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May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California

CANNON BALL, N.D. — The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe won a major victory on Sunday in its battle to block an oil pipeline being built near its reservation when the Department of the Army announced that it would not allow the pipeline to be drilled under a dammed section of the Missouri River.

The Army said it would look for alternative routes for the $3.7 billion Dakota Access pipeline. Construction of the route a half-mile from the Standing Rock Sioux reservation has become a global flash point for environmental and indigenous activism, drawing thousands of people out here to a sprawling prairie camp of tents, tepees and yurts.

“The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing,” Jo-Ellen Darcy, the Army’s assistant secretary for civil works, said in a statement. The move could presage a lengthy environmental review that has the potential to block the pipeline’s construction for months or years.

But it was unclear how durable the government’s decision would be. Sunday’s announcement came in the dwindling days of the Obama administration, which revealed in November that the Army Corps of Engineers was considering an alternative route. The Corps of Engineers is part of the Department of the Army.

President-elect Donald J. Trump, however, has taken a different view of the project and said as recently as last week that he supported finishing the 1,170-mile pipeline, which crosses four states and is almost complete.

Though the Army’s decision calls for an environmental study of alternative routes, the Trump administration could ultimately decide to allow the original, contested route. Representatives for Mr. Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Mr. Trump owns stock in the company building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, but he has said that his support has nothing to do with his investment.

There was no immediate response from Energy Transfer Partners, but its chief executive, Kelcy Warren, has said that the company was unwilling to reroute the pipeline, which is intended to transport as much as 550,000 barrels of oil a day from the oil fields of western North Dakota to a terminal in Illinois.

Reaction was swift on both sides, with environmental groups like Greenpeace praising the decision. “The water protectors have done it,” a Greenpeace spokeswoman, Lilian Molina, said. “This is a monumental victory in the fight to protect indigenous rights and sovereignty.”

But Craig Stevens, a spokesman for the MAIN Coalition, a pro-infrastructure group, condemned the move as “a purely political decision that flies in the face of common sense and the rule of law.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not surprising that the president would, again, use executive fiat in an attempt to enhance his legacy among the extreme left,” Mr. Stevens said in a statement. “With President-elect Trump set to take office in 47 days, we are hopeful that this is not the final word on the Dakota Access Pipeline.”

Representative Kevin Cramer, Republican of North Dakota and a Trump supporter, called Sunday’s decision a “chilling signal to others who want to build infrastructure in this country.”

“I can’t wait for the adults to be in charge on Jan. 20,” Mr. Cramer said, referring to Mr. Trump’s inauguration.

Still, the announcement set off whoops of joy inside the Oceti Sakowin camp. Tribal members paraded through the camp on horseback, jubilantly beating drums and gathering around a fire at the center of the camp. Tribal elders celebrated what they said was the validation of months of prayer and protest.

“It’s wonderful,” Dave Archambault II, the Standing Rock tribal chairman, told cheering supporters who stood in the melting snow on a mild North Dakota afternoon. “You all did that. Your presence has brought the attention of the world.”

The decision, he said, meant that people no longer had to stay at the camp during North Dakota’s brutal winter. The Corps of Engineers, which manages the land, had ordered it to be closed, but the thousands of protesters had built yurts, tepees and bunkhouses and vowed to hunker down.

“It’s time now that we move forward,” Mr. Archambault said. “We don’t have to stand and endure this hard winter. We can spend the winter with our families.”

Law enforcement officials and non-Native ranchers in this conservative, heavily white part of North Dakota would like little more than to see the thousands of protesters return home. The sheriff has called the demonstrations an unlawful protest, and officials have characterized the demonstrators as rioters who have intimidated ranchers and threatened and attacked law enforcement — charges that protest leaders deny.

But on Sunday, several campers said they were not going anywhere. They said that there were too many uncertainties surrounding the Army’s decision, and that they had dedicated too much time and emotion to this fight to leave now.

Federal and state regulators had issued the pipeline the necessary permits to proceed, but the Corps of Engineers had not yet granted it a final easement to drill under a stretch of the Missouri River called Lake Oahe.

The Standing Rock Sioux had objected to the pipeline’s path so close to the source of their drinking water, and said any spill could poison water supplies for them and other reservations and cities downstream. They also said the pipeline’s route through what are now privately owned ranches bordering the river crossed through sacred ancestral lands.

