Did you ever get your ass whooped as a youngsta by your parents?

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Feb 3, 2014
yes..my mom is a fucking saint and wouldnt harm a flea...but one day i pissed her off so bad she came up behind me and grabbed my head and pulled my hair...she cried for 2 days straight...seeing her cry hurt me more than getting my hair pulled...i dont think ive even argued with her since that day just yes maam no maam...my dad is a fucking beast and even though hes old and half his body doesnt work right i think hell still beat the fuck out of me if we boxed...its that old man/pride strength


No Flexxin No Fakin
Apr 1, 2003
I was beat. And deserved it. Crazy little fucker... i was whipped with switches, belts, slapped and socked.
One time we pissed off my uncle so bad he fuckn went to the garage and started constructing this big paddle to hit us with... It was so heavy it didnt really hurt cuz he couldnt get no wind under it.
My momz socked me in my mouth when i was in 8th grade as the last of adolescent spankings or whatever but when we got in a fight when i was 18 she hit me with a 8x10 off the wall lol.. good times.
I say all that to say this.

I do regret alot of shit i done but think back with a smile like i was vicious. I dont feel victimized mistreated unloved or no dumb shit. I feel bad what i put my single mom thru and was able to become great friends with her before her death. She died when i was turning 28 but by 25 i was grateful she gave a fuck cuz i have a successful career great marriage and have allways been complemented for my manners and how i articulate things.. I got that from building off those whoopings..

I acknowledge that some people do get abused from a dark place and its wrong but kids need to disciplined and im proof (either tho it seemed like it wasnt working for age 0-20)

The realest shit I ever wrote (No 2Pac)(R.I.P.)

Great points from ^^& ... S.SAVAGE @S.SAVAGE & StillHustlin @StillHustlin

To this day I feel I had slightly abnormal treatment when it came to discipline from my moms...pops wasnt there until a year ago and I'm 35.

I'll never forget having to stand in the corner for 24-48 hours for not sayin "yes maam" or for not being able to figure out a math equation on my homework, tellin me "you shoulda payed attention!"...many many times.

I'll never forget having to wear the same clothes to school sometimes for a week straight and gettin clowned by some in the process.

I'll never forget having to go collect cans during the summer time and being locked out till the next day.....I'll never forget that shit.

I could go on.

It seemed that everyone else that I knew at the time had a beautiful life except for me.

I thought of suicide and even had a nice knife at my disposal to attempt the shit....or kill her....it was in the vicinity......close proximity.

It wasnt until I got older when the thought and act of "runnin away" came into the picture....which really consisted of me goin 2 blocks away stayin at a friends house for a couple of days and eventually bein picked up by the police walkin on the street and bein taken back to the house....smh!!!

eventually (9th grade) I was taken away by CPS (courtesy of Mr Harley B @bell JH) and life has been much more interesting since.

Maybe all that was because I was my moms 1st born??....maybe she hated my dad...she always said I looked like him.

So many people would say, How could you HATE your mom??...I always thought they were crazy for askin me that shit.

But I feel that I am who I am today because of it.

I dont know, sometimes I feel like I might have been "THAT NIGGA" if it wasnt for that...I'm not really sure.

With that said...I only discipline my son when needed. Meaning that if I told him "no" or "dont do" something AND offering an explanation as to why and he still does it...OR bringing home bad grades AFTER offering up what I feel is all the help in the world......yea, he's gonna get it.

Nothing close to what I ever got tho.
Jun 5, 2004
Me too, til I realized she was dealing with her own grief & her own demons & didn't know how to deal with raising 2 boys.

I got beat, severely, a lot. I didn't deserve it 90% of the time. Inanimate objects, fists, belts, electric cords... you name it, it was a weapon.

Get in a fight with her husband, come whoop us.
Bad day at work, come whoop us.
2 boys bickering over nothing, whoop us.

Not true in the least bit.

I have swatted my kid (on his ass, not even hard) 3 times in his life & he is 11, all those times were prior to him being 6 years old.

My kid has the utmost discipline & is compassionate & respectful.... he has never gave me a reason to spank him.

Not trying to put my kid on a pedal stool I am just saying there are ways around physical violence.

Knowing your kid, knowing what methods of discipline work, knowing how to work your own reactions prior to taking action works wonders.

Not judging you or your own situation, but this is what works for me & mine.
^ik I was joking big dawg lol...

But yea, ur hella right with that, everyvodys got dif families n situations, but alot of the time people are verbally/physically hella hyphy with their kids when the most effective way to get thru to them, is to sit them down and talk to him, then u might actually find out the root of it all, then u can nip it in the bud.

And ppl are always like "fa reeeeeal!?!?" when I say it, but I was never whooped growing up... It was never really a reason, yea I fucked up a lot. And my mom would just threaten to call my dad, id be like "OOooOoh! Call him", and she would and id be like " u waznt actually suposta do it maaan!"lmao. But I never really repeated the same fuck-up, my pops would just be like "we don't do that because blah blah blah" and I'd be like "aite my ninj I got u, onehunnid"... And my dad getting all serious was not like scary as much as it was hella not what I was tryin to even hear lol, so I would just go find somethin fun to do lol.
May 16, 2002
I got hit with a belt & open hands. And them beat downs were something serious. When the belt came out I hit the floor quicker than falling change out the pocket. And squirm while I tried to unsuccessfully block it with my hands.

We could be in public and all my parents had to do was give me a certain look & I knew to shut up & stay still. They didn't raise their voice in public. All they had to do was look at me & I knew it was an ass whoopin' coming once we got to the car.

