The ship is sinking and Obama is running around trying to patch all the holes(not that he'll succeed or that he's using the right tools). Ron Paul would burn the ship down before it even had a chance to sink.
I disagree with almost everything he says and with EVERYTHING when his reasoning is taken into consideration.

It isn't about him being better or worse than Obama it is about him not being good at all.
Voting for president in this country is a waste of time sure, but a vote for Ron Paul is a waste and proof of a low IQ.

Someone should help me find a crazy street person and let's get him signed up to run in the primary for the republican party so he can just talk like a crazy person and spout some totally off the wall shit and win a huge internet following, yet not have an ice cube's chance in hell of ever winning anything. Who's down?

We could flood message boards totally jocking the loony toon - it would be really cool!
[*]His “ideas” are devoid of critical thought, fact, or historical perspective.


He is a proponent of deregulation – government imposed restrictions upon business that he believes should be removed.

The reason much of the regulations were placed on businesses have historical basis and are due to the great deal of harm they have caused the people of this country and the world.

Regulations were imposed to prevent monopolies, curb child labor, create worker safety, protect the environment, etc, etc, etc. We all have experience or at least heard stories of businesses exploiting child labor, lack of work place safety, environmental damage, but imagine what would happen if there weren’t laws to punish companies for this behavior or at least make them think twice about doing it? That’s the way things used to be and Ron Paul in his infinite genius wants to let businesses run over the American people because he believes the market responds to the people rather than to profits. i.e. HE”S CRAZY. Read Grapes of Wrath or The Jungle – they will give you a perspective on how things used to be before there were these types of protections that Ron Paul wants to do away with.

This is why in the previous thread I said: “I disagree with almost everything he says and with EVERYTHING when his reasoning is taken into consideration.”

Because it’s a great sound bite to say “I want the government out of private citizens lives.” Hurray! Not many people can argue with that. But when you look at his reasoning behind his comments he believes the government should be out, but thinks its fine if corporations then slide in.

If you told people “Hey I think it would be a great idea to let AT&T run the freeway system in the country from now on – instead of taxes from the government they’ll send you a bill instead.” How many people would jump for joy? Not many people who’ve ever used AT&T phone service probably. Imagine if they were in charge of the roads too.

People want government out of their lives sure, but that comes at a huge cost. When given the alternative of a corporation filling that void people are equally if not more turned off. And rightfully so.

The whole point behind that sentiment is they don’t want ANYONE poking into their lives as much.
Ron Paul’s hands off business mentality would do nothing to prevent business from sliding into the voids created by a lack of government, in fact, they would encourage them.

The reason we have the massive government we have now – open to the criticisms that it receives – is because businesses have FAILED that job in the past and government alternatives HAD TO BE created to resolve the mess created.
ColdBlooded wrote:
Why would I vote for him? I disagree with almost everything he says and with EVERYTHING when his reasoning is taken into consideration.

Some basic reasons why Ron Paul is NOT "Left Wing":

He believes in total private education - wants to do away with all public school programs so people will have to pay for an education

He believes unions are bad, but monopolies are good

He believes in total private health care - wants to do away with all public health programs

He believes social security is bad - wants to do away with it totally

He believes no woman has a right to chose

He's an isolationist - that's his reasoning for opposing the Iraq war

He believes businesses will take care of people because they wouldn't survive if they didn't serve the people well – wants to do away with consumer protection

He's opposed to NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc ONLY because they restrict the power of the U.S. market and NOT because of the harm they do to workers​
That's where a lot of people with crazy ideas gain popularity with internet peoples - they are out trying to find a simple answer to complicated questions. Someone who gives them a simple answer to the question and forms it in a way they want to hear - boom that's the way shit is. That's how all these "conspiracy theories" propagate. People are searching for answers to extremely complex questions with answers that aren't always fun to hear. So rather than exploring all the angles; the answer that is most simplistic yet, most encompassing, is what they start to believe. i.e. NAU, illuminati, CFR, etc. as the end all be all answer.

Ron Paul feeds into that mentality.

An answer about why Ron Paul's economic policy is so fucked up touches on history, economics, politics, international systems, political theory, labor relations, sociology, etc. But it seems appealing for someone searching for a simple answer to a complex question - less taxes & less government means more money and "freedom" for you. Even though it really doesn't mean that, on the surface and to the person not willing to take the time and effort to find out why, it sounds like a good idea.


In response to many requests, not only from Americans, The Political Compass™ has charted the most prominent names in the 2008 US Primaries. They have been evaluated through scrutiny of public statements, manifestos, interviews and, crucially, voting records. Our apologies for those not included.

