Patrick willis a 49er through 2016

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Nov 14, 2002

At least football is real
That's like saying "Fuck the Simpsons, that shit is fake".

And I'm not very sure how watching a bunch of grown men play a childs game for millions of dollars is any more "real" than wrestling. They're doing the same fuckin' thing... playing kids games on tv for money.

Personally I think it's more lame to put your heart into a team of strangers in uniforms because they happen to have the name of the state you're living in on their shirts.
Feb 12, 2004
That's like saying "Fuck the Simpsons, that shit is fake".

And I'm not very sure how watching a bunch of grown men play a childs game for millions of dollars is any more "real" than wrestling. They're doing the same fuckin' thing... playing kids games on tv for money.

Personally I think it's more lame to put your heart into a team of strangers in uniforms because they happen to have the name of the state you're living in on their shirts.
and you're investing time into a "sport" where they are pretending to fight and winner is predetermined. :confused:

I'm not going to lie wrestling was the shit in the 80's and early 90's tho, but i'm a grown ass man now.
Jan 5, 2006
That's like saying "Fuck the Simpsons, that shit is fake".

And I'm not very sure how watching a bunch of grown men play a childs game for millions of dollars is any more "real" than wrestling. They're doing the same fuckin' thing... playing kids games on tv for money.

Personally I think it's more lame to put your heart into a team of strangers in uniforms because they happen to have the name of the state you're living in on their shirts.
Your logic is flawed, you're talking about cartoons, that's not sports so pick a better comparison if you wanna get smart.

Football is a child's game? Why because you start playing it at a young age? I guess lifting weights, conditioning and off season training is kids games too.

By your logic wrestling must be a high schooler's/teen's sport then.

PERSONALLY* I think it is more lame to be a fanatic of guys who adopt a persona and dress in tights exchanging dialogue when the winner of the match is already determined. If you like wrestling that's fine, but when you start bad mouthing a sport you really have no room to talk when the very sport you watch is not any realer or "manlier" for lack of a better term in your words.
Oct 3, 2006
in all seriousness, IMO wrestling as u all know is just entertainment, if you were to watch it just to try to see something "real" and compare it to UFC, boxing, or football (as in this thread)or what not it aint gonna work, you have to accept as it is as entertainment, nothin more nothin less, its no different than a normal scripted TV show. I used to think the same shit, oh "thats gay as hell, men in tights, fake, predetermined" blah blah well no shit, but u just gotta roll with it and except it if u wanna actually wanna enjoy it somewhat.