**ROSE ALBUM REVIEW** volume 1 "KHEVLAR (Suburban Nightmare)"

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Its been a long time since I have been on the siccness. But I got a phone call and had to come read this for my self. With that said, Khevlar whats good with you? It's been a long time. Good to see you got the album out. Hit me up so I can get a copy. Check it out for myself. I read everything on this post and all I can say is (DAMN). I didn't realize that Arjay was on that many songs....WOW Arjay is my boy we go way back. I will have to check out what he has added to the record.
Jan 22, 2007
Its all good, I was'nt expecting a hard review from this cat. It does irritate me when some of these cats dont give the record a fair shake, which is bullshit, cause the record is not garbage like this cat is sayin, nobody else thinks that; except a few cats on here. So why is that? I don't understand. I'll check back in a few days to see if ayybody got their copies..., then I'll see you mofuc*as on Renegadez.
I would argue that it's your job as an artist to MAKE people want to explore the whole cd! You have to catch peoples attention right out the gate fam. If someone goes through a few tracks and isn't feeling any then what's his motivation for exploring it further.
No disrespect but that's the game homie!
Just my .02
Nov 30, 2002
^^ different mentality here homie... it is really different in seattle than monroe... believe that... in seattle you spend one night downtown you got 3 4 or 5 cats offering you cd's. Some look proffessional.. some look like garbage... so its pretty much "What makes you any different than this dude that came up to me 10 min ago?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^^ different mentality here homie... it is really different in seattle than monroe... believe that... in seattle you spend one night downtown you got 3 4 or 5 cats offering you cd's. Some look proffessional.. some look like garbage... so its pretty much "What makes you any different than this dude that came up to me 10 min ago?
for real....and it's not just 4-5 people on here that don't/wouldn't like it. i bet most of the people in here wouldn't like the album that much based on what i heard in the past and just a few months ago.

seattle is a way different market than monroe though. anyone who doesn't know that is stupid. the key word here is DEMOGRAPHICS. monroe has different demographics than Seattle.

you're gonna typically have more red neck white kids buying your cd in monroe where as in seattle that's less likely....

if 5 people walked up to me and offered to sell me a cd and one of them was khevlar....i'd probably buy all 4 but his and say i didn't have an extra $5. that's the type of music i feel it is (not worth $5 type of music).....maybe i'm wrong, but i get the feeling he's one of those cats that goes and bugs everyone at a show to buy his shit....
Apr 25, 2002
Never laughed so hard in my life.

Khev...love the artwork, appreciate your grind...wasn't feelin the music though. That's just one guy's opinion though...create music for yourself and the love of it, if you're happy with it at the end of the day, you did your best.


Dec 9, 2005
whats that supossed to mean??
its supposed to mean hes gonna come kill and/or fuck up everyone that doesnt like him or his album (on renegadez)

this shit hit ole khevlar pretty close to home prior to the review it was all fun and games, he was making fun of kalyn laughing everything off like water on a ducks back, since the review seems i hit a nerve now hes threatened to come see me in all 4 of his posts yesterday, his insecurities about his music are beginning to shine bright as fuck now.

hopefully he asked some people about me and came to his sences today, so what is it Khev? lets talk it out

I dont play games folks real shit you wanna come see me or you wanna keep on perpetuating this halfway innuendo threats all day, you keep this up over an album review its gonna eventually anger me and start to make me feel disrespected.
Mar 31, 2006
I'm not threatening anybody. There's a difference between doing a legitimate review of an album, whether you a feel a record or not, then being on some blatant hater shit, like your "renegaydez" little comments. Everybody I know; everybody my team networks with, feels the record, it seems it's just this site. That's mad suspect, and Kalyn and I have'nt gotten along for like 8 years, you keep jumping in like you know my history, you don't know anything about me. I would never kill anybody over music, what the f*ck. Your review did'nt hit a nerve, this site does'nt effect what I'm doing, its irritating. As long as I am the most talked about artist on here, I don't give a sh*t.
Nov 30, 2002
^^ your the most talked about artist in your thread... your few days of fame will be over before you know it

as far as your album.. havent heard it... so wotn speak on it, i heard some of your older stuff when you used to post on here.. and i honestly was not feeling it... but you may have changed.. i dunno.. but 1200 units in a week SOLD is pretty good for a local cat... i hope you arent just lookin at what you gave away too..
Mar 31, 2006
Nah, were not. That's all I was sayin in this forum anyway. I'm not angry with anybody who does'nt like my record, what the hell. C'mon man, if I was angry with every cat in the Northwest forum on siccness that was'nt a Khevlar fan, I would have a full time job tryin to smash on cats, I just want my fair shake, but kids in here write my sh*t off before they give it a chance, that's why we post in here, maybe we can change some of these cats minds. We don't have any beefs with anybody, and our company is going to keep it that way. Some people might think the record or music is too left field, but I can go anywhere and do a show without any problems. They might not say they are a Khevlar or ECE fan, but they are not going to say I'ma punk either. I'm not a gangster, but I don't want to get lumped into a horrorcore genre, cause I'm not that either. It's all gravy. Renegadez will be out in a few weeks, I think some kids on here will be persuaded to change their minds, I've got everybody's addresses, and I'll send those out soon as they get back from press. Like I said, we like the siccness over here at ECE.


