Week 2... Tank locc v. Cel-c-us

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CEL-C-US 420


Im a banned user that hacked the system-
and finally got in-just to smash on tank locc and rack up my first win-
Cast a spell on the so called locc-
now unda hyptnotice no choice but to join my cult-
Rember Im a A-10 Thunder Bolt-Tank (locc)Killer-
cel is cold as the winter
-No excape- i just secured the preminiter-
seak and destroy missiles deploy-
eleminate your whole click so much for your convoy-
My rap's break the sound barrier/bombing on tanks like a harrier-pants sagging-bringing more heat than a aircraft carrier-
strap c-4 on to a cat-
train him to run under your tank-and blow off its track's
-88 millimeter gattling gun-
Ya fucking with the best-
percing and penetrating your tank and the locc inside bullet proof vest-
50 round in 5 seconds got u in a bloody mess
flying strapnal-got you open like a broken sprinkler-blood poring
-you couldn't stop the hurt with neosporin
-still talking huh-well i think it's funny
-cuz you cant say shit when you a duck tape mummie
-moping up weak mc's like dust bunny's
-your as good as a man with no leg's running a marathon-
under my bed is your bitches thong
she sing's my song
-getting a beating in the enemy's bed like america got from veitnam
-when i murder you-all your possesions get pawned
-Never wastfull like cherokee indains-use your body remains to fertilize my lawn
-how can you compeat
-I freestyle in my sleep
-I saw your tape at the goodweel even the clerk said it's weak-hold on -I need to gathier my thoughts together
-Im a Meterologist i predict the weather
-and the outcome-i dont even have to read your verse
-to know i won
-like emmit smith- tank get's shook-like 64 my rap's off the hook-final chapter i close the book....................
Apr 26, 2002
least im not as drunk this time....

fuck cel-c-bitch, he below zero/
his rhymes outdated like robert deniro/
after this, ur status is "furio"/
your win coulumn will remain an oh(0)/

im clownin dangerously like a fall into a gorge/
from now on ur name culture club, cuz ur a faggot like boy george/
ur flows couldnt be solid even with the best forge/
lyricaly gettin disected and dropped in the mourge/

u wouldnt be "sicc" if u had pnuemonia/
u arnt shit, so it would be imposssible to dethrone ya/
rip ur words so intricately, u need a voice box donor/
u'll allways be average, u couldnt make it big if u were a boner/

thinkin u hard cuz u changed ur name to celcus 4 dub/
this means nothing, from siccness.net u still get no love/
thats something u will never see, even in prison with an ass as tight as a big hand in a small glove/
your spits are as "hard" as gettin wet in a bath tub/

occupation:artist on the rise/<<<<<(look at his profile)
how come i seen u at mickey deez cookin fries?/
i take a deep look at the sky/
i see a seagull shittin and realize thats what i just did on your life/

votes....tell me if it was better then my week one
Jun 25, 2002
vote = cel-c-us (even tho my eyez feel like they are about to fall out tryin to decipher all those misspells)

tank, i was feelin this one more than last week's, more vicious for me, my $3.30
May 22, 2002

fuck cel-c-bitch, he below zero/
his rhymes outdated like robert deniro/
after this, ur status is "furio"/
your win coulumn will remain an oh(0)/

thats some cold shit you gotta give Furio a little more credit then that
~whoompty whoomp "Wu-Wu"


Sicc OG
May 31, 2002
Re: Again

CEL-C-US 420 said:
Im a banned user that hacked the system- and finally got in-just to smash on tank locc and rack up my first win-
I thought Cel's opening was good, but after that it wasn't very consistent in my opinion...

I thought Tank had a few lines that were ok, more consistent battle verse...


CEL-C-US 420

@ Stealth-you going to vote ive noticed u have voted on all completed threads but this one........
hope you fool's arn't turrning your head's
more votes!

CEL-C-US 420

More Votes

@Biggz,Steath,Duece,smurf,juan,and all the other heads dont sleep,Vote...
Jun 4, 2002
i voted for tank because it was eazy to read and he actually dissed you
your flow was 2 hard to read and the magority of it was filler...........
no real substance 2 it...................thats why my vote is still going towards tank!!!! you happy now you fucking weenie don't ever pm me again we are not friends!!!!!! i vote how i vote don't get so hurt next time its just a opinion!!

CEL-C-US 420

What u got against me,did you even read my verse it had more complex disses than tank did, do I need to beak it down for you simple minded fools,Ight a A-10 tunder bult is Us millatary jet,that the nick name tank killer,becuse no tanks in the world can defend aginst it,it is equipt with a 88 millimeter gatliing gun,and multiple air to ground missles, if you have played ace combat, u can use that as a refrence, Same Savage their is no need to be a punk ass bitch bout it, I any body i want a pm's so get used to it BEOITCH,you need to staiten up, and get a dictonary before you hate somthing you cant comprehend!!!