It is important to recognize that The Political Compass™ is a continuum rather than consisting of hard and fast quadrants. For example, Ron Paul on the social scale is actually closer to Dennis Kucinich than to many figures within his own party. But on the economic scale, they are, of course, far apart.

When examining the chart it is important to note that although most of the candidates seem quite different, in substance they occupy a relatively restricted area within the universal political spectrum. Democracies with a system of proportional representation give expression to a wider range of political views. While Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel are depicted on the extreme left in an American context, they would simply be mainstream social democrats within the wider political landscape of Europe. Similarly, Hillary Clinton is popularly perceived as a leftist in the United States while in any other western democracy her record is that of a moderate conservative.



Aug 20, 2006
i really stopped reading most of what u said but the things u did say are not true. its funny that he is considered an isolationist for the fact that he wants to pull out of all the foreign wars and get our military out of other countries when we have no right to be there AT ALL!!! its a waste of money and its offensive to those people, we have no right to impose our beliefs on them anyways. he believes that abortion is wrong BUT he does not believe the federal government has any say so in it. he believes it should be left up to every individual state to choose what best works for them. truth is that is whats right, i dont believe abortion is right so to say but i would never take that right from any state if i was president i should have no say so in what a woman does with her body. we dont need government to tell us what we cant and cant do in every aspect of our life it is complete bullshit, they have gained too much power and we must sit and take it? uhhhh no im sick of lobbyist, big banks, and special interest groups. i believe in freedom across the board, and this is the only man that would give it to us. Crazy?? no not by far, thats just what main stream media tells u. a little extreme? yes but america needs extreme change
Apr 25, 2002
i really stopped reading most of what u said but the things u did say are not true.
I doubt that it will help, but you probably should.

its funny that he is considered an isolationist for the fact that he wants to pull out of all the foreign wars and get our military out of other countries when we have no right to be there AT ALL!!! its a waste of money and its offensive to those people, we have no right to impose our beliefs on them anyways.
He is an isolationist. Being against the wars does not make you an isolationist. Being against the wars for the reasons that Ron Paul is against the wars is what makes you an isolationist. Being a waste of money and an imposition upon other peoples are not the primary concerns of Ron Paul’s philosophy. They may become secondary issues and they may be ways to draw support and to criticize the wars, but they are not the reasons he is actually against the war. His philosophy believes that our government foreign policy interferes with Free trade between countries. He would rather see this power put into the hands of corporations who only have profit as a motivation rather than governments, which, in theory, have the lives of their citizens as motivation.

Importantly, Ron Paul’s isolationism would not prevent wars, would not prevent the loss of American lives, would not prevent U.S. imperialism, and would not make us safer from enemies who have felt the hand of these actions. Why? Because corporations would fill the role and create imperial conflicts that lead to the loss of American lives, wars, and would create enemies who have felt the hand of American imperialist action. The difference is that corporations would not be held responsible by the American people. The American people would shoulder the consequences, but would have no say in what happens. As dissatisfied with the American political system as I am it is unquestionably preferable to corporate control – if for no other reason – than the American people can hold the government responsible in ways they never could, and currently can’t, corporations.

i really stopped reading most of what u said but the things u did say are not true. its funny that he is considered an isolationist for the fact that he wants to pull out of all the foreign wars and get our military out of other countries when we have no right to be there AT ALL!!! its a waste of money and its offensive to those people, we have no right to impose our beliefs on them anyways. he believes that abortion is wrong BUT he does not believe the federal government has any say so in it. he believes it should be left up to every individual state to choose what best works for them. truth is that is whats right, i dont believe abortion is right so to say but i would never take that right from any state if i was president i should have no say so in what a woman does with her body. we dont need government to tell us what we cant and cant do in every aspect of our life it is complete bullshit, they have gained too much power and we must sit and take it? uhhhh no im sick of lobbyist, big banks, and special interest groups. i believe in freedom across the board, and this is the only man that would give it to us. Crazy?? no not by far, thats just what main stream media tells u. a little extreme? yes but america needs extreme change
The federal government shouldn’t be able to tell a woman what to do with her body, but it is ok for states to?

More importantly, the federal government isn’t telling a woman what to do with her body. What is being done is the government is PROTECTING a woman’s RIGHT to do with her own body what she wants. Ron Paul, if he were not a walking contradiction of crazy, should be in favor of people having the right to do what they want to themselves. But he doesn’t. That is where is small government shit gets in the way, because good government is there to protect the rights of the people, but Ron Paul proves to us through this issue that his concern is not with the rights of the American people.


