iTunes (we buy independent music) Group

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Mar 18, 2008
Check out this group I just started moments ago...feel free to punch wholes in the concept. Need feedback and participation...from fellow independent rappers.

Facebook group: iTunes (we buy independent music) ---->

The reason I brought you here is to establish a group of buyers that are also artists. The purpose is to create a system that pays you for your iTunes available, single song release, because let's face it, AINT NONE OF US MAKIN MONEY WITH THIS MUSIC BUSINESS ONLINE. Some of you might reject my proposal and that's fine but know this, you are just like the people who turn their back on you when you come running up in other people's inbox asking, "Hey can you download my song?" So out of those 100 people you in-boxed how many downloaded your song...maybe 10? To think that a song only costs .99 and the majority of people won't even support you on that. I have close to 5,000 "friends" on Facebook...4,000 of them are not rappers or singers...but they are not supporters...they are bitter people who WISH they were in the music business. So basically they don't want you to SUCCEED because in the back of their mind they are thinking,

1- "Your trying to get over on me.
2- "If you blow up...what about me."
3- "Why do you have such high goals with your music, you should be just like me with no talent or hope in I won't support you."
4- "My family member is in music so I feel as though I'm betraying them if I buy your music."
5- "I only support BIG TIME artists that have already made it, so I don't feel bad about spending my money with and on them."
6- "I hate my life right now and I will NEVER buy a .99 song from you."
7- "Yeah...I'm yo patna...but I ain't got time for that shit right now dog."
8- "Okay...I'll buy your song as soon as I get to a computer (thinking to themselves 'Imma forget we ever HAD this conversation)"
9- "Lord Jesus I hope they don't make it in their music career...I don't want to see them in a big house with multiple cars living the good life."
10- "Not on my watch"

This is what people are thinking about you and your music...and this is what we have to combat as independent artists. Now you can join the haters and say "Fuck what Ugly Nigga is saying, I'm going to keep doing me." Okay Mr. but remember I opened up my proposal to EVERYBODY that's really willing to network and become a powerful unit.

PLAN OF ACTION: Whenever one of us drops a song and debut it on iTunes we operate as collective and support that song...each one of us will purchase that song. I will right a press release for the single, we will each one of us repost that we purchased that song, repost our proof of purchase, repost the press release of that song.


- You can only release one song pr month.
- Your song has too have a CURRENT release date, no past songs (so this inspires us to make NEW music)
- Try to bring in 10 other SOLID ARTISTS like yourself who have the right attitude for this collective
- Any NEW member MUST purchase a previously released song off of the timeline and show proof of purchase
- 100 members should mean that whenever a single is dropped that artist should collect $99 from the collective in .99 downloads
-If we reach 1,000 members then that totals $999 in total download revenue for a single
-You don't have to buy EVERY artist's song that drops but be fair and do your part...because when you drop your CURRENT iTunes song you want the support of REAL ASS NIGGAS

Feel free to make other suggestions as we try to build the collective against all odds and against all haters. -Ugly Nigga
May 16, 2002
Some people won't buy my music because I'm fat. I'd hate for any of these pieces of shit to be family members of mine. If I happened to be on a temporary life support to survive these fuckers would pull the plug on me LOL! j/k :paranoid:

Seriously though, I won't be sarcastic bastard as I always am. I'm actually being real. So what your doing is asking people to buy each others songs to create a buzz. Or buy our own music back. Pretty much what Master P did back in the day to climb the billboards. And bring in more independent artist.
Jul 12, 2002
Let's say there are 1000 people in the group.

$0.99 * 1000 = $990 = The amount I would have to spend on other people's music every month if each member released 1 song/month.

Let's pretend iTunes takes 29 cents per song, so I would get 70 cents profit for every sale.

$0.70 * 1000 = $770 = The amount of revenue I would receive every month if everybody in the group bought my song.

I would lose $220/month with this scenario. You could look at the $220/month as an investment to get 1000 sales, but how are those sales going to help your career? They aren't your fans. It's almost like buying Twitter followers.
Mar 18, 2008
Let's say there are 1000 people in the group.

$0.99 * 1000 = $990 = The amount I would have to spend on other people's music every month if each member released 1 song/month.

Let's pretend iTunes takes 29 cents per song, so I would get 70 cents profit for every sale.

$0.70 * 1000 = $770 = The amount of revenue I would receive every month if everybody in the group bought my song.

