Fuckin babies like Sicx..

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Apr 11, 2008
this kid is by far the most disillusioned fuckin moron to touch a keyboard in the year 2009. Its sad when music makes these fuck think they too can pull the "shock value' card and attempt to create a controversy, you failed miserably at music as well as life.'

horrorcore doesntewant you, go buy a marilyn manson album and wash down a handful of oxycontin with a gallon of bleach while you cry about how you mommy and daddy didnt love your dumb ass.
instead of being one of those sick ICP clowns, your just Dopey the Depressed Dumbfuck who trying to be important...I only wish your mother had taken my advice and used the coathanger I gave her when she told me she was pregnant...instead I kicked her twice in the gut and left her on the side of the road, and here we are...

You are a sad inbred lowlife seeking fame for being weird, sorry you failed...leave it to professional musicians.

PLease have a wonderful day of being molested by an uncle.


Nov 2, 2004
well he got your attention didn't he? i'll check it out on the strength that he fux with dosia demon. that's my mans right thurr.
Apr 11, 2008
Getting peoples attention is a long ways away from being successful in music...

Anyone can be an attention whore or try the shock value route, getting 1 listen and having 98% of people that listen say its trash is in no way a good route to take in music...fuck that.

This dude is absolute garbage music-wise, and his only claim to fame is this sad pathetic thread and some myspace plays?

Unoriginal as fuck man....get a new gimmick..

Or try this, maybe just be yourself? Ever think of that...?

If we wanted shock value we'd listen to musicians who actually have a screw or two loose....not some suburbanite schmuck with a played out act who's simply trying WAY too hard to be "crazy"...

Wanna do something cool to get some attention? Why don't you try swallowing spare change....or maybe playing freeze tag blindfolded on 101, or coat yourself in a mixture of vaseline and gasoline and light yourself on fire and jump off the golden gate bridge.

The card your are try to play has been pulled from the deck so many times it ain't funny...

You ain't fuckin babies.....you are a fuckin baby.

Do us all a favor and give yourself a homemade labotomy with a rusty butter knife you dumbfuck