A1Yola06....friend...you are a dumb ass. Plain and simple. You know you've taken an L when you can't even respond to the article right in front of you, and think that spouting off "He supported Bush" is an automatic Win. It doesn't work like that. "Bush" is the new "your mom"....step your game up.
Your best attempt at refuting what he said is the line about driving 6 year olds to soccer practice. Another person implies that only WSJ readers can afford to have kids that play soccer. Yes, go back...read the post. And this is coming from someone who i GUARANTEE YOU grew up with a whole hell of a lot more than I did (welfare, food stamps, section 8, single parent, free lunch, child support, DSHS.....everything), trying to speak on my level. Do me a favor and don't do that, unless you are that. None of this even speaks on the fact that 90% of soccer (and little league, etc.) leagues are FREE.
Our generation is full of shitheads. I can't say it any plainer than that. Anyone age 15-35 is a fuckin' asshole. You have people making 30K a year thinking they'll be able to afford a house in the next 5 years--and some young, stupid ass banker will probably give it to them, assuming prices (and more importantly, interest rates) will continue to rise and they'll turn a profit no matter what. Dictionary definition of Subprime Lending, and the REAL reason our economy is in the shitter. Not trickle down economics, whatever dolt said that. Put the Buzz Word dictionary down and do some research.
The madness has got to stop. If we don't start harnessing this new technology, and use it to expand classroom hours from 5-6 a day, up to 8-10 a day, our kids/teens/adolescents will continue to get stupider and lazier at ALL ages. It's one thing to care about the environment...its another to be a completely lazy fuck and just regurgitate whatever you hear from your professors. Not belonging to a party doesn't make you independent. Being independent makes you independent, and I see a lot of lemmings right now. Don't waste your years being that. It's not worth it.