Aug 20, 2006
its not ok for anybody but bottom line is the states would vote. the rest of what u say is just untrue ur diggin to deep into the matter trying to find reasons not to vote. so go ahead and dont use ur vote, it will help who i want get into office
Nov 24, 2003
Coldblooded said:
He would rather see this power put into the hands of corporations who only have profit as a motivation rather than governments, which, in theory, have the lives of their citizens as motivation.
Power in the hands of corporation - Power in the hands of government.

Tomato - Tomatoe

Same ingredients, different title.


Not to mention, the US government is arguably the single largest perpetrator of global imperialism in this history of mankind.
Mar 8, 2006
I don't know how anyone could claim Ron Paul to be an isolationist. He's in favor of open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with ALL nations. This is the guy who says bring the troops home AND open unilateral talks with Iran. The truth is, most of our trade agreements are engineered to reduce competition for the biggest businesses, often to the detriment of small businesses who cannot afford to jump through all of the hoops that come with massive bureaucracy. If by "isolationist" you mean he doesn't want to conduct international affairs at gunpoint, then I guess you're right.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
He seems to be the only one with the ability to speak "off-the-cuff", with intelligence, not just saying what people want to hear. I don't agree with everything he believes in but, at the same time that's what congress is there for, to keep a balance within' government.
Nov 1, 2004
I'm voting for Ron Paul. I've read 2 of his books and I can say that I agree with far more of what Ron Paul says than any other politician running for President.
Ron Paul speaks the truth.
If you know what Keynesian economics is, what its role has been in ruining our economy you would understand why Ron Paul is so hated by other politicians.
Ron Paul is from the Austrian school of Economics. The true free market economic theory.

But fuck all the little reasons I want Ron Paul to win. There are a lot of them..
The first reason and the most important...

Ending the wars around the world. Ending the US imperialism.
I watched first hand in the military as our country sent a bunch of tomahawk missiles at Yemen. We weren't at war with Yemen. The United States people didn't even know we were doing the attacks.
But we stayed for 4 months, until our ship was relieved by another ship that was going to continue the bombing.
We are bombing Somalia now too... All this without consent from Congress. That is simply unconstitutional.

Ron Paul's ideas are crazy in the sense that freedom and liberty for the people is a new idea. The powers that be will continue to try and take our liberties away in the form of security for the people. It is already happening.
Ron Paul is against that. He is against the corporate politicians. The is why the corporate media is trying to discredit him and make him sound like a crazy old man.
If your not supporting Ron Paul, you support war and the killing of civilians.
You cannot BOMB people for humanitarian reasons... that's total bullshit. Stop believing the lies. Read a book.
Nov 1, 2004
Coldblooded, I think your views on Ron Paul are WAY off base.

On isolationism...

So because Ron Paul is against fighting an undeclared war against a faceless, nameless, country-less enemy makes him an isolationist?
The war on drugs is a war on the boogieman. It costs the tax-payers trillions of dollars... but can I go get some dope right now? Yep.
The war on teror is the same exact type of thing as the war on drugs, the war on poverty... ect.
It is an endless money pit in which taxpayer money, your dollars and mine, are shoveled into terribly mismanaged programs. The programs are mismanaged because they are not profit driven. They have no incentive to be fiscally responsible because the government is footing the bill.
The military industrial complex is real.
When I was in the Navy, I worked on a missile system called NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System. The parts for the system were from Raytheon and the prices were amazing. $40,000 for a circuit card with only 7 components, something I could make from radio shack for like $5.
It's all a scam man. Ron Paul is for constitutional government, just like our founding fathers. Why is that such a crazy idea?


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
I'm voting for Ron Paul. I've read 2 of his books and I can say that I agree with far more of what Ron Paul says than any other politician running for President.
Ron Paul speaks the truth.
If you know what Keynesian economics is, what its role has been in ruining our economy you would understand why Ron Paul is so hated by other politicians.
Ron Paul is from the Austrian school of Economics. The true free market economic theory.

But fuck all the little reasons I want Ron Paul to win. There are a lot of them..
The first reason and the most important...

Ending the wars around the world. Ending the US imperialism.
I watched first hand in the military as our country sent a bunch of tomahawk missiles at Yemen. We weren't at war with Yemen. The United States people didn't even know we were doing the attacks.
But we stayed for 4 months, until our ship was relieved by another ship that was going to continue the bombing.
We are bombing Somalia now too... All this without consent from Congress. That is simply unconstitutional.