Dec 9, 2005
I'm not threatening anybody. There's a difference between doing a legitimate review of an album, whether you a feel a record or not, then being on some blatant hater shit, like your "renegaydez" little comments. Everybody I know; everybody my team networks with, feels the record, it seems it's just this site. That's mad suspect, and Kalyn and I have'nt gotten along for like 8 years, you keep jumping in like you know my history, you don't know anything about me. I would never kill anybody over music, what the f*ck. Your review did'nt hit a nerve, this site does'nt effect what I'm doing, its irritating. As long as I am the most talked about artist on here, I don't give a sh*t.
ok ill tell you what, ima take a deep breath and relax and pretend i didnt see any of the posts from you yesterday. You know very well they were ment to be of a threatening nature, anytime you say your gonna come see someone when your upset at them it doesnt mean your gonna bring them vampire bat shaped sugar cookies.

I understand why your mad but laugh it off, its not a serious review its not ment to be serious, i was drunk and I apologize to the renegades if i hurt their feelings, your right i dont know your history and dont care about your history the review was ment to be entertainment not to be taken seriously and not because i have an axe to grind with you for personal reasons (im not a professional album reviewer ie vol 1) I jus did it to spice things up in here, i told you i was gonna give you more publicity then anyone and i did that. If i never had done anything remained a mod didnt say shit never posted that pic of you and your bullet shrine none of this would have happened and your 1k thread would be on the second page by now long forgotten. I made this happen, all these people weather they like you or not know you now becuase of me. You have to appreciate that if nothing else.

You have to have tough skin to excel in this business folks otherwise youd be eaten alive, imagine if you and the renegades woulda really went off the handle and came to see me over this review, even if you just keyed my car while i was workin it woulda been a bad look.

You keep sayin "kids" on the siccness dont like the album "for some reason" instead of writing it off as everyone on heres a hater why not figure out what the root of this is and learn and improve from it. The truth is people that post in the NW forum on here really appreciate the local music and take it seriously enough to register and participate on an online site about it.

That being said i'm looking forward to more serious reviews of the album on here, and i encourage everyone to get a copy of the album and give it a "fair shake" as Khevlar says. If nothing else It is a professional looking product
Mar 31, 2006
^^ Thats all we wanted, but I am still going to come check out this Boom Boom Room, we always go to this place called the "Cabaret" near the studio. Kinda wack.


Dec 9, 2005
maybe stars cabaret in beaverton? lol

Boom Boom Room is where its at though and i also encourage everyone in here to come when im working at check it out, you can never have enough beautiful booty and titties in your life.

I appreciate you being cool about this Khev becuase i honestly really didnt want to do something i was going to regret especially over something so petty. Contrary to popular belief i dont like being the bad guy, i operate my life on a karma scale and im still in the rebuilding phase trying to stockpile as much good karma as possible for the next time i need it.
Mar 31, 2006
Ha ha, me too. The Cabaret is right near Walter Midi's if yall know where that is, I dont know what part of Portland, its near that 205 jumpoff, I always get lost when I'm down there. It's not crackin, but we aint know anywhere else, its cool for us just cause we can drink. We'll be down soon. Maybe you can knock that Flash Dance strip club joint that you don't like, haha.


Dec 9, 2005
Ha ha, me too. The Cabaret is right near Walter Midi's if yall know where that is, I dont know what part of Portland, its near that 205 jumpoff, I always get lost when I'm down there. It's not crackin, but we aint know anywhere else, its cool for us just cause we can drink. We'll be down soon. Maybe you can knock that Flash Dance strip club joint that you don't like, haha.
lol lets not get too far ahead of ourselves here lol but you know what perhaps i will play it for yall in the club when it gets packed in kind of a slam it or jam it format if you know what that is. Itd be interesting to gauge the crowd and girls reactions to it.

the spots by 205 are

club 205 on stark


soobies on 122nd
Mar 31, 2006
Yeah I think its on stark.

@ White Boy Will - Whats sizzlin man, long time no see. It went out in the mail today. What you doin in Couer D'Alene?

@ Night Sheild -- Yours went out today as well. I think it was a good idea for the track, but I'm not feelin it. Too many studios, you can hear the difference. Shit, I recorded my verse hella drunk in Bill Yuns garage, haha. Cool record though, different from the rest of Weapon.