how far am i through this game if im currently doing the mayweather heist? just curious how quick i should be doing missions at this point. at the moment franklins at 3 missions (actually 4, it changed), micheals at 1 and trevors at 2.
and is there any point of doing the triathalons or playing tennis? does it just increase stamina?
also i heard someone mention that a face tat is unlocked by a cetrtain amount of kills, are other tattoos like that? like is my ability to get tats base on what i complete or do in the game?
im just wondering cuz theres alot of shit im not doing in the game, and it dosent seem like i really need to.
im guessin i might not be too fucking far in the game yet, cuz theres whole areas i still have shaded out on the map.
edit: just filmed the sex tape