OT: What's up bitches?

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Sep 19, 2003
Thought I'd stop by and give props to Tech for Killer. But I realized how much I actually miss a lot of you fuckers too. Still a lot of bullshit around here, almost got a rise out of me with that fucking Stripper thread, but I guess Slither's gone soft because I just don't care. LOL.

We're doing great. For those of you who keep up on Myspace, Mark (hubby) had his surgery. I'm almost back to being a housewife (and can't wait). Home-schooling the kids (this is kind of a repeat, but oh well). Started fall classes. Haven't been taking full course loads since Aleya's been born, been focusing more on the boys school and helping my dad after his stroke. This will be the first semester with 12 hours, the boys' homeschool and a toddler. Plus, I'm team Mom for J's footall (first year in tackle...kid knocks guys down three times his size... my lil punk) and getting ready to do the same for Ryan's baseball when it starts.

I MAY have a modeling job with Stila Cosmetics coming up soon. Might be moving out toward LA if that pans out. It's just a website thing now, but if the campaign takes off, there may be national comercials and shit... it's kind of exciting.

You know how I love pics...

Leya and me

Johnathan and Ryan

Aleya Amber

Some from the wedding:

Me and My sister (Amber)

Didn't the cake ROCK!

Now...what the fuck is up with you guys?

(Sorry about the size..they're straight off my high def disc that I got from the photographer)
Oct 16, 2006
Nice pics Slither.. the wedding shots with the family sold me!

It is nice to see some of the characters that be brought up almost relgiously from the 'good ole days' lol and see them come back and post and hear they are doing well..

Sep 19, 2003
Your husband should stop making music.
can't please everyone, but he pleases me. His song Ivy was #1 for 8 straight weeks on the gulf coast, may not mean much to you, but if it was your dream, it would. And you should never give up on your dreams, right? So I choose to support his in every way I can.



AZ:I agree that most don't. It's sad but also stereotypical. I have at least five friends that have all become super successful after stripping. On the flipside, I have some that have not and have ended up destroying what could've been their lives. (And then there's Kami who's just a crazy fun Hawiian and falls into her own category) Seriously though, do you realize that the AVERAGE stripper is 20 years old? How would you like the whole rest of your life to be judged by what you decided to do at 20 or even worse 18? And while your thinking about that, think about the way you thought the world was at 20 and how different it is from now...that is presuming you're my age or so. All I'm saying is that we're all just people and people, by nature, change.

And thank you! I'm quite proud of myself as well. :)
Aug 20, 2006

lol at every song on you husbands myspace has the EXACT same guitar riff with a different combo of instruments...other then fallen (i think thats the name, too lazy to check)
Sep 19, 2003
pyro, out of respect for the love of my life...I'm pleading the 5th on that one. He doesn't write the guitar riffs. ;)

Disco, I, honestly, and not just because he's my husband (he WAS once my ex-husband FYI) love his lyrics. If you knew me, you would know I'm very opinionated. I also like heavy metal/hard rock....so... slate44's genre is not quite my type of shit either. The songs online are the ones that are copywrited and since then he's stopped listening to people like the people who got 3 Doors Down signed and started listening to what HE liked. Don't write him off just yet, is all. I'd even be willing to shoot you some new shit he's been messing around with on his down time since hurting his neck and see what you think of that. I'm not of those goo-goo eyed chics who loves everything her husband does. I, really, honestly think he's got talent. He is just not sure how to use it yet...if that makes sense. He hasn't found his "nitch" or whatever.
Sep 19, 2003
aww shit. I saw a debate and went for it, I apologize.

Thanks! My kids are pretty fucking cool. Ask them any NFL player and they'll tell you their stats, they've beaten every new PS2 game ouit, they know the lyrics to fucking Ozzy songs (of course Tech too, HEY ERIC: remember their Tech N9ne game?! HAHA), their favorite movies all involve cars and hot chics and I'm their mom... I mean seriously... hahaha.

They're both brilliant too, my oldest just skipped 2nd grade... :)

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to dote on them, it's a sweet feeling!
Aug 16, 2003
What it do big S.... Kudos on the wedding and glad things are going good for you and the family. Glad you stoped back here to drop some realness on the board lol.... Keep doing ya thing miss and glad you funalt had a chance to hear Killer. Any favorite tracks from the album?
Sep 19, 2003
awww Smitty! Fucking rocking sig too man!

Killer's aight. I litrally bought it from Best Buy yesterday, brought it home and thought of you guys. Put it in and posted on here. I haven't even finished it all. But you'll have my full review once we get going on our errands for the day, cuz it'll be in the car with me :)
Sep 30, 2002
Well Slither was gracious wit your punk ass, but I think you are a fucking bitch Disco.

You are a fucking mean spirited pussy constantly sprinkling your negativity on shit. You are probably a social outcast that has no place in life so you just shit on other people's efforts. Look his music isnt my cup of tea either, but your comment was obviously designed to insult his music to his wife. She is a cool chick and you are a fucking asshole.

I have given my opinion to artists before, similar to what you said, but only after they asked for feedback. You don't even really seem to do anything other than talk shit about Tech's album sales and other shit, so why are you even here?
Feb 12, 2008
Well Slither was gracious wit your punk ass, but I think you are a fucking bitch Disco.

You are a fucking mean spirited pussy constantly sprinkling your negativity on shit. You are probably a social outcast that has no place in life so you just shit on other people's efforts. Look his music isnt my cup of tea either, but your comment was obviously designed to insult his music to his wife. She is a cool chick and you are a fucking asshole.

I have given my opinion to artists before, similar to what you said, but only after they asked for feedback. You don't even really seem to do anything other than talk shit about Tech's album sales and other shit, so why are you even here?
He is g-spot's other personality.