GWB's Astrological Forecast

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Hemp said:
what kind of examples were you looking for ?
definitions of the titles? explaination for reading?

examples of the stuff you posted...say....examples of how he's hungry for change, or examples of his harsh realizations....but i still understood what you's not that hard to figure out, unless you don't know anything about astrological stuff....


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
206 u want your reading posted here? because its too long for PM, meaning id have to put it in txt file n upload to my geocities as ive done to others.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio

You were born with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. This combination of opposite signs denotes a very strong personality. Internally, you are warm-hearted and amorous. You have a tremendous amount of patience, firmness, and self-determination. You are intensely ambitious and have a strong desire for a position of renown in the world.

Your personality is in keeping with the individuality just outlined. Others view you as very determined, assured, and self-reliant. Often you are too brash and direct, and your remarks can be offensive. You are attracted to high-quality goods and luxuries, and you will work hard to secure them.

Because of the Sun in Taurus, you are conservative and resistant to changes. The Taurean gift of patience is somewhat overshadowed by your irritability and tendency to anger. It is best for others to stay out of your path when your pride has been pricked.

The Moon in Scorpio indicates a person of marked sexuality with strong tastes and an appetite for pleasures. Your aura of mystery appeals to women. At times you sense that your love of pleasure violates your most essential nature - basic tranquillity and rooted individuality.

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Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the Ninth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aquarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Uranus is located in the ninth house.

You were born with a natural disposition to be humane, sympathetic, original and refined in your dealings with others. Among your features is the ability to understand human nature in a sympathetic manner. Unfortunately, you do not always act upon your intuitions and may become rationalistic at times when swift and prompt determination is required.

The common Aquarian is good and kindly, but usually led astray by eccentric and bizarre companions.

Your tastes are refined and your discrimination keen. You have a natural inclination toward the esoteric and mystical side of life and you could develop some clairvoyant abilities. Basically you are a lover of freedom; in the realization of this desire you may go to extremes.

Although changeable in appearance, your life is guided by very definite and fixed principles, one of which is a constant demand for personal freedom. In love you are a strange character. You can easily be emotionally attracted to one person and yet unpredictably terminate relationships.

As an inventor you have no rival; your problem is that sometimes you lack the practical ability to implement your creations. Professionally you will be successful in any of the following fields of activity: modern science, electrical work, photography, archaeology, astrology, radio etc.

A great part of your life is going to be geared to travel abroad. On the intellectual plane you are very gifted and exceptionally clever. Intuition is another of your natural gifts. You very often reach the solution to problems in a dramatically swift manner. You are going to be attracted all through your life by the uncommon; strange and unsubstantiated theories hold a special fascination for you.

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Sun in the Second House

The Sun was found in the second house at the time of your birth. This position makes financial matters - and the act of physical conquest and possession - the central motivation of your existence.

It is virtually a necessity that you address yourself to gaining material security. The obligations of giving still exist for you as a real difficulty which you must learn to deal with.

You should enjoy your own wealth and also instruct yourself in the art of giving. You wish to be respected in financial matters and like to be regarded as a person who is self- sufficient.

There exists a great amount of faith in your abilities; you believe that no matter what happens, you will always endure financially. These influences of the Sun grant strong possibilities for success in life.

Your weaknesses in money include a tendency to be very demonstrative, a desire for money because of the power it wields. As you reach mature age, the doors of opportunity will open for you through persons highly placed in government. Don't miss the chance.

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Venus in the Fourth House

Venus was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is usually a very favorable and fruitful position that grants excellent family relationships within peaceful and beautiful environments.

This position indicates many social affairs, feasts, parties, celebrations, and related activities.

Near the end of your life you should experience financial gain and an overall economic improvement.

A natural lover of country life and nature, you will find many opportunities to gratify these sentiments.

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Mars Opposition Ascendant

Mars opposition the Ascendant shows that you attract people who threaten you. You do not really have that much self-confidence; your aggressive actions are an attempt to convince yourself that you do.

Meeting others in competition is how you learn to assert yourself constructively, with greater self-control and discipline. Naturally argumentative, you are not the easiest person to get along with. You must learn to be more compromising if you want peace and harmony. Making concessions shows strength of character, not weakness, and if you realize this, you will be respected for your maturity.

In personal relationships, your offensive tactics force you to raise your defenses when the going gets rough.

