DAMN My homie fucked up and Im goin down with him

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Oct 13, 2003
FUCK!!! IM HEATED CAUSE OF THIS SHIT!! one of my top dawgs going to court tomorrow morning and got to confront a judge he has met in the past about some unpaid tickets.

Alright, my boy had tickets 2 years old he hasnt paid!!! THAT SHIT GREW TO $4000!!! IM LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!!!?? HOW U GONNA IGNORE THAT SHIT FOR SO LONG???

Basically hes going to the same judge he confronted just 4 months earlier about paying the same tickets. The judge said he got 4 month to pay the shit in full or he gettin locked up. Tomorrow morning is goin to be an update and he didnt pay shit in those 4 months.


He dont got a job at the moment and broke as fuck. He does have a car though that he loves to death and has sacraficied much for. The car is valued around $4300. He needs to pay $4000 in tickets.

This shit is all last minute and he hasnt said anything to me until about 1 hour ago. 12 hours before the court date!!!

So here is what I did, I told my boy I will go with him and risk being late to work for the first time. This court date is about a ticket worth $1250. He has 2 other appointments after this one.

Some of ya'll probably know Im workin on a car right now. Well, homies. That shit is gonna have to be put on delay cause Im gonna have to spot him the money.

He hasnt asked for anything and sounds like he really dont give a fuck, but I cant watch my true homie go down for some bullshit like this. I know I need to help him instead of bein sellfish and thinkin of myself.

I posted his ride for sale, but he dont know. I dont give a fuck. He would rather get locked up and give me the keys to his ride then pay the government their money.

Im goin Friday morning with him to see what happens. I prolly got him for this $1250 ticket, but the rest I'm not sure about. Well see. FUCK IM HEATED!!!
May 16, 2004
shit from the title of the thread I thought it was serious like a trip upstate for 5-10 for something you didnt do and the person you are wouldnt let you sell out.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
It ain't like he's gotta do 10 yrs.Fuck him,it's just county time,and his dumb ass should of payed it off anyway.You might as well save your money,and just put some chips in his books.He's probably only lookin at 45 days anyhow.
Apr 25, 2002
BAMMER said:
It ain't like he's gotta do 10 yrs.Fuck him,it's just county time,and his dumb ass should of payed it off anyway.You might as well save your money,and just put some chips in his books.He's probably only lookin at 45 days anyhow.
Fucking werd.

You aren't gonna see your money again any time soon.
May 29, 2002
I know he's your boy and all, but I say let him do the time. If he'd rather do time then pay some tickets, then he sure as hell aint gonna pay you back ever.

He got himself into this mess, there is no reason for you to help him out. There are some instances where you gotta let him handle it himself and this is definitely one of them.
Jun 27, 2003
Fo sho this is what being growned up is all about. Homie didn't fulfill his obligations why you gotta be there to play pops for him? Let him take his couple weeks of county for this stupid shit and maybe he'll learn to pay that shit next time.. if that's me I aint comin out tha pockets for him like that unless I was stackin and it really wasn't no thing nah mean.
May 3, 2002
im with everyone else! go to work friday morning and do what you do..thats your folks in all but he gotta learn how take responsibility for his actions, other wise he'll never learn. you tryin to help him out aint gonna do a damn thang..let him do the lil time he gets

when he locked down, shoot the nigga a kite an call it a day...lol
Feb 5, 2005
If he does county time, doesn't time served count as restitution for the tickets? If so, he doesn't have a job. Let him do the time.
Jun 27, 2002
lol...this is abut some damn tickets....lol...i though you said you were going down....lol

man county time is a good way to take care of fines.....and if he aint got no job then why the fuck not...4g's aint easy to just drop into nowhere...and he'd only do a couple months at most...just nutt up and do it

and he aint paid a dime of the money he owes to THEM, but he's gonna pay the full amount to YOU ?
and he dont want to sell his car....being an adult means learning about sacrifices man....if he woulda did what he was supposed to he coulda paid those tockets off with a payment plan each month if he was smart about it....trust me, it can be done, i've done it countless timess and have had friend rack up charges in the 5 figure range and still make payments...

i think you trppin a little too hard, let homie handle his shit he way he wants.... if he wanna do time then let him...but dont try and handle someone else's business who cant handle their own...give him advice if anything...i would just drop dude 4 g's though...you'd be a fool to sacrifice your ride when he's willing to do time....if anything sometimes self comes first..but in dudes case he needs to make a sacrfice...theres a difference...

and i dont think you being late to work is the end of the world if you think about it and have a good enough excuse...
Jun 27, 2002
lol...i wouldnt even help dude with the 1250 either man....fa real....i mean its obvious dude aint tryin to work or he woulda found a job...any job...or been hustlin jackin or pimpin or somethin....sound like dude just lazy and you bailin him out...
Oct 13, 2003
But that shit will be on his record in the future and his License is gonna be suspended, right? How he gonna find work in the future with that?

And I know it ain't really a violent crime he goin to jail for, but homie $4000 aint no joke, especially when it's the government u fuckin with. I dont think it's as easy as doin a few months homies. Well will see in a few minutes.
Jun 27, 2002
man you actin like he owe the money to the FBI directly or the CIA is sending collection notices...or Arnie is comin to his house....lol @ the goverment

yeah he FUCKED HIS OWN RECORD ..that aint your fault...why you actin like it is and you gotta bail him out...

on his record.....lol...like they gonna say "we were gonna give you the job but we noticed this infraction traffic charge....sorry we cant hire you"...
.man i know 2 time felons workin goverment jobs and makin more then me so quit with all that "how he gonna find a job" shit.....and who are you his daddy or friend, you seem more concerned then him in a way you describin it....lol

4 g's aint shit dogg.....they aint gonna give him no fuckin REAL time for it bro....ITS 2 FUCKIN TRAFFIC TICKETS, and even if it aint a traffic ticket...its still a misdemeanor offense at most...whoopty doo, it aint like he's on the run for some enhanced circumstances felonies dogg....no one is going to die, no one is going to the penn...there will be no loss of limbs....

and for the crying your doin over 4g's (that YOU dont even owe)...yes...4 g's is a joke....i think your friend needs to own up to his responsibilities and you needs to let him do it....

i mean so what if he has a fucked up driving record, it aint the end of the world....HE CAN FIND ANOTHER JOB.....
Apr 25, 2002
Ay Snake, if you got 4gz to burn like that, I can give you my address and you can send it my way...I gotta credit card debt you can pay off! Comon man!! Bail me out I need help!! :mad:
Jun 27, 2002
Yeah man im going down too.....i owe the IRS $500, Prvidian wanna send niggas to break my legs and Im sure First Premier is right behind them....them and Sequoia Financial Collections....and San Mateo Medical Response...and DMV....

snake im just askin for like 2,500...i'll get you back soon as i get a job.....

we all need more friends like snake......lol
Apr 25, 2002
mustynutz said:
Yeah man im going down too.....i owe the IRS $500, Prvidian wanna send niggas to break my legs and Im sure First Premier is right behind them....them and Sequoia Financial Collections....and San Mateo Medical Response...and DMV....

snake im just askin for like 2,500...i'll get you back soon as i get a job.....

we all need more friends like snake......lol
hahah Really though...