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Apr 24, 2004
I haven’t had much time to devote to the sickness community, but when I read the Pachuco had question; I had to devote some time in spreading some of my knowledge.

A myth persists today concerning Pachucos who were young people of Mexican descent that lived in the United States during the second World War. In the memories of the people of the varrios and the colonias, Pachucos were those young people who were known for their distinct appearance. The men most often wore Zootsuits. The padded suitcoats that were baggy and draped at the ankle. With most males having their hair combed backward (ducktail fashion). The complete wardrobe usually included a lid, or hat, and shoes with extra thick soles. It was fashionable at the time to wear a chain hanging from the pants that could be seen while wearing the suit coat.

A similarly unique style was worn by Pachucas who combed their hair in a pompadour fashion, and sported short skirts. Pachucas are remembered for their having fought alongside their partners during the street fights of 1943. Consequently, these young women were characterized as having been delinquent and morally lacking for their having been in the company of Pachucos. They found themselves in the contradictory position of being expected to conform to traditional Mexican family values, while at the same time having to defend their honor against the press and those servicemen who demonstrated a lack of respect for their dignity.

Contrary to how the Pachucos may have been viewed by the people in their own community, the media of their time has stereotyped these young people as having been violent juvenile criminals who ran around in gangs, carrying knives and bicycle chains. They are also portrayed as having been disloyal and unpatriotic for attacking sailors and other servicemen during America’s darkest hour. The historical myth of the Pachuco is that they were nothing more than ethnic gangsters who were foreign in their appearance, citizenship, and ideology.

This is the categorization the media will give them time and time, so don’t go looking for information on the internet. Now, the style of clothing they wore was a symbolic expression of individuality. They were proud MEXICANS when America wanted a melting pot, and at that time California was not divided so unity and power was within them. If you would like to know about the 1943 Zoot Suite riots, I will enjoy giving you factual information that will teach you the history of when MEXICANS fought as one.
Jun 27, 2003
Them zoot suit riots was hella fucked up tho. I think through the whole thing not ONE sailor was arrested... or if they were I dont think anybody served any kind of time for it but I know hella Chicanos were arrested.. the police would follow the sailors and as soon as the Chicanos fought back they got arrested... I wrote a paper about it in my English class once and my professor tried to argue with me saying that the zoot suiters were the ones rioting against the navy and chit that was a long ass debate.
Apr 24, 2004
I appreciate the feed back you homies left. I am fascinated and amused that you vatos took a great liking to the material. Since, a lot of you are new and unexposed to the history, I will give you factual details about the Zoot Suite riots.

The year 1943, was a time when most activities were directed to war production and service. Most printed materials of that time show some reference to the national objective of winning a difficult war. Every citizen who was able was EXPECTED to contribute their labor, time, and even money to aid the soldiers. Cities and towns across the country were paying the human and economic price for an Allied victory in a war that was being fought against the Nazi in Europe, and the Japanese in the Pacific. Against such a panorama of a united people waging a war for democracy, it is not illogical, nor unexpected that the American people would exhibit an intense fear of anyone who SEEMED foreign. Hollywood reinforced a patriotic xenophobia with their making of a series of war movies that depicted the enemies of American usually as suspicious looking foreigners, who most often spoke with an accent, and that somehow always managed to look different.

There was also an overwhelming national fear of the times that was directed to the possibility of a fifth column (an enemy within) which might organize itself in the United States in order to weaken America’s all-out efforts to resist its external enemies. In view of this, MEXICANS in the United States were suspect in part, because they all came from a country whose president had in 1938, expropriated the economic interests of American owned OIL COMPANIES. In addition, the managers of America’s corporate interests knew that Sinarquistas in Mexico were still organizing against what they considered to be a continuing communistic policy that had been responsible for the earlier expropriation, and also for the continuing attack against the traditional power of the Catholic Church. It was common knowledge on both sides of the border that at least one German Nazi in Mexico had allied himself to the Sinarquistas. This was not because Naziscared about Catholics, or the Church, but because they hated what they thought was a developing communism in Mexico.