But an attitude of superiority often masks feelings of inferiority or inadequacy. You have a lot of creative energy you should express. Remember, it is what you do rather than what you say you can do that is important. Develop more self-control, or you will run into many troublesome situations that could be extremely difficult to resolve.

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Jupiter Opposition Ascendant

Jupiter opposition the Ascendant indicates that you are generous toward your associates and civil with competitors. You are polished and refined, sometimes to the point that others may be suspicious of your motives. You prefer to associate with people who seem sure of themselves and their goals. Just as an investment broker deals in financial resources, you deal in the resources of people; who they are and what they can accomplish for themselves and for you. You pride yourself on your good judgment, but you ignore the fact that you are a taker, not a giver, except when it suits your long-range purposes.

Your greatest problem is that you use people to serve your personal objectives. You must learn that being generous is as beneficial to you as accepting the generosity of others.

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Saturn in the Seventh House

Saturn was found in seventh house at the time of birth. In your dealings with others, you are going to present a very cautious personality and you will work slowly towards the achievement of security. The environment will be a very restricting factor in your life; the same limitations that hinder your relationships with others will emerge in a narrowness of reception to your ideas and emotions. This indicates that the key to more spiritual and material development lies in your response to the several tests destined for you which consist of patiently enduring difficulties through human relationships.

You should remember that Saturn does not lend a propensity to be demonstrative in an emotional sense. It does, in those individuals with whom you will start a lifelong relationship, give a sense of duty and stability of emotions. Yet you are going to experience some sorrow throughout your life in a relationship. This is mostly going to consist of the several limitations that this state is imposing upon your personal freedom.

The key to a better integration of your existence lies in the ability to view these obstacles and binds with philosophical resignation.

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Moon in the Ninth House

The Moon was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Your higher mind has the potential to expertly reflect the teachings of elevated knowledge that you may receive throughout your life. You will have an ability to quickly adjust to varying conditions.

You are endowed with a clever and resourceful imagination, and a mind which is receptive to ideals, higher thoughts, and perhaps even metaphysical matters.

Throughout life you are going to solve many critical situations by your ingenious and highly inventive mind which has an abundance of new and humane plans and ideas.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aquarius

These astrological circumstances confer upon you the gifts of intuition and genuine concern for humanity at large. You have the ability to deal with large groups, associations, and congregations. Your mental processes are logical and are influenced by a powerful imagination that takes off where others stop. You could show a flair for prophecy. Your professional pursuits should be within the spheres of higher education and mental discipline. In love you are sincere and affectionate, all the while maintaining a certain independence of habit and mind. Your emotional reactions and cues may be somewhat puzzling to your observers, for you express yourself in unconventional ways. The key to a more harmonious self lies in keeping your inherent independence from souring into reserve and obstinacy.

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Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the First House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Jupiter is located in the first house.

Sagittarius rising denotes lives which are very dualistic; situations come and go as if divided into two sides - success and failure.

If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes,

During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice.

Sagittarius gives you a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.

Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but because of the mutability of the sign you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.

Generally speaking, the sign of Sagittarius will incline you to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.

The general meaning of this position is that any success in life will be achieved through personal effort and merit. There is also a tendency for dignity and respectability caused by your strength of temperament.

You give an impression of spontaneity, frankness, and good disposition. Your temperament is innately honest, truthful, kind and courageous.

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Sun in the First House

The Sun is in the first house. You are by nature energetic, proud and self-assertive. You project yourself enthusiastically and energetically into all situations. Your naturally outgoing disposition and personable manner usually make a good impression on people.

Your heightened self-perception puts you in touch with a strong sense of will, and you can manipulate your will to suit your aims and desires in life. This position of the Sun gives the capacity for leadership, for you tend to attract people and to have a strong influence on them when they are with you.

You do not like to depend on others, but you hold on to your friends, for they are usually pleased to help you when you need it. You are willing to help close friends who are deserving, but only if you know that your efforts will be appreciated.

You often prefer to work alone. However, this is not your only choice, for you adapt well to working with people as long as you are free to express yourself. With a first-house Sun, there is a tendency to overestimate your own worth, but through repeated contacts with others you will inevitably come to a more realistic appraisal of your abilities and potential.

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Uranus Conjunct Ascendant

You have a personal chemistry that never fails to stimulate people to be friendly toward you. No one should feel any discomfort with you because you project yourself freely and honestly.

