Most painful bone to break

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May 2, 2002
what yall think it would be? Im gonna have to say collar bone. fuck that.

Ive broken my pinkie toe before (in 2 different spots) and it hurt like a muthafucka. Stubbed (for lack of a better term) it on my computer desk on my way to the bathroom at 3am.

but ya... collar bone. gotta be painful.
May 2, 2002
Actually Ive read before that guys have seriously injured their dicks by "jamming" them. The pain is suppose to be excruciating.

I dont know what you're referring to though (efuck).
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Id think a leg would hurt pretty bad, your neck probably hurts too. A caved in eye socket probably stings. I hear breaking a rib hurts, constant pain while breathing probably sucks. I dont know about the collar bone, my little sister broker her collar bone before and it didnt seem like that big a deal, I dont know though ive never broke anything.
May 19, 2005
iv herd from a couple people that breaking your femur is the most painful thing ever,i dont know if it has to do with all the nerves around,but my dads friend was a soldier and said he saw a couple huge grown ass men break there femur and scream like they were getting tortured,dudes would rather get an arm amputated or take bullets then go through the pain of breaking a femur.iv broken a rib before and that shit hurts but its more of an annoying pain that allways around.

i know theres some breaks that are a big deal but dont inflict alot of pain if that makes any sense,and others that dont seam like a big deal but dish out a huge amount of pain


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
breaking your collar bone is not the most painful. I broke mine and didn't feel it until I tried to lift my arm.....I thought it was dislocated....although it's the only bone I've broken so I got nothin to compare it to
May 2, 2002
iv herd from a couple people that breaking your femur is the most painful thing ever,i dont know if it has to do with all the nerves around,but my dads friend was a soldier and said he saw a couple huge grown ass men break there femur and scream like they were getting tortured,dudes would rather get an arm amputated or take bullets then go through the pain of breaking a femur.iv broken a rib before and that shit hurts but its more of an annoying pain that allways around.

i know theres some breaks that are a big deal but dont inflict alot of pain if that makes any sense,and others that dont seam like a big deal but dish out a huge amount of pain
Yeah, thats what Ive heard. Thats actually what I was gonna say but couldnt think of the name of the bone and didnt wanna say "thigh bone".

I think it has something to do with the fact that there is so much muscle wrapped around the bone and the bone itself is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) in your body.
May 2, 2002
breaking your collar bone is not the most painful. I broke mine and didn't feel it until I tried to lift my arm.....I thought it was dislocated....although it's the only bone I've broken so I got nothin to compare it to
Really? I remember bruising mine in high school and the pain was almost unbearable.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I've had sex with a broad and pumped wrong felt like something popped on my dick and that shit hurt like all hell. it took mouth to dick resuscitation for her to bring me back to life
May 31, 2007
Broke and tore ligaments in my ankle
Popped the growth plate outta my wrist..

What hurt worse in that situation was them popping the bone back IN, not actually breaking it. But I can see something in the back, and definately the dick being the most painful


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
Really? I remember bruising mine in high school and the pain was almost unbearable.
the initial break didn't hurt at all. I felt a tweek & pop as I fell but got up like normal. I tried to lift my arm, got it almost shoulder level and then felt hella pain, so I quickly put my arm down and held it like a sling and it didn't hurt much more. what hella hurt was the first night trying to figure out how to lay down to go to sleep. I never knew how much you needed your collar bone to lay down & get up. It takes hella long but I finally lay down and can't sleep on my side or stomach then I have to get up to use the bathroom and that takes hella long to get up then lay back down. so while I'm laying there starting to fall asleep my cat decides to jump on my bed. the cat can land anywhere, but chooses to land with his front paws on my eye & mouth and his hind paws on my fucking collar bone. it took me no time to get up then! although I was screaming. lucky for the cat he flew towards my legs as I shot up and then he jumped off the bed or else he might've gotten tossed with my good arm!


Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France
Yeah, thats what Ive heard. Thats actually what I was gonna say but couldnt think of the name of the bone and didnt wanna say "thigh bone".

I think it has something to do with the fact that there is so much muscle wrapped around the bone and the bone itself is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) in your body.
it's called a femur...

and it is the biggest bone in your body. also the hardest bone to break in your body...