Iraq death toll tops 270 in 9 days

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Jan 2, 2003

if u add up all the people who have died from terrorist attacks since so called "end of major combat"

it makes 9/11 look like NUTHIN....

so much for great improvemtns the elections were supposed to have...LOL....and creating the new government....LOL...

ITS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS how bush and his coharts try and play it off like IRAQ is doing so much better and the new govermnment is soooo great....

in my opinion as long as there r people willing to blow themselves up, high-ranking offifials, army/police recruitments, etc. r going to continue to die
May 8, 2002
you mean verses the millions that sadamm tortured and killed over his years in power and the ones that would have continued to be tortured and killed if he continued in power or the possible millions of others who would have suffered at the expense of his sons when they would assume power.

ya i can see who the 270 you speak of can appear to be alote
Jan 2, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
you mean verses the millions that sadamm tortured and killed over his years in power and the ones that would have continued to be tortured and killed if he continued in power or the possible millions of others who would have suffered at the expense of his sons when they would assume power.

ya i can see who the 270 you speak of can appear to be alote
thats just in 9 DAYS.....

if ur head wasnt up ur ass u will notice i HAVE NEVER SAID saddam should be in power.....

LOL...sounds like rhetoric from FOX NEWS.....they will try and reason with that bullshit too...."o well, SADDAM torture chambers, SADDAM this, and that.."

does that make it alright to inade the countryu and KILL TENS OF THOUSANDS more?

LOL.....MANNN,,,u came wsith teh weakest argument of ALLLL-TIME.
May 4, 2002
does anyone understand, that reguardless if we are in iraq or not, they will continue to kill each other day in and day out. they will continue to blow each other up. there will never be peace. so let them kill each other.
Jan 2, 2003
does anyone understand, that reguardless if we are in iraq or not, they will continue to kill each other day in and day out. they will continue to blow each other up. there will never be peace. so let them kill each other.

Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
you mean verses the millions that sadamm tortured and killed over his years in power and the ones that would have continued to be tortured and killed if he continued in power or the possible millions of others who would have suffered at the expense of his sons when they would assume power.

ya i can see who the 270 you speak of can appear to be alote

and its better that american soilders who died not for our freedom but for iraqi freedom
Jan 9, 2004
does anyone understand, that reguardless if we are in iraq or not, they will continue to kill each other day in and day out. they will continue to blow each other up. there will never be peace. so let them kill each other.

Jun 27, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
you mean verses the millions that sadamm tortured and killed over his years in power and the ones that would have continued to be tortured and killed if he continued in power or the possible millions of others who would have suffered at the expense of his sons when they would assume power.

ya i can see who the 270 you speak of can appear to be alote
Also at the expense of the weapons Reagan provided his ass. Saddam is America's homeboy if he kills Iranians, but now he's the evil dictator.. ok.

over 1600 American GIs have been killed in Iraq and over 25,000 civilians as well as some 2,000 Iraqi soldiers/police. The insurgents haven't let the Americans grab the oil and the Americans aren't trying to let the Iraqis have a say in their "new" government.

Thank God for democracy.... :dead:
Apr 25, 2002
Yeah 27o is a lot of people. This has nothing to do with the US still being here, if we pull out im sure he insurgents will all go home. ha ha. I experiance this day in and day out. I see it every day, i am in the heart of baghdad and inturn in the heart of the Anti-Iraqi insurgensy. I was just shot at last week when i was in downtown baghdad. This viloence will not end any time soon. Anyone who thinks pulling the US out is a good idea is nieve. We are the only thing keeping this country together in its hard times right now. As for the comment about giving our lives for Iraqi freedom, in a second i would give my life for the greater good of the people. Think about it, death is inevitable, you are diing from the moment you are born. So yes i would be willing to cut my life short to extend the life of others. That is one part of our commitment as soldiers.
May 13, 2002
@KK, This is the same reply I posted on another thread. Since you're advocating that we need to stay to "keep the peace" (lol), I'll post it here as well.

I disagree completely. The number one issue with the overwhelming majority of Iraqi’s is that they want the US out…now. A new government has been formed but the one issue they cannot vote on is whether or not the US should leave. The US has already made their decision that we will be there for years and years to come and it is non-negotiable. How’s that for democracy?