You relate easily to all types of people and are friendly to everyone, regardless of their social status.

Concerned primarily with the future, you are eager to participate in the development of a higher consciousness, which will be the nucleus for the greater awareness of man.

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Moon in the Third House

The Moon appears in the third house at the time of your birth Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.

Memory is strong and of a pictorial nature. The mind, however, is liable to become too subjective and shallow with an overemphasis on superficial learning and with little practical use or lacking in intellectual sensibility. On the favorable side, there exists a vast reservoir of creativity which could be successfully applied to such pursuits as writing and poetry. Physically, the Moon will give you an intensely active life full of changes, mobility and fluctuations.

The demands of this position are simple: exert yourself in acquiring better control of your unstable and persistent imagination, increasing, thereby, powers of concentration and you will find delightful improvements not only at a mental level, but also in the ability to communicate with others more realistically.

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Venus in the Eleventh House

Venus was found in the eleventh house at the time of your birth. Your aspirations in life are very aesthetically oriented.

You strive for peace and harmony and if it were left up to you the whole world would be more humane, kind, and considerate. In your more personal relationships, Venus gives you the capability of obtaining substantial gain and assistance through your friends, who will desire to assist you with the best of intentions.

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Saturn in the Eleventh House

Saturn was found in the eleventh house at the time of birth. Psychologically, this denotes a rather hidden and limited view of your personal ambitions, your friendships, and of your future. You're very ambitious, cautious, just, patient, responsible, but perhaps, too serious.

You're an individual with few friends and even there you may find that some of them will assist you with advice rather than with actual help in times of peril.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:

Normally when I read stuff like that they aren't too far off, but that one was waaay off. Only a couple things in there that I feel are true about myself.
hm thats weird, somehow those who dont believe in this, or are too religious, always claim theirs is inaccurate.

i will truthfully say mine is 99.9% accurate.
even my forecast with what i was just going through with quittin substances n such. or my spirituality, but ok thanks for lettin me know how it was


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Hemp said:
You could show a flair for prophecy.

You're an individual with few friends and even there you may find that some of them will assist you with advice rather than with actual help in times of peril.

SHIT....I been tellin yall! lol....And I just said the other day, I have a select few group of friends...

Time to start listening to me! But yeah, all that's pretty much me, almost exactly. Those things always trip me out, cause most of them are pretty accurate.

Thanks for posting that too, I like reading that type of stuff.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
yup its all good, mine says im spiritual in each part. either that im facinated by intangibles as mysticism, etc and everything else is also right on dot for me
May 13, 2002
Hemp said:
hm thats weird, somehow those who dont believe in this, or are too religious, always claim theirs is inaccurate.

i will truthfully say mine is 99.9% accurate.
even my forecast with what i was just going through with quittin substances n such. or my spirituality, but ok thanks for lettin me know how it was
I have no reason to lie or deny it. I've read lots of shit like this in my day. Sometimes they seem pretty accurate, other times they dont, or a mixture of both. Typically they are so vague that it's pretty much true for all readers.

Fist paragraph it fucked up

"Internally, you are warm-hearted and amorous."

This is true but then

"You have a tremendous amount of patience, firmness, and self-determination."

Not really patience. I get irritated fast and I hate waiting for shit. I am firm when it comes to my beliefs but I'm not that self-determined, more lazy or a procrastinator if anything.

The next three paragraphs are pretty accurate except for where it says "You are attracted to high-quality goods and luxuries, and you will work hard to secure them", not true at all, after that everything falls apart.

Entertaining read nonetheless.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
i wasnt implying that you are lying, i was just wondering why its wrong for ppl who lack belief.
its like you gotta work with it for it to work with u or somethin
Mar 12, 2005
Hemp said:
i wasnt implying that you are lying, i was just wondering why its wrong for ppl who lack belief
This is coming from an X-Muslim!!!!! You question God and Faith, and you question why 206 doesn't believe this shit? Sheesh!


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
wtf who said i question God, and who said i question why 206 dont believe this?

you my friend, are one retarded ass mother fucker

what i DID question is why its inaccurate for those who dont believe in it.
fuckin idiot

EDIT: and its not faith that i question, its the dictator-like God with the immoral aspects such as an eternal torture when you got limitless ammounts of obstacles in the way, more and more being created daily. Some by accident, and some intentional.
but good luck to the person to find the right sect and all, after finally truely being convinced