man stabs himself at "ax murder house"

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Oct 30, 2002
I'll share this old experience instead.

1981 mom & dad decide to buy property in "Majestic California Pines"
(the commercial on hella late night in the 90's Eric Estrada was trying to sell fools on from 2-5am)

We went to see my dads friends (shot an uzi at 4 years old this day, which I recently spoke on here about), went 4x4ing that day & went to go stay at California Pines Lodge California Pines -- Home that night, to go look at properties the next morning.

That next morning never came..

Something was weird when we got to our room.... I tell ya I cant remember what I did last week but even 34 years later I can tell you ever detail about this room...

Bed time, me & my brother have to share a bed, my parents are on the other side of this suite style lodge room we were in.

Vic (my brother) is brushing his teeth, & I am laying in bed & my mom hears me telling Vic to stop pushing me off of the bed. (something or someone was pushing me closer to the edge of the bed, & I thought it was Vic)

I was 4, my brother was 7. Pops used to beat us, so my mom was over-protective, & was getting on my ass, telling me Vic was brushing his teeth, & to go to sleep & not piss my dad off...

Teeth brushing is done, we all go to sleep.... there is a red hue to the room, it smells musty as hell, the fan is on so it's got some background noise, & not completely quite (dunno if that makes a difference, just one of the things I remember well.)

3:24 on the dot, my parents are awoken to the sounds of me screaming like someone is trying to kill me. But I am not in the bed, I am at that very moment, 4 years old little tiny thing scared of the dark, being picked up & pulled by something / nothing / an entity / by my jaw, then swooped under the bed face up, head first, kicking & resisting, but cant get loose.

Mind you, you cant even fit your luggage under one of these beds they are so low to the ground, but something had me squeezed in an awkward position halfwaly under....

My pops, 6'7 400+ pound VERY strong man, was playing tug o war with whatever was pulling me, by grabbing my feet & trying to yank me out from under the bed. He couldnt win, so he grabbed the bed & flipped it over.

Whatever it was immediately stopped pulling once the bed was lifted, there was nothing there but me, with blood coming from my mouth & super dark red marks around my neck which eventually became big black bruises in the next few days.

My mom grabbed me & my brother & ran to the car, & had my dad grab our bags. As he was grabbing our bags & we watched him come to us out the door of the lodge room, something picked this massive man up & threw him a good 10 feet back into the room.

He got up, grabbed our shit & ran faster than I ever seen him move, ever.

We left & never looked back. I still remember that pain in my jaw & my neck, & can tell you damn near ever detail from that trip.

I laugh at people when they say they don't believe in ghosts, ...thats fine. I was an innocent child, didnt even know what ghosts were. I sure as SHIT believe now, & I have had multiple incidents that didnt involved only me by myself so I know it's not a mental thing.

We weren't even involved in church or anything until after that incident & that's when my mom decided we needed to start going to church & get baptized.
While reading that i was like:

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Mar 14, 2006
east bay
Man I'm def. a believer in ghosts/ spirits whatever you want to call them.. Had my fair share of experiences thought out my life starting from when I was about 12 to now and that shit is no joke but fortunately enough nothing close to Shea's story that's some Mainey shit
Jun 5, 2004
I havent had no haunted house shit happen, but something similar. Ok i used to kik it my lil bros dads in calistoga somtimes. House was like all around vineyards, and it actually was partly on indian burial grounds lol. The workers kicked up the soil for the vineyards so it would unearth HELLA artifacts: bowls, and usually obsidean knives and arrowheads, some sick ass ones too. But he started acting a lil wierd, started saying he heard from spirits, and like digging up rocks and cleaning thrm, trying to see if they had like meanings to them n shit. Like, nigga was tippytoeing on the deep end, he was scaring evryone

So one day we were chillin on the back porch, and he had this hella nice telescope pointed straight up at the hills, like tan hills with green trees all in it. And all of the sudden, not surprised but hella calmly like he had been looking at it for awhile but was embaarassed to say anything, he goes "take a look and tell me what you see, dont move it or touch it though"... And im thinking ok this nigga done went off the deep end but off thd hi dive

..But i took a look in that motherfucker and in like one second, as soon as my eye focused and i realized what i was looking at, i felt this hella waack sensation travel up my stomach and out my back one of those where u gotta move a body part and say something outloud to make sure ur not in a dream. And i look at him and asked if he did something to the lens, and later he showed me he didnt do anything at all to the telescope... And im like "it looks like Jesus, thats, yeaaah."... The shit looked like Jesus breh, i put that on everything.

And it sounds a little bit stupid, but lemme explain a lil bit. We hadnt ever spoken one word even close to religion, god or jesus, ever. Im not, and esp as a kid was not a religous person, neither is he and neither of us even like, have an image of jesus anywhere near either of our houses. I had no clue what the fuck he was lookin at and all he said was "tell me WHAT you see", not who do u see, not does that look like anybody... Nothing. And the fact that it basically didnt take any time for my brain to register what it was, was crazy as fuck.

It wasnt like i had to stare and study it to see it, he didnt give me any hint at all, and just the detail of it was crazy... I had to keep looking at it and debating myself, i thought " well, maybe i just saw a blur that resembled eyes and a beard" because the human brain recognizes faces so much that it overthinks it... (Like you can even look at door handles on a car and whatever line of trim under it, and ur brain will try to register it as a face, and remember it. Its a human trait that evolved from when we were lower on the food chain we had to be able to tell if it was the face of a predator so we could bounce out.) And it was detailed down to like u couldnt tell any pupils, but it was literally detwiled down to the iris of the eyes, both eyes were there. And all of it was there too, it was like a face to face view almost, but the shit was even on both sides! I forgot that was the craziest part was it wasnt like it blended in like the man on the moon kinda shit "yeah that tree makes the left side of the head and the rest blends into the hill", it was like " yeah therrs two trees lined up perfectly to make both sides of the head, and everything lined up to make the whole face and it was like 90% edged off in shadow. Like pretty much i mean if u looked at in Photoshop and u clicked purple and clicked the paint bucket tool on the inside of the face, only the face would turn purple and nothing else.

I swear i had a wierd feeling when I saw it and i felt that crazy wierd disorienting like uncertainness energy like pass thru me and i couldnt even talk, then i felt it leave and then felt at ease...and it still trips me out cuz right after it he asked "you see it, really?" and got hella happy/surprised/relieved, and it was the only time i ever saw him cry. I cant help but think that for that moment i felt a lil bit of what he was feeling when he was acting wierd, like he was trying to tell ppl but couldnt explain it or get ppl to see it or whatever.. Cuz he asked me did i see it too and i was thinking like "uhmm yea muthafucka i saw that shit and my most skeptical non-bullshit conclusion is that its a side of a fucking mountian that 99% of mankind would instantly recognize as an unmistakeable impossibly detailed rendering of jesus... So humor me and reconfirm that YOU see this shit too and it aint ME thats crazy now"

Anyways,i dont even like talkin about it cuz its hard to explain and was so fuckin creepy, i dont do that kind of shit. He was actin hella wierd for a healthy grown man before that, and that was the last time i went to that house... But i had dinner at his new house the very next month, and he was back to his old self, perfectly fine, and has been fine since. I dont know if them indians had to do with it or not, but that shit was not cool breh. All i know is White Jesus came thru that time, so shot out to Dub J for the assist.