To bad trump has all the ballot tagged with a crypto chip. To bad dominion machines sent votes over seas to over seas servers. Good thing Trump passed that Executive order in 2018 that will implicate al involved in the voter fraud and all be in prison soon. to bad Biden is going to prison! ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
TBH this election was overwhelmingly decided by the band of career repub and demo politicians that weren't buddies w trump or his banker gangs, they don't need foreign influence to manipulate. Electoral College.
TRUMP is dominating out there. Unemployment across all races and categories is at an all time low. Stock market and record highs.
He straight bitches slapped Iran without any repercussions. He is handling China better than any other previous president.
He is crushing but you know, people love to hate. The Democratic is an absolute shambles and is becoming more and more progressive and the party for people who hate America and want to socialize. More and more moderate Democrats are having to lean towards Trump because the alternative would be a fucking nightmare.
Trump sleep walks into a 2nd term and America will be better off for it.