how many of you are actually aware that i'm mentally ill (toopers beutifull mind)

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Apr 25, 2002
i wrote up a long response to mental illness on the old board and got into detail of how i suffered a mental breakdown and was later diagnosed parinoid mom has been ill with the same thing ever since i was a child and it was really bad till they finally developed sum medication that actually worked.

i got back from my doctors visit yesterday which i have regularly about every 5 to six weeks.i got a new doctor and she's hella cool she's filipino and knows one of my uncles.anyway she gave me more medicine to add to the one i was taking for about 2 years now.

i take risperdal you can look it up it's an anti psychotic.i take it everynight before i go to it does'nt help with anxiety or depression but it keeps the voices away.i used to take 2 milligrams which is mom takes 3.well my doctor uped it to 3 because sumtimes i think people are whispering or talking to themselves.

i also have a shake in my hands when i get nervouse or i start shivering like i'm cold.she then perscribe this drug called makes the viens in my hands tingle and they get warm.the shake is gone as far as i can notice since i took it yesterday.

she then gave me paxil for anxiety and depression.i have a problem being around crowds of people and i don't like going out or meeting strangers at all.i can feel out of place i just don't feel normal.

she's working on getting me back in school.

she recomended that i watch that movie a beutifull mind.i know about it but never seen it's a true story of a man suffering from schizophrenia having voices in his head and hallucinating and he goes on to win the nobel prize.

basicly she wants me to see it cause even though he's mentally ill he acheived a great thing winning the nobel prize.she says for me to not give up and to chase my dreams.

i think i lack hope and motivation because i've been's hard for me to put together a plan and execute it.thats one of my problems being mentally ill.

i also lack energy but theres this new drug that kills the voices and gives you energy it's called geodone.i have to make an appointment for a blood test and ekg to see my heart rate and if it functions normally before i start taking it.i'm excited about taking that medication cause it's done wonders for people.

for now i have paxil but i'm about to take it right now after i type's my first time.i'll tell you if i feel anything.

it's hard going through sumthing like this i'm 22 and i've had a hard time getting back into the mix like school or work.even though my doctors are telling me i should be on social security which i'm fighting for right now.

it gets lonely when nobody understands whut i'm going through.if you can imagine yourself in my shoes you would one thinks it's serious but it really's a nightmare hearing voices and thinking everybody is against you.then when you get a lil better everybody thinks your alright and you should be just like everybody's not like that at all.

whut really sucks is nobody really grasps the idea of whut your talking about when you say your schizophrenic.from my expierence they don't believe you.or they don't know whut that is.

so if anybody has questions about whut it's like to suffer from that then you can ask can see how bad i've suffered from it and even whut lead to that happening.

like i said i never saw that movie a beutifull mind but i know from my own expierences.

to those that know and showed me support i thank you.theres very few who grasps the idea of whut this is all about.

much luv.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA

Dude, I haven't seen "A Beautiful Mind" either but, I heard it's pretty good. They don't get into it too much in the flck but the real life dude way gay. Anyway, the cat was a genius.

My lil bro has ADD but is a hog when it comes to electronics. I wish he was more of a go-getter though. He's too much of a slacker. My dad told him he was either enlisting in the service or joining Job Corps by August or he's getting the boot (he lives with my parents). The fucker tried to hang himself a few months back. I wouldn't even visit him in the hospital. Dumb fucker. I know that sounds bad but, that shit is so pussyfied to me.

I gave up trying to help him out. You sound like you're in good shape though. Self awarness is so key in that situation. Keep doin what you doin Toop'. You're much more of a man than most.
Apr 25, 2002
thanks folks.i gotta grow up too but i need sum help and brother tried to help me when i was sick to get a job at the time i did'nt know i was did'nt help that my brother was an asshole while i worked with him.i quit and found another one but i was'nt sociable enough for them i guess i'm assuming so they let me did'nt help me much to have a bad record starting out on jobs.that killed me too but i'm taking it day by day reflecting on life mostly.staying sober.thats the least i can do.instead of wasting away on drugs which i'm not supposed to mix with my medication anyway.

i wish i could just wipe those memmories away but i need time for that.

it's alot easier when my brother actully treats me like a human being and don't hold a grudge.we got a better relationship then when i was that time he may have made things even worse for me giving me more reason to have a breakdown.

things are different now.


Tooper, I know what you go through, I know hella fools who have your problem. I was commited for 60 days, over some Bull Shit and met lots of people who had your problem and they turn bad with no meds, thats why in a earlier thread, I said the one type of people I agree should take Meds are Skitzo's. When I was incarcerated many skitzo people in there as well. But some of the dudes who were Skitzo's, I think the Cops gave them to many meds so they did not have to deal with them, because some of those guys were like zombies. We called this one dude slowmo, it took him like 5 minutes to walk 20 feet, it was bad. So we convinced him to lay off his meds ,so he quit cold turkey and kinda freaked out a couple days after. So people who have the skitzo disease I believe 100 percent need their meds!!!
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Now I have tried to help my lil bro out Toop'. Hell, my whole family bent over backwards several times over to hold his hand and or give him a boost. He just keeps fucking up. I told you he was a wiz at electronics, but sometimes you'd come home (when he lived with me) to find out he took apart your VCR and reconfiged your entire stereo system cause he was "bored". He'd borrow my clothes without asking (he still has some) and eat everything in sight. Watch cable, play PS, drink my drank (even my roomates shit) and not pay for anything or chip in. You'd hook him up for an interview and he'd show up with an afro or jail braids. Unshaven, sagging Dickies, and big fat red shoelaces.

