god bless you juliana!

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Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
for all you siccness well wishers...on my behalf wish this lady the greatest of lfes ...yesterday 4.20 was not the day to get caught...id been smoking all mrning like a chimney,...byt around 5pm,,,im trying to get from point a to point b...and yes...i fell asleep at the the wheel...it was some heavy ass traffic...and my mind fuzzy with about half acre of weed was a little tired...i began nodding off...for a while nodding on and off...then all of a sudden...boom...rear end some 40ish mom...im sitting there kind of relazed but inside panicking...she pulls over i do same and her car is percfectly fine...so is mine...any other asshole makes a big deal about it though...i offered to exchange info and she refused...i gave her my nae a number in case and shook her hand...juliana...man i coulda been fucked...especially if the boegs rolled around...took a look at my eyes..a smel l into my car..and overall common sense and id been done for..

god bless you juliana...im naming my baby girl after you
May 7, 2002
JackArtist510 said:
she was probably hella high and wasnt even trippin haha, that's good tho


Really though, I hope she has some good karma coming to her. Not a lot trully good-hearted people in the world.

EDIT: Damn bro, falling asleep behind the wheel?? If you gonna smoke to the point where you can't even keep awake while driving, get someone to drop u off or pick u up... be thankful you didn't get in too serious of an accident, you could've hurt someoene as well as yourself. Falling asleep behind the wheel is no joke.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
yeah i fucked up...no excuse for falling sleep...a hazard for all others involved...to my credit...i do tend to nod off at around that time as it is few times i have to get rest between jobs and school...but still not making excuses...

but the bud gods do love me...shit...ive been burning to them heavy lately...

as for driving around on that day stoned...its just another day..didnt really think of it like that since usually driving around blazed.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
the thing is...i wouldnt have fallen asleep had traffic been going normal...but it was stop and go for days on days on end...you ppl know how that shit is like...tedious and boooring.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
thats hella cool.
peace to her.

i had to drive somewhere and back on 6oz of codeine on 420..stupidest move ever..i almost blacked out myself on the road i had to slap myself a few times and put on heavy metal music to stay awake enough to get where i had to get

getting back wasnt as bad but i was thinking to myself when going there...theres no way im going to be able to drive back
Nov 1, 2005
so u fell asleep at the wheel couse u were high..what happened to ''weed dont hurt nobody''?..ur lucky all u did was rear end ol gurl..u could be sitting in a holding tank rite now on sum manslaughter charges or worse....but shit does remind me of one time i was riding with a homie down soto st, in east l.a. high as a muthfuker and bammm..we rear end an ol lady about to make a left turn.so we both pull over and ask her if shes ok.she says she's fine except she feels a lil dizzy couse of sum medication she took earlier,so we tell her that it was her fault couse she slammed on the brakes and she says..''i did''?..were like ..''ya..:paranoid: that medication got u all messed up'' and we went on our way.


she was probably more dirty than you if she wasnt trippin at all like that.....she might be wanted by the police for somethin....you never know....lol....

but yeah you luccy you hit the right person.....


askG said:
yeah i fucked up...no excuse for falling sleep...a hazard for all others involved...to my credit...i do tend to nod off at around that time as it is few times i have to get rest between jobs and school...but still not making excuses...

but the bud gods do love me...shit...ive been burning to them heavy lately...

as for driving around on that day stoned...its just another day..didnt really think of it like that since usually driving around blazed.

yeah work + school + big weed habit = nodding off at the wheel.....

i did same thing last summer when i was workin a full time and goin to school full time.....i was averagin 3-4 hours of sleep a day.....and not all at once....hour or 2 after school/before work and another hour or two after work/before school.....i started feelin like a zombie.....and it caught up wit me one night.....i smoked wit a homie right after we got off work and i was drivin home on the freeway when i fell asleep and drove right off that bitch.........it was around 2 in the mornin though and no one was near me or even came by for a few minutes.....the 1st car that seen me had a lady in it acting real concerned and talkin about callin 911 for me i said nah im good im not hurt i jus bullshitted and said i had a blowout and lost control.....she didnt hang around though or call the po's....luccy one of my close homies drives a tow trucc and he came out and got me and the car before any highway patrol spotted me......

i feel you on that relaxed but paniccy feeling....its wierd....your so fatigued and high its kinda like a peaceful feeling and you jus wanna go to sleep....but fucc that....lol....
May 10, 2002
surgurliman said:
so u fell asleep at the wheel couse u were high..what happened to ''weed dont hurt nobody''?..ur lucky all u did was rear end ol gurl..u could be sitting in a holding tank rite now on sum manslaughter charges or worse...

Irresponsible. You could have killed somebody, smh

Yes, I'm the morals police :paranoid: