Look What The Fuck Bill O'Reilly Has To Say About Our City (San Francisco)

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Apr 25, 2002
Bill is attacking SF as a moral authority, he is passing judgement on lifestyle and civic culture. Therefore his character is in play. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Read the smoking gun report. PROOF. HE IS ON TAPE sexuall harassing the woman. PROOF PERIOD. Sex toys and threesomes that he talks about are fetishes and deviant acts if you follow the right wing and the bible closely as he does! I heard the tape when it came out years ago, i dont know if it is still on the net. That gives more credance to his guilt than hers. Does he have her on tape soliciting a pay off? Answer = No. Just him talking sexy time.
Just cuz u paid the bitch off doesnt mean it didnt happen and isnt part of him and his character. Again it is ON TAPE - PROOF. HE IS ON TAPE SAYING IT, HIS WORDS. It is nice that he wanted to fight the acusation, but the station who paid her off didnt. If he really wanted to figh and clear his name he should have. Yet He Didnt. So the cloud is there, let by him. He claims to be a man of conviction yet he did not fight. He hid behind fox news money. That to me proves his GUILT. If i wanted it to be finished forever i would have faught it and let the facts be laid out. People with money always pay off to hide the truth. Especially those on tape speaking greasy.
Which is it reporter or not? News or lies? Anchor man or puff piece provider?you and his followers twist this when it seems necessary. Remeber you said he is not a reporter but an opionist, so again his character is on display as well. Cant have it both ways.

Bill was misleading cuz he did a report,as an authority, and mixed up facts in his own reporting. MISLEADING. i know u quoted what i wrote, but did you read it? also the footage was completely misleading. The reported he hired had footage of maybe 3 districts of the city and then said the whole city is like that. A fallacy and misleading, and certainly not FAIR AND BALANCED. "Prevalant throughout" were the reporters own words. Misleading. Do not sluff this off on the reporter either, this is Bills baby and his show. Bill ordered this report dont be delusional, he has a hard on for SF and sent a "reporter" there. dont blame his peon reporter. Again the show carries his name and the content should be his to own, especially a man with such conviction.

FYI i do watch bill and i read his book as well, the one about looking out for you. I do not disagree with him across the board, but he proports to be a news show on a news chanel and bashed SF with a biased piece. He is open to be bashed and his misleading, shit talking statements should be exposed as well.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
but at the end of the day bill really wasnt that far off. i hate to say that. but the spots he mentioned, DO have issues....what issues? i cant say. but issues indeed.

sf is a forward thinking city. thats why i moved there.

i dont think theres anythign WRONG with its issues, however.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
I didn't mean to imply that the U.S. isn't succeptable to a terrorist attack. My point was that our millitary has worked to reduce it... Typically I would try to make my point quanitatively, so I have to point back to the fact that we haven't been attacked since.... one of the key points that I'd guess you'll disagree with is waging a war away from home. Obama has already said he's keeping troops in Iraq because the surge worked and is now discussing what the U.S. can do in Pakistan/Afganistan.... (wrong or right I don't know?)

Bill is not a reporter. He is the host on an opinion based show that discusses news worthy topics. His producer was sent to SFC to talk to some people, shoot some video and give his opinion. Is it fair they didn't send two people and try to get opposing opinions ? Hell I don't know.... I would like to know why you think people who view his show are brain dead ? What clones are you talking about ?

I agree with you that putting up a table to provide information about the millitary to students shouldn't be a big deal. If the recruiting thing isn't a big deal though then Newsome should allow it. One phrase that comes to mind is don't bite the hand that feeds you. No one said fuck the city.

All profits from BillOreilly.com go to charity. That stuff is over priced, but people buy it because they know the money doesn't go in someone's pocket. If you have some type of evidence Bill Oreilly is using scare tactics I gotta ask for it..... in my opinion he is presenting the viewers with the ideas and letting us decide if we agree in the change
Just because we havent been attacked since doesnt mean anything, all we have now is an illusion of safety since Bush pushed the Patriot Act through, I personally think its gross to trade away our freedoms for a falsified sense of safety, but I digress. Anyway, I know he's not a reporter, but he does run his show under the guides of "fair and balanced" and a "No spin zone". Since youve seen the show you know thats nonsense, He slights anyone disagreeing with him with sarcasm and the ability to cut them off or talk over them. And a lot of the questions that are asked of him are met with very indirect answers or followed by other questions of his own.Also him routinly referring to people that disagree with his as "pinheads". A fair and balanced report would have included an interview with someone that wasnt homeless, smoking pot on the street, enjoying the local hookers, or being played up as a victim that cant walk her kid through the park. What about the thousands of people that work and live inside and outside the city that arent a freak in Bills eyes? The clones Im referring to are the people who religiously watch this man, the people bill has right-wing beat into submission, essentially the people that agree with him because he said it. And if it is so indifferent to have recruiters at the schools why not leave the choice up to the man elected to run the city Gavin "might be Batman" Newsome, lol. Bill said if SF doesnt allow recruiters if anything that happens there its theyre own problem, that means fuck SF. Regarding the crap on his site, I was under the impression that only a portion went to charity, but I looked it up and youre right it all goes to charity, so thats cool Im glad aside from his salary and book sales hes trying to help someone else. As far as him presenting ideas, the only ideas hes presenting are his own, not fair and balanced, you could even say "spun". Hes not using scare tactics like a monster, hes presenting creepy consequences to the ideas that oppose his own, like if you research medical weed, people are going to be lined up sparkin blunts all up and down main street. Im not trying to argue or change your mind about anything though, so dont get defensive, lol

I thought this was interesting, if you skip ahead to about 1:35 on Bill is shown in plain english that he is wrong, so he calls the kid a pinhead and shouts over him, again not fair and balanced, lol.