When he lived with my other lil bro, he would shmoke his weed up and pinch my other bro's roomate's stash. Strait faulty. He'd have strangers up in the pad and shit would come up missing (including my PS and a shit load of games). Dude would apropriate clothing and shoes there as well. Finally my bro had enough and kicked baby bro out. But he'd be back up in there with a key he made behind his back? WTF?

When he lived with my sisters he stole the younger one's car and went joyriding. Smokin' and drivin' crazy wit some young bitches. Came back and wrecked it in her garage. Hit her husbands truck on the way in too. Shit, he led the po-po's on a high speed in my parents truck before totalling it in a field after he hit a fence.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Dude has done way too much shit for me too list. That's why when he tried to take his self out I was like, "What a selfish sumbitch!" Always thinking of himself and no one else.

Apr 25, 2002
it's true cinful they need to take them everyday or suffer another breakdown.i myself don't know if i need to take it for life but my mom does.i asked my doctor and he is'nt sure either he said it may take at least 5 years to slowly be off of medication if anything.he feels like i'm more stable now though so he gave me a new doctor besides having too many clients himself.the new doctor is a lady but she gave me more meds.i trust her because she gave them to me so i can function better.

deep thought.i feel you i have a brother that was really bad when he was young he's like 33 could call him hard headed.although he's not like how he used to be as a teen it's still hard to convince him of can't depend on him either.they just need to learn the hardway it seems like thats the only way they just hope they do learn to change themselves but it takes time.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002
Apr 25, 2002
I think too many people joke about being mentally ill... my half brother has an uncle that's skitzo and one time I was over at some family thing, and dude was talkin' about some guy named Nathan *my name* called him up while he was in the hospital and such... or folks on tv would tell him to do stuff, it was hard sitting there tryin' to figure out how to get the guy some help, 'cause some 40 year old guy isn't gonna listen to some lil 15 year old... I hope the meds help, but getting on SSI is a pain, my dad's tryin' to get on that, the dshs said he'd probably be able to get on fairly easy but it's lookin' like they might kick him off that too... you'd think the people that need it could get on it easier then some of the others that do *my dad was shot two different times and has limited movement in his hand (from a different injury then the gunshots) *
Apr 25, 2002
whut condemned is saying is true.sum people with skitzophrenia think the t.v. is giving them messages.they can also hullucinate and see things or people.

i myself did'nt get that bad i just heard voices.i heard up to six different voices two young,two old a boy a girl and a man and a woman constantly and once two young girls.thats beside the times i thought people and even friends were saying things under thier breath about me.or when in public i thought i heard people talk loudly about me from their home when i was just walking to a friends house.

i understand when people joke about being mentally ill thats whut upsets me because they really don't understand whut their saying.

sumthing like this is very serious.

condemned if the person your talking about is not getting help a family member can always call the crises team.they go to your house and talk to the person that is ill and they can evaluate the situation and take the person in to a hospital to get help.

thats whut my dad did to me.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
My mom works for SSI, and all the republicans are trying to do is make Social Security available for old people. They denied claims from drug users, even though a lot of drug users use drugs because they have other problems. And they try to stay out of people's lives and hate helping people in need. I hate Republicans.

But my mom tells me stories about schitzo's applying for social security. One guy thought he was Jesus and wanted to be nailed to a cross, one guy got attacked by aliens and was forced to walk around naked while they surveyed him on the streets, one guy said the government implanted a camera into his head. its fucked up shit. I've been hearing about stuff like that every day for almost 10 years. I feel ya, and i hope everything comes through for you.

You seem like you have a good head on your shoulder's though. You know u have a problem, you have the willpower to stay away from drugs, and you're doin everything you can to get better. I got a lot of respect for you for handlin your business. Good luck.
Apr 25, 2002
:devious: thanks shea.talkin to the people on the siccness is like therapy for me.i could just forget whuts going on and laugh about things on here.every once in a while i get reminded of the times i'm living in so i talk to yall and i get to see where my heads really thats cool to know people are listening that means alot to me.
Apr 26, 2002
Thats Humbe and Real

I have a lot of respect for your courage to speak on your situation cause i know how ignorant and stereotypical pople can be not to mention the stigma in general.Stay up Tooper.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
EDJ, nah that fu thinks he's a Norteno. Me and my other bro (also older than baby boy) would beat his ass if he ever got into a real gang. Not that XIV isn't a gang just that hell, we live in NoCal so the chance on seeing a Sureno is minimal. YES I KNOW we have up here (that is for the smart-asses). Anyway, I make that fu pull his fucking pants up in my pressence and take off anything I think is gang related. And when it comes to gifts, I always get him blue clothes. Bwhahahahahah!

Anyway dude's ADD definitely get's in the way. He does shit without thinking. Oh he'll apologize and cry n'shit like he's sorry but, do the same shit again that evening. What can you do?