News of the government’s denial came after the size of the camp had swelled with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Native and non-Native veterans who had arrived to support the tribe. As word spread, people who had camped out here for months, sometimes in bitterly cold temperatures, and who had clashed violently with local law enforcement, linked arms and cheered and cried.

They screamed, “Mni wiconi!” — the movement’s rallying cry — which means “Water is life.”

Jon Eagle Sr., a member of the Standing Rock Tribe, said the announcement was a vindication for the thousands who had traveled here, and for the multitudes who had rallied to the tribe’s fight on social media or donated. Millions of dollars in donations and goods have flowed into the camps for months as the tribe’s fight and the scenes of protesters being tear-gassed and sprayed with freezing water stirred outrage on social media. (Law enforcement officials have insisted the entire time that they have acted responsibly and with restraint.)

“I don’t know quite how to put into words how proud I am of our people,” Mr. Eagle said. “And I mean our people. I don’t just mean the indigenous people of this continent. I mean all the people who came to stand with us. And it’s a beautiful day. It’s a powerful day.”

Ken Many Wounds, who has served as a tribal liaison to express concerns and questions to law enforcement, said he had been standing by the camp’s main fire — one that is tended constantly — when he heard the news from the tribal chairman’s wife. He said he did not believe it at first.

“I hugged her, I cried,” he said. “Our prayers have been answered. A lot of people didn’t believe that prayer was going to be the answer. But our people stayed together. In our hearts, we knew.”
May 7, 2013
gotta respect these people standing up like they are, but unfortunately it won't stop it... The bourgeois will continue to do what they do.

Arizona is a perfect example, these retarded mufuccas will build on every single patch of dirt if you let em, irregardless of how much infill or abandoned properties there are available.... I mean its a goddamn desert and now we have an indoor aquarium in scottsdale and nestle moving to phoenix to deplete water after the drained it all out of the California mountains... damn right #THEYLIVE

The Aztecs were right to lead these aholes to their deaths
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May 7, 2013
Coloradans respond to Trump's moves reviving controversial Keystone, Dakota Access pipelines

video : http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/n...spond-to-trumps-moves-reviving.html?ana=yahoo

Trump signed an executive order inviting TransCanada, the Canadian company that has backed the Keystone XL, to resubmit its application to the U.S. government.

Former President Barack Obama in November 2015 rejected the proposed pipeline, which would cross the border into the U.S.

Trump on Tuesday told reporters that he would “renegotiate some of the terms” — including possibly an insistence that the pipeline be built with American steel, according to the New York Times.

He also signed an executive order regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline, which drew protestors after Standing Rock Sioux Tribe objected to its construction less than a mile from its reservation.

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers said last month it would look at alternative routes for the pipeline.

Trump’s order regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline directed the Army “to review and approve in an expedited manner” the pipeline, “to the extent permitted by law and as warranted.”

In his session with reporters, he added, “Again, subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated by us,” according to the Times.

Among the Colorado responses to the president's actions:

• U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Boulder, decried Trump’s actions, saying that “After years of environmental protections under the Obama administration, such as his action to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, it’s disheartening to see President Trump put the oil and gas industry ahead of the health of our planet, wellbeing of people, and – in the case of the Dakota Pipeline – sovereignty of Native Americans.”

Polis said he would “continue to tirelessly fight to protect our planet for future generations and prevent these oil pipelines from moving forward. In the 21st century, we should be investing in renewable energy and pursue climate technologies that safeguard our planet rather than subsidizing fossil fuel pipelines.”

more at link
Aug 15, 2003
Trump Don't Care About Our Native People, But Sum People Have Different Agendas. If Someone Was Building An Oil Pipeline Next To One Of His Hotels He Would Shit His Chonies. Fuck How Did We Get Like This, The Native People Lived Off Of THE BARE LAND And We Gone Push Another Value On Indigenous Lands. The Native People Deserve Their Own Nation And Land At This Point, Why Not When Across The Globe Many Nations Belong To Arab People?

Every Part Of Land This Nation Took For Itself Should Have Atleast Reserved Half For Them

I'm Frum SoDo And Grew Up With The Natives, Went To School With Them, Learned About Them, We Live In A Fuked Up Land.
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