I would lose $220/month with this scenario. You could look at the $220/month as an investment to get 1000 sales, but how are those sales going to help your career? They aren't your fans. It's almost like buying Twitter followers.
I'm not looking at you buying more that what you are earning but rather staying close to the vest...and yes I am looking at it as being active in sales as opposed to keeping dormant and doing nothing (not saying that is the case with you) but why be mavericks and operate as individuals and not come together as a collective...have Mixxer right the press releases through his can go under his umbrella and add to his portfolio...I don't care...but I'd rather have a track record that shows 1,000 or so downloads and be able to post it as advertisement as opposed to nothing at all. I'm not clear on what threshold of sales activity gets noticed on iTunes ...but I do know that if it were to reach an active membership of 10,000 who wouldn't notice...maybe the Siccness should set up this platform if it seems indigestible coming from Ugly Nigga...but there is a lot of operating power here...Maybe Coop should step into the convo.

To the Siccness's credit I'll say this...this is the only site of perhaps the most intelligent people dealing with independent music who challenge each other to no end...I posted this same thing on Facebook but those cats went silent...because they lack the comprehension skills that this site's not even people maybe sarcastic and overly judgmental...but...your not STUPID...and that's why I looked for the responses to either work this out and move forward or get shown the negatives of this idea and leave it where it is.
Mar 18, 2008
I agree with D @DJ Coma not just on the $220 scenario, but on the fact of the matter that it's a bunch of independent artist buying each others songs & not really establishing a real fan base.
I understand what your saying about fan base...but look...the activity alone is something you should be able to build off of there is no telling what positive variables that may come back to you because of your music being filtered may increase your google search (I'm throwing shit up but...)

I know everybody wants to BALL TIL YOU FALL...but this is not that...this is an exploration into just being ACTIVE...
Jul 12, 2002
I'm not looking at you buying more that what you are earning but rather staying close to the vest...and yes I am looking at it as being active in sales as opposed to keeping dormant and doing nothing (not saying that is the case with you) but why be mavericks and operate as individuals and not come together as a collective...have Mixxer right the press releases through his can go under his umbrella and add to his portfolio...I don't care...but I'd rather have a track record that shows 1,000 or so downloads and be able to post it as advertisement as opposed to nothing at all. I'm not clear on what threshold of sales activity gets noticed on iTunes ...but I do know that if it were to reach an active membership of 10,000 who wouldn't notice...maybe the Siccness should set up this platform if it seems indigestible coming from Ugly Nigga...but there is a lot of operating power here...Maybe Coop should step into the convo.

To the Siccness's credit I'll say this...this is the only site of perhaps the most intelligent people dealing with independent music who challenge each other to no end...I posted this same thing on Facebook but those cats went silent...because they lack the comprehension skills that this site's not even people maybe sarcastic and overly judgmental...but...your not STUPID...and that's why I looked for the responses to either work this out and move forward or get shown the negatives of this idea and leave it where it is.
How are you going to make sure every person in the group is spending the same amount they are earning? If there's 1000 people in the group, that's a lot of time spent purchasing music from other people and posting up verification of it. Who is going to keep track of all of that? Even if it worked it would become a full time job for you with no income, just a bunch of dishonest sales #'s to put on your flyers. That's time you could spend making more meaningful music or thinking of a better name for yourself. You have hustling skills and work ethic that most of us could only wish for, but you always use them on bullshit gimmicks.
May 16, 2002
I understand what your saying about fan base...but look...the activity alone is something you should be able to build off of there is no telling what positive variables that may come back to you because of your music being filtered may increase your google search (I'm throwing shit up but...)

I know everybody wants to BALL TIL YOU FALL...but this is not that...this is an exploration into just being ACTIVE...

I see what your saying, but in today's music business world followers on twitter, facebook, YouTube views don't mean a thing unless your generating sales. Real sales.

I only state that because I know of a person who got signed & had a million views on YouTube etc. And sold way less than his views / so called fan base. And was dropped & thrown out like yesterdays trash.

As independent musicians we are back to the basics. Those that have quit are pretty much those that came into the game when they figured they could record on their home computer. And thought they'ed come in, drop an album & the millions of dollars would come pouring in and everybody would love them.

We are back to the Master P days. Build your own hype, do it all yourself & build a catalog.

Yet, we shouldn't seek major distribution deals or even dream / wish to sign to a major now a days because we can do everything they have to offer ourselves.

