In the name of science, I wonder what would happen if...

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May 14, 2002
I both agree and disagree.... hiphop and rap have taken a new route... yes you can say there are not as many great artists or whatever. but the way i see it is this... there are just more artists out there who are often mediocre just coming and going with their one hit wonders... and cloging the radio and everything else so really good artists get lost in the shuffle... excuse the run-on sentences and bad puncutation:p
Jul 10, 2002
for the sake of devils advocate (kinda)
What's the difference between a dubbed blank tape from a Casio key board in the 90's, cdr's from a korg in the early 2000's, or Myspace with protools right now?

There's still a handful of underground artists gettin' chipped off, while corporate hip-pop garbola still polutes the airwaves.

Backpacker's & G's alike with no real refined skills have been cypherin' since '92 and claimin to be rapper's or MC's, what's the difference now?

Everyone want's to be the next Lebron or 50 Cent, rap or play sports (it's just as simple as that, *see old Street Level unreleased track by Crytical & D-Sane 'simple as that')

The sad reality is that because of a combination of a lack of role models, irresponsible media/marketing, & a pathetic public education system, combined with a depressed, HARD drug infested, violent enviornment, time will keep on tickin' the times and tools will change, but the roots will stay the same, and out the woodworks, some talent that knocks will filter to through your stereo, and you'll knock that iShhh in your rotation.

media's role
Nov 21, 2005
Ok some rappers on myspace have skills...

NOT ALL.. a lot are wack.

I have a couple friends on there.. who just got signed to a major label...

but they just didn't put up a myspace.. they did live shows.. live auditions...
thats' why they got signed. They went out there.. and promoted and hustled hard. Plus they have more skills on the mic.. than most mainstream rappers..

they're a good example .... of good rappers online.

But let's take Soulja Boy.. he's wack!!.. and he's a ring tone rapper...

I think his music is trash.. but hey he made millions of dollars from ringtones...

but would I ask for his autograph if I see him? no...

So I think myspace opened the door.. for a lot of good rappers with skills....

but it also let all the wack rappers.. who clog up the game with bulllshit...

But I've heard some pretty good rappers online.. you gotta look. .but you can find some good ones...

That's why I give props.. to.. and promote.. the few good rappers.. I find out about online...