"Get Your Finances Right: The foundation for success". As ya'll know I'm done with the music. But even when I was doing music my passion was business and finance. With that being said I'm proud to announce the publication of my first book. It's available now www.amazon.com in paperback and Kindle ebook edition. It's a self published project so it's only available on amazon and Kindle (but if you have an Ipad/Iphone you can read it by downloading the free kindle app in the app store). I also have a website www.getyourfinancesright.com . This message board is for all of us to share the knowledge, give advice, and help each other improve our finances. Some of us may know a little bit more than others, and someone may know something that I don't know, and vice versa. So the website is for everyone to learn and improve their finances. Please register and post. I would appreciate it. Also, pls pick up the book. It's a must read http://www.amazon.com/Get-Your-Fina...d=1342499703&sr=8-1&keywords=Dory+J.+Laramore . Thanks ya'll for all the support over the years. Please copy and paste this on the boards, your fb, twitter etc. I would appreciate it.