Times have changed, yet have gone back to square one. No matter what the in thing is, continue to focus on making good music, but never following fads and continue to push it.

Expect nothing & do you. If your music is that great the artist don't have to give a big speech behind it. It'll speak for itself & go where it needs to go.

If the game seems like it's dying, it's not. Again, it's simply going back to the beginning when those of us who started, did it for the love / fun of it. The more people quit the less saturation & the more your music can be heard without being buried by a bunch of other independents music.

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Mar 18, 2008
I see what your saying, but in today's music business world followers on twitter, facebook, YouTube views don't mean a thing unless your generating sales. Real sales.

I only state that because I know of a person who got signed & had a million views on YouTube etc. And sold way less than his views / so called fan base. And was dropped & thrown out like yesterdays trash.

As independent musicians we are back to the basics. Those that have quit are pretty much those that came into the game when they figured they could record on their home computer. And thought they'ed come in, drop an album & the millions of dollars would come pouring in and everybody would love them.

We are back to the Master P days. Build your own hype, do it all yourself & build a catalog.

Yet, we shouldn't seek major distribution deals or even dream / wish to sign to a major now a days because we can do everything they have to offer ourselves.

Times have changed, yet have gone back to square one. No matter what the in thing is, continue to focus on making good music, but never following fads and continue to push it.

Expect nothing & do you. If your music is that great the artist don't have to give a big speech behind it. It'll speak for itself & go where it needs to go.

If the game seems like it's dying, it's not. Again, it's simply going back to the beginning when those of us who started, did it for the love / fun of it. The more people quit the less saturation & the more your music can be heard without being buried by a bunch of other independents music.

I'm not talking about signing record deals off of this...I know it's inflated numbers. But it maybe a platform that gains ground in some way, shapes it's self as we go along...I'll buy your music...provide the link to a song. This Siccness website can be a start rather than building something from scratch...theses moderators are our leaders...we should turn to them. This is a NEW age that's is turning backwards in time for some but moving forward for the few...COLLECTIVELY and individually I believe this is a smart know what...I'm gonna stop right here...

Someone please post a iTunes link or a chargeable link as a sacrificial lamb...and let's COLLECTIVELY purchase that song...matter of fact Gemini YOU POST THE SONG...we will BUY it...then WE WILL PUT UP THE SCREEN SHOT AS PROOF OF PURCHASE...if you don't make this attempt..then WHAT the FUCK are you here for?
Jan 11, 2006
So you'd rather force independent artists to buy your music instead of working on making your music worth buying?

I'm not spending a thousand a month so I can say that 999 people were forced to buy my song that they may or may not be into.

I'd personally rather use that thousand dollars to buy some radio play, or to book a show somewhere, or do something that would actually help my career.
Mar 18, 2008
So you'd rather force independent artists to buy your music instead of working on making your music worth buying?

I'm not spending a thousand a month so I can say that 999 people were forced to buy my song that they may or may not be into.

I'd personally rather use that thousand dollars to buy some radio play, or to book a show somewhere, or do something that would actually help my career.
You gotta look at like's a marketing company and it's building activity and awareness...sometimes you throw stuff out to the public but you may not have a specific target and because it's out there it hits something. This is not a get rich quick a slow process. Right now...were waiting on Gemini's song to be posted.
Mar 18, 2008
Where do I sign up?
Fasho lol! But right now...this thing takes the sheer weight of numbers to get started...YOU being onboard and ME being onboard is not gonna cut it. We have to weigh how much money you put out...against how much money you bring in...are we strictly business associates in this activity dropping the STAR RAPPER mentality? Let's iron it out and see what happens.
May 16, 2002
I'm not talking about signing record deals off of this...I know it's inflated numbers. But it maybe a platform that gains ground in some way, shapes it's self as we go along...I'll buy your music...provide the link to a song. This Siccness website can be a start rather than building something from scratch...theses moderators are our leaders...we should turn to them. This is a NEW age that's is turning backwards in time for some but moving forward for the few...COLLECTIVELY and individually I believe this is a smart know what...I'm gonna stop right here...

Someone please post a iTunes link or a chargeable link as a sacrificial lamb...and let's COLLECTIVELY purchase that song...matter of fact Gemini YOU POST THE SONG...we will BUY it...then WE WILL PUT UP THE SCREEN SHOT AS PROOF OF PURCHASE...if you don't make this attempt..then WHAT the FUCK are you here for?