Most of the “insurgent” attacks recently have targeted Iraqi soldiers, police and security. Why? Because they feel they are aligning themselves with the US, which is true. They feel they are traitors.

If we keep this mentality that we need to stay until things are stable we will be there forever. It will be another South Vietnam, which we tried to setup a US friendly regime, elections, security, police and an army. Look how that turned out.

The only way for the Iraqi’s to advance is for them to do it democratically amongst themselves, not while being occupied by a foreign Imperialist country.

You need to approach this question of whether or not the US should stay only after you have an understanding of the true motives and purposes of the US occupation. As you know, the US did not invade Iraq because of weapons, terrorism or to liberate the Iraqi people- they did it to steal the natural resources in Iraq, to extend the US domination over the mid-east, to increase the power and prestige of US Capitalism/Imperialism and to install a puppet regime that will allow US corporations to exploit the oil and markets of Iraq and to act as a US partner in the Mid-East. Those are the true motives behind the war. Any effort by the Iraqi people to fight for better living conditions or democratic rights will be vigorously opposed by the U.S.

The people of Iraq and the Middle East have had numerous mass struggles for democracy and self-determination. Since World War Two, the U.S. has been the main opponent of these struggles, backing many of the repressive dictators.

The Iraqi people have the democratic right to determine their own future and form their own government, independent of the U.S. or any other foreign power. Any talk of democracy in Iraq as long as it remains under a colonial occupation is a complete fraud.

When you and anyone else says that the US needs to stay in Iraq, you are accepting that the future of Iraq should be decided by foreign powers which denies the democratic right of self-determination of the Iraqi people.
Jun 27, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
When you and anyone else says that the US needs to stay in Iraq, you are accepting that the future of Iraq should be decided by foreign powers which denies the democratic right of self-determination of the Iraqi people.
I agree with you on most of your points folks, but Im disagreeing on immediate withdrawal of the US troops. First of all, do you really think that after the Americans pull out Iraq will magically stablize itself and the insurgents will just pack up and jump ship? Most of the attacks aren't even aimed at American GIs anymore. The Americans have cut back on large scale offensives and the insurgents have attacked Iraqis more. Over 700 Iraqi soldier and police have been killed. If the Americans leave now the insurgents will run wild in a country already in chaos. I mean, think about it, how many security and police forces do the Iraqis have? They don't even know! No one knows exactly how many trained and equipped guardsmen/policemen the Iraqis have. Can they really provide security for a nation that the Americans fucked over? The country is in complete chaos, there's no order, and no real valid government.

Sadly, the country cannot rebuild itself without a major military presence. None of Iraq's key assets are secure. The roads can't be traveled; therefore, cannot be repaired, and the oil pipeline keeps getting blown the fuck up.

I agree that the Americans do not belong in Iraq; however, they went in and fucked the country up. As far as I'm concerned, an immediate withdrawal is out of the question. However, there should be a timetable for American withdrawal.
May 13, 2002
Jae iLL said:
First of all, do you really think that after the Americans pull out Iraq will magically stablize itself and the insurgents will just pack up and jump ship?
Of course not and it didn’t happen in S. Vietnam either. Do you honestly think that by having the US in Iraq we are going to magically stabilize the country and the insurgents will just pack up and jump ship?

Either way there will be violence but, my point is that it’s better for the Iraqi’s to deal with these issues themselves rather than have an Imperialist Military attempt to do it for them which only makes matters worse.

I think you’re not calculating the reasons we are in Iraq. The purpose of our troops being in Iraq is not to set up a democracy for the Iraqi people; they are there to exploit their resources and future economy, among other things I pointed out above.

There is no way we can set up a timeline and say, ok, we’ll pull out and leave everything up to you. It’s not going to happen. The US will be there as long as they can make a profit or until the negative effects of war become so great that they are forced to leave (i.e., a mass anti-war movement in the US, similar to Vietnam which ended the Vietnam war).

IMO, the ONLY way for Iraq to advance is by a mass movement by the Iraqi people, which could overcome ethnic tension by fighting for the interests of all oppressed people and form an Iraqi government of workers to bring the oil into public ownership under democratic control which would provide the money necessary to build roads, housing, schools, and provide healthcare, food, and jobs. This cannot be accomplished by having the oil controlled by foreign powers or a small elite group.