It was funny because there were times I thought I could get away with it since we were at their friends house or a relatives. They'd give me that look & I'd stop, but then would see them laughing & joking with the other adults. I thought they forgot. That was never the case, they never forgot LOL!

In conclusion I've come to learn an important lesson in life that I pass down to my own children. If you ask anybody to put their hand in a flame of fire the answer is always most typically, "No." The question arises, "Why not?" To which the answer is, "Because I'll get burned & it'll hurt." Which is what I tend to live by. Because I'm a firm believer that "Pain" is the best reminder not to ever do that shit again LOL!

R.I.P. to both my parents.
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Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
My mom used to swat me all the time, my dad only did that once and that's about all it took lol Needless to say, dad hits a lot harder than mom.

After the 89 earthquake when I was in 2nd grade, I was at the arcade a couple days after it happened. The arcade had power but our apartments across the street didn't. I guess there was a pretty big aftershock and somehow I didn't feel it but my sister came to the arcade and told me that my mom really wanted me to come home. I told her "I'll come home when I'm done with this game." She just said Okaaaaaaay... and walked off. I come home, the happiest I've been in a couple days and I walk in and moms punched me in the face and rolled me over this table we had. In hindsight though, my mom doesn't throw a very good straight right hand.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
Me too, til I realized she was dealing with her own grief & her own demons & didn't know how to deal with raising 2 boys.

I got beat, severely, a lot. I didn't deserve it 90% of the time. Inanimate objects, fists, belts, electric cords... you name it, it was a weapon.

Get in a fight with her husband, come whoop us.
Bad day at work, come whoop us.
2 boys bickering over nothing, whoop us.

Not true in the least bit.

I have swatted my kid (on his ass, not even hard) 3 times in his life & he is 11, all those times were prior to him being 6 years old.

My kid has the utmost discipline & is compassionate & respectful.... he has never gave me a reason to spank him.

Not trying to put my kid on a pedal stool I am just saying there are ways around physical violence.

Knowing your kid, knowing what methods of discipline work, knowing how to work your own reactions prior to taking action works wonders.

Not judging you or your own situation, but this is what works for me & mine.
Real spit!

/end thread
Nov 18, 2010
I got spankings and shit but never any weaponry like a belt or a switch. My mom would chase after me with the wooden spoon but never really hit me with it. My older bro would kick my ass all the time, that is where I got my lumps lol

Both my grandfathers were bout dat belt life but only my bro saw it from one of them once, he soaked my grandfather with the hose and broke some of his tomato plants lmao

but ya my uncle (mom's side) and dad both got the belt from their fathers and it did them no good cuz they were catching charges in their teens. My uncle had 3 boys who were all crazy as fuck growing up (their mom was an alcy and didnt watch them) but he decided he wasnt going to ever whoop them. They got bars of soap in their mouths and shit for swearing but no beatings. Now they all work trades and got money, so it worked there.
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
When i was a kid my dad only hit me twice because he lived 2 miles away and my mom used to beat the shit out of me because while she was workin night shift I got in to a lot of trouble in the neighborhood. I remember she used to punch me in the face with her fist.....One time my mom slammed my head into the hood of her car and punched my temple repeatedly after I said something that made her mad.

my brother that lived with my dad had a swollen eye once from my dad punching him after he got put in juvenile hall for sellin dope.
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Evergreen Hustlah
Sep 13, 2005
Tha Eva Green
I remember my freshman year, got 20 days in school suspension....I just ditched school for a month straight, one day my pops caught me sleeping on the floor and caught a boot to the stomach and got my ass kicked!! I deserved that shit never thought it was out of line but hey that was lightweight compared to how my pops used to be!!


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
I remember when my lil sister was 15 she threatened to call the cops because my mom slapped her for being disrespectful. she picked up the phone and started dialing. my mom hung up the phone up, slammed her head in the wall, and said ok now call them. my sister ran upstairs and thats the end of that. my sister was the middle kid, so she pretty much was in trouble since 1st grade. got suspended in 3rd grade for trying to start a gang, tried to run away in the 4th grade, been arrested twice. there was no different treatment imo, between me, her and my brother. she just didnt like authority. disrespected teachers etc. it wasnt until she was 17 and they told her she needed 20 credits to graduate high school when she woke up. and she been cool ever since. got her B.A. and is in her masters program right now.
I say all that to say, sometimes whoppin a kid may not be the best answer. maybe my sister needed some other form of discipline...or maybe meds lol but she is pretty damn embarrassed on how she was when she was a kid and really doesnt like to talk about it.
Jan 5, 2006
My mom was the one who whooped my ass most of the time, but my dad would finish with belt and fist.

I've been whooped by almost anything my folks could find... belts (mexican one's with thick thick leather and metal studs) extension cords, vacuum extensions, sandals, heels, shoes, pieces of wood... had my ears yanked, been slapped, socked in the face (last time I ever got whooped back in 6th grade). When other kids/my cousins would come over I and do bad shit... I would get whooped for that. I'm an only child so there was no one to blame... I was the sole owner of those whoopings.

I'd say... whoop your kids ass if you have to... I got my ass whooped and I turned out alright. Never been in trouble with the law, not a straight A student or anything but I never did any really bad shit years after.
Apr 16, 2003
I've swatted my sons ass twice and I regret it. It was nothing that would hurt him but when a parent resorts to hitting a child, it means you lost control and you're falling back on some primal ignorant shit. I believe that teaching kids to fear the punishment only teaches them to try and push the limits rather than learning respect or an understanding of the rules they break. My older brother is a fuckup, got his ass whooped all the time too. He's been in and out of prison. He makes his moves based on what the penalty will be. I don't think you can beat logic and reasoning into someone.