If You Thought BROTHA LYNCH was sick in the head. THEN YOU CAN'T MISS THIS

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Jun 2, 2002
Nobody said they were sac legends, Necro is from fucking Brooklyn how the fuck could he be a Sac legend, and why would he want to. Plenty of people will disagree with you either way, I don't think anyone wants the label as a baby killer, if BLH is better than Necro it's simply because his sick flows and his style, Lynch has a dope style that nobody can touch, he can make the shittiest beat sound bomb with his raps, not because hes a labelled as a "baby gangsta killa."
Jan 31, 2003
NECRO and LYNCH are two totally different styles. You can't compare them against each other.

One raps with words that you have to grab a dictionary to reveal the meaning while one raps with realness of the streets and his dreams.

Both are talented as fuck , but could never be compared.

But if I had to pick one who has done more for this genre , it'd be LYNCH. Look at the album sales and the promotion tip. LYNCH is everywhere. He's dont 75% more than Necro. Necro is just getting started , and will overtime , get his name out more.

AS FOR ME COMPARING MYSELF? I never compared myself. All I said is if you like LYNCH and think he's sick . THEN COME CHECK THIS OUT!

I know I am no where close to LYNCH's level. I would never step on his toes. Especially since I'm working on getthing this LYNCH collaboration worked out.
Aug 31, 2003
Necro is just getting started? Necro has been putting it down for a minute and has a very solid fanbase that buy pretty much everything he puts up. he puts up shirts on his website and they're sold out within a 2 week period.

i'm not comparing him to BLH in anyway, just saying that Necro has been around for a minute. also the fact that he does all the production and everything he gets all of the profit on his albums and i'm sure a good bit off other albums.
Jan 31, 2003
I hear you. and I know he's been around for a minute. But still if I did a survey on horrorcore and went to schools and colleges and hip hop events. I gurantee you . only 9% of those people would know who NECRO was. while over 50% would know who LYNCh was.

All I'm saying is NECRO is coming up. The past 2 years or so have been really big for him and he's growing into a Gallieth of Horrorcore. He's getting mentioned alot more , and he deserves it.
Mar 31, 2004
i think NECRO is head and shoulders above ANYTHING lynch has done since "season..." and im a lynch fan( well, not since "season of the...") his new shit is awful and the best(and really only half way decent) shit siccmade EVER dropped was zaggs shit. and im not even just bumping my gums about lynch and the rest of em, i can appreciate season and 24 deep but thats about it. the rest of the catalogue is terrible.

as for "...one of them uses words you need a dictionary for and the other..." listen to the newest PSYCHO+LOGICAL(necro, ill bill, goretex, etc...) releases. theres referances to the most obscure shit and complex words and phrases all over the place. NECROs new shit "pre fix for death" is incredibly vivid. i mean, check it out yourself. he said hes actually involved in satanism, not worshipping a red devil with a von dutch moustache and pointy go tee beard holding a trident with a cape on- type, but a REAL tune in and turn on sort of satanist. LYNCH never talked about Alister Crowley or dove into the subject of selling and buying russian and all kinds of european women/girls etc. NECRO is consistant and gets better with each release... lynch just dosent. he actually gets worse. its too bad too.
Jan 31, 2003
Ha. I know what Necro is doing. If you haven't noticed. The link to my site is on his site. I'm just saying. As for stats and shit on the records. LYNCH has made a bigger impact.

I agree though. NECRO has much more skills as an MC. Lynch has gathered the fan base he needs. He doesn't need to concentrate on getting more listeners , they are already there.