Ron Paul's ideas are crazy in the sense that freedom and liberty for the people is a new idea. The powers that be will continue to try and take our liberties away in the form of security for the people. It is already happening.
Ron Paul is against that. He is against the corporate politicians. The is why the corporate media is trying to discredit him and make him sound like a crazy old man.
If your not supporting Ron Paul, you support war and the killing of civilians.
You cannot BOMB people for humanitarian reasons... that's total bullshit. Stop believing the lies. Read a book.
You can not separate the macroeconomics views which may or may not be correct within the framework of economics from everything else (i.e. the crazy libertarianism). But even then, it matters very little whether he makes the most sense macroeconomically within the framework of economics when economics itself is basically a religious cult masquerading as science but completely disconnected from the real world, to such an extent that both Keynesian and Austrian economists should be in the mental ward, not in any proximity to decision making positions.

The most perverse thing about the whole Ron Paul cult is that it is the most extreme manifestation of the most inexplicable paradox about Republicans and their ability to generate votes - that poor and lower middle class people who vote Republican are voting directly against their class interest. Poor and lower middle class white people voters elect Republicans who then vote legislation that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer (the Democrat party does the same but not so openly and to the same extreme). How stupid do you have to be to do that? Then Ron Paul comes and basically directly proposes to take things back to the late 19th/early 20th century when there was no social net at all, workers were exploited like slaves and things eventually got so bad that the concessions that made the creation of a middle class possible just had to be made to avoid a revolution. And masses of people who would lose big time if such a thing is to happen are joining the Ron Paul cult...

The only explanation for why this is happening is that people are simply neither aware of what exactly the conditions were for the average person in the US 100 years ago nor really understand what a libertarian society means in practice...


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Coldblooded, I think your views on Ron Paul are WAY off base.

On isolationism...

So because Ron Paul is against fighting an undeclared war against a faceless, nameless, country-less enemy makes him an isolationist?
The war on drugs is a war on the boogieman. It costs the tax-payers trillions of dollars... but can I go get some dope right now? Yep.
The war on teror is the same exact type of thing as the war on drugs, the war on poverty... ect.
It is an endless money pit in which taxpayer money, your dollars and mine, are shoveled into terribly mismanaged programs. The programs are mismanaged because they are not profit driven. They have no incentive to be fiscally responsible because the government is footing the bill.
The military industrial complex is real.
When I was in the Navy, I worked on a missile system called NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile System. The parts for the system were from Raytheon and the prices were amazing. $40,000 for a circuit card with only 7 components, something I could make from radio shack for like $5.
It's all a scam man. Ron Paul is for constitutional government, just like our founding fathers. Why is that such a crazy idea?
None of those wars is fought because of the government. There is no such thing as "the government" in the US, there are special interests that drive policy in certain directions, depending on which interest can direct the most resource into getting what they want. Almost all wars that the US has been involved in have been fought for that kind of reasons, from the Revolutionary war all the way to Lybia today.

The role of a government is to provide stability in society and to prevent the selfish interests of individuals from hurting society as a whole through regulation. In that role it is very much needed and the whole "Big government is evil" movement is a tragic misunderstanding of the above driven by the ideological refusal to even accept the possibility that selfish individual interests can hurt the common good (let alone face the reality that this is exactly what happens MOST of the time). However, when government does not even do that but is instead a tool in the hands of those same special interests that it is supposed to keep in check, it is not justified to blame the concept of government for what is happening in reality. And it makes even less sense to give the special interests even more freedom
Nov 1, 2004
So you guys like democrats because of the handouts?
Socialism doesn't work, ask the Soviet Union... err Russia.
I want my money to stay with me. I don't want to pay for your retarded kid brother because he needs help. I don't give a fuck. That's freedom. Take care of yourself and your family.
Ron Paul is against the income tax. He wants to abolish the IRS and the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is the cause of our inflation. They control the money supply.
In 1913 an ounce of gold was about $20. Now it is over $1800.
Ron Paul is crazy because he wants our currency backed by gold?
The is written into our Constitution. Dems and Repubs love having the ability to print money. Ron Paul is against that.

The reason wars are fought it for the special interests. That is correct.
Ron Paul is not in their pockets. He wants to bring the troops home, for real. Not Obama home where he sents 40,000 more then brings 10,000 home.

Your petty reasons for not liking Ron Paul are nothing compared to the future of our country with warmongers in charge.
The executive branch is the most powerful branch in our government. Do you really want Rick Perry, Mit Romney, or Obama again?

I was against his stance on corporate taxes until I read his book.
Ron Paul makes a great point. Corporations don't pay taxes. If they are taxed or not doesn't matter because their money is made from the consumers.
To offset the costs of the taxes, they just increase the price of goods and services and pass that cost on to us, the consumer.
The more money we give to the government, the worse off we are. They idiots want to pay for debts with borrowing more money, which Ron Paul voted against as well.

You say Austrian economics doesn't work, but we haven't ever tried it in the U.S.
Keynesian economics has brought us to where we are today. Broke.
Time for a change.