A fight took place in the city of Los Angeles after the Pachucas were verbally assaulted by a group of sailors. Because the Mexican Pachucos defended their women, they were labeled as a threat to America by the media (make sure that you realize this was only a fight (one incident) amongst 12 or so men). As a result, Police and military authorities started to invade Mexican Varrios all through out California. They beat, striped and arrested Pachucos. This happened because dishonest journalist reported a distorted event.

Please remember: When America goes to war or starts shit there is always a way to make money (this is found underneath the bullshit.)
Apr 24, 2004
Hu$tle530 said:

What Cesar Chavez book do you recomend? I found a few on
I am sorry for the late reply. Once more, I am ecstatic that you Vatos or so interested in our cultural history. The best Cesar Chavez book I’ve read thus far (I’ve read a lot) was Jacques Levy’s Autobiography of La Causa. This book not only tells you the story of Cesar’s life in great detail it informs you on the development of La Causa. It is filled with a lot of personal stories that illustrate the triumphs of Cesar life and the movemento. I’m currently setting up my computer to convert three VHS movies ( The Pachuco, La Causa, and Chicano Art) to one DVD. When I configure my PC I’ll ask for your addresses to send you a DVD copy of those three movies. Read the book and keep the movement alive VIVA LA CAUSA.
Dec 24, 2005

sacking916 said:
I appreciate the feed back you homies left. I am fascinated and amused that you vatos took a great liking to the material. Since, a lot of you are new and unexposed to the history, I will give you factual details about the Zoot Suite riots.

The year 1943, was a time when most activities were directed to war production and service. Most printed materials of that time show some reference to the national objective of winning a difficult war. Every citizen who was able was EXPECTED to contribute their labor, time, and even money to aid the soldiers. Cities and towns across the country were paying the human and economic price for an Allied victory in a war that was being fought against the Nazi in Europe, and the Japanese in the Pacific. Against such a panorama of a united people waging a war for democracy, it is not illogical, nor unexpected that the American people would exhibit an intense fear of anyone who SEEMED foreign. Hollywood reinforced a patriotic xenophobia with their making of a series of war movies that depicted the enemies of American usually as suspicious looking foreigners, who most often spoke with an accent, and that somehow always managed to look different.

There was also an overwhelming national fear of the times that was directed to the possibility of a fifth column (an enemy within) which might organize itself in the United States in order to weaken America’s all-out efforts to resist its external enemies. In view of this, MEXICANS in the United States were suspect in part, because they all came from a country whose president had in 1938, expropriated the economic interests of American owned OIL COMPANIES. In addition, the managers of America’s corporate interests knew that Sinarquistas in Mexico were still organizing against what they considered to be a continuing communistic policy that had been responsible for the earlier expropriation, and also for the continuing attack against the traditional power of the Catholic Church. It was common knowledge on both sides of the border that at least one German Nazi in Mexico had allied himself to the Sinarquistas. This was not because Naziscared about Catholics, or the Church, but because they hated what they thought was a developing communism in Mexico.

A fight took place in the city of Los Angeles after the Pachucas were verbally assaulted by a group of sailors. Because the Mexican Pachucos defended their women, they were labeled as a threat to America by the media (make sure that you realize this was only a fight (one incident) amongst 12 or so men). As a result, Police and military authorities started to invade Mexican Varrios all through out California. They beat, striped and arrested Pachucos. This happened because dishonest journalist reported a distorted event.

Please remember: When America goes to war or starts shit there is always a way to make money (this is found underneath the bullshit.)
as long as we all stay nortes and keep busten on scraps then true mexicans can run california the north side way!!!!!
Jun 18, 2005
Dec 13, 2004
The Pachuco days were made from the cops,Sailers and all white race to stop rapeing,killing,etc on all Mexican who were in the califas.The were formed to stand up and stop the madness and by them doing so that made the news,cops,media have hate on them and ended up putting them down calling them a gang ,low lifes and so on. I give it up to Puchuco y pachucas who being their with their man through it all in them racist times.They showed all that they can't put a mexican down and no matter what they do..