Doomsday Productions split up

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Mar 15, 2006
Just the other day while eatin some scrambled eggs and drinkin some OJ with Vodka, Playboy 7 decided to end Doomsday. Pit was sittin there tryin to write some rhymes with a pen he stabbed a fly with, sayin he was writing in blood. It made Playboy lose his breakfast all over the table and he called Pit a whore. Then he told Eklypss to stop bringin twinkies to their writing sessions cause the papers end up all stuck together. And every time they pass a blunt around you can tell Eklypss put his lips on it, all soggy with twinkie filling and saliva. Eklypss grabbed his box of twinkies and his lyrics and straight walked out. Pit said fuck it and walked too.

What's goin on with music these days??

I'm just fuckin around. :B
Mar 26, 2007
Wheres your source playa??

Did one of them tell you that there selfs?

Were you there when all that happend??

Doomsday splits up over twinkies?

I dunno man that sounds pretty lame to shut down a Group over differences like that............hhhhmmmmm soundz fishy.
Mar 15, 2006
gthug619 said:
Wheres your source playa??

Did one of them tell you that there selfs?

Were you there when all that happend??

Doomsday splits up over twinkies?

I dunno man that sounds pretty lame to shut down a Group over differences like that............hhhhmmmmm soundz fishy.
haha you missed the part at the bottom where i said I'm just fuckin around. :cool: I don't know if you were bein sarcastic or not yourself, but that line "Doomsday splits up over twinkies?" got me rollin.
Mar 26, 2007
Bubble Hash said:
haha you missed the part at the bottom where i said I'm just fuckin around. :cool:
^^^Niggaz like you need to get banned, just my opinion.

I cant wait to see all the replys towards you and how dum you are to make a whole thread about that.

I wont be suprized if Playboy comes up on here dissin the hell out of you. Hahaha!
Mar 15, 2006
gthug619 said:
^^^Niggaz like you need to get banned, just my opinion.

I cant wait to see all the replys towards you and how dum you are to make a whole thread about that.

I wont be suprized if Playboy comes up on here dissin the hell out of you. Hahaha!
Banned for what? I've chopped it up with Playboy and he's a cool dude. You're just mad cause you can't read.
Mar 26, 2007
Bubble Hash said:
Banned for what? I've chopped it up with Playboy and he's a cool dude. You're just mad cause you can't read.

I missed that comment at the very bottom of your message big fucking deal point is you make yourself look stupid saying shit like that when its not even true you just a punk ass kid with nothing to do but make up threads I guess to get popularity or attention but there isnt no humor to what you said it was actually very dum, that is wack if you think its funny and I dont give a fuck who you kicked it with, you probably was on that niggaz dick eating tweenkies.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
gthug619 said:
I missed that comment at the very bottom of your message big fucking deal point is you make yourself look stupid saying shit like that when its not even true you just a punk ass kid with nothing to do but make up threads I guess to get popularity or attention but there isnt no humor to what you said it was actually very dum, that is wack if you think its funny and I dont give a fuck who you kicked it with, you probably was on that niggaz dick eating tweenkies.
yooooou maaaaad :*(

Mar 26, 2007
maculentways said:
yooooou maaaaad :*(

I'm not mad I just like pointing out dum fucks that just talk shit and make up threads like this to get attention, other niggaz agree, ya'll comments dont effect me its just saaad that niggaz do that on siccness, internet thuggin is the main thing alot of niggaz do on the web like ya boy....

but make up a thread about a group breaking up??? hhmmmm stupid and Illiterate.
Mar 15, 2006
gthug619 said:
I'm not mad I just like pointing out dum fucks that just talk shit and make up threads like this to get attention, other niggaz agree, ya'll comments dont effect me its just saaad that niggaz do that on siccness, internet thuggin is the main thing alot of niggaz do on the web like ya boy....

but make up a thread about a group breaking up??? hhmmmm stupid and Illiterate.
lmao @ your madness to this thread. and i'm not internet thuggin ahahh. how am i e-thuggin? does everyone that makes a thread only do it for attention? nah it's entertainment homie. Learn to take a joke or just move on. This is only text on the Internet. I have nothin but love for Doomsday and they would know by what I wrote. That part about Pit writin in blood from a gnat or fly or whatever is from one of their videos, but Playboy wasn't throwin up. You're one gullible ass attention whore.
Mar 15, 2006
Mike Manson said:
Even without reading the comment at the bottom it's kinda disturbing that fools would believe this...
I agree. I can't believe anyone could take it serious AT LEAST at the point it says "It made Playboy lose his breakfast all over the table and he called Pit a whore." Come on now. Whore is also the name of a Playboy 7 album, and dude didn't even pick that up.