The longer we are in Iraq the farther away this reality becomes. Not only that, the extreme Right-Wing Islamist militant groups grows and gains more power.

The Iraqi people have the democratic right to determine their own future and form their own government, independent of the U.S. The US currently sides with certain Iraqi “leaders” and influences their decisions on how to run the country. It’s very undemocratic.

Over 700 Iraqi soldier and police have been killed.
Exactly. Why? Because they are viewed as working with the Americans, which they are.

If the Americans leave now the insurgents will run wild in a country already in chaos.
The country is in chaos and will always be in chaos as long as the US is occupying their land. The same arguements were made in Veitnam and we were NEVER able to secure it.

Sadly, the country cannot rebuild itself without a major military presence.
Yes it can.

None of Iraq's key assets are secure. The roads can't be traveled; therefore, cannot be repaired, and the oil pipeline keeps getting blown the fuck up.
And this is because of the US. Let the people of Iraq deal with this. There are already mass movements forming in Iraq. The Iraqi's want their country and they will fight/protest/march or whatever to have it. With the US out, they can accomplish this democratically.

"When you and anyone else says that the US needs to stay in Iraq, you are accepting that the future of Iraq should be decided by foreign powers which denies the democratic right of self-determination of the Iraqi people." - 2-0-Sixx
Jan 2, 2003
Jae iLL said:
I agree with you on most of your points folks, but Im disagreeing on immediate withdrawal of the US troops. First of all, do you really think that after the Americans pull out Iraq will magically stablize itself and the insurgents will just pack up and jump ship? Most of the attacks aren't even aimed at American GIs anymore. The Americans have cut back on large scale offensives and the insurgents have attacked Iraqis more. Over 700 Iraqi soldier and police have been killed. If the Americans leave now the insurgents will run wild in a country already in chaos. I mean, think about it, how many security and police forces do the Iraqis have? They don't even know! No one knows exactly how many trained and equipped guardsmen/policemen the Iraqis have. Can they really provide security for a nation that the Americans fucked over? The country is in complete chaos, there's no order, and no real valid government.

Sadly, the country cannot rebuild itself without a major military presence. None of Iraq's key assets are secure. The roads can't be traveled; therefore, cannot be repaired, and the oil pipeline keeps getting blown the fuck up.

I agree that the Americans do not belong in Iraq; however, they went in and fucked the country up. As far as I'm concerned, an immediate withdrawal is out of the question. However, there should be a timetable for American withdrawal.
for real man...i think everyone agrees with you on this....more iraqi police then american soldeirs have died!...and they got started like a year leader

there has been many reports statin the iraqi police are undertrained/equipped....the US ARMY is just throwing them out there...acting like they r making a huge diffrence...

it is 2 years later and the situation has gotten WORSE.....

but y does bush and his administration not receive hella flack over this?

our media is absolutely horrible........

look at the BULLSHIT elections IRAQ can you ahve elections wiht a military presence and a significant amount of people not voting?

y did the BUSH administration and he media HYPE he fuck out opf them? the country was gonna magically turn around....we made the situtation worse by doing the elections TOO SOON

THE SITUATION IS FUCKED....but yet the media and the white house r still playing it off like its sum great "liberated" country....

since bush is always SMILING, i guess eevrything must be good right?
Jan 2, 2003
AGENT707 said:
for real man...i think everyone agrees with you on this....more iraqi police then american soldeirs have died!...and they got started like a year leader

there has been many reports statin the iraqi police are undertrained/equipped....the US ARMY is just throwing them out there...acting like they r making a huge diffrence...

it is 2 years later and the situation has gotten WORSE.....

but y does bush and his administration not receive hella flack over this?

our media is absolutely horrible........

look at the BULLSHIT elections IRAQ can you ahve elections wiht a military presence and a significant amount of people not voting?

y did the BUSH administration and he media HYPE he fuck out opf them? the country was gonna magically turn around....we made the situtation worse by doing the elections TOO SOON

THE SITUATION IS FUCKED....but yet the media and the white house r still playing it off like its sum great "liberated" country....

since bush is always SMILING, i guess eevrything must be good right?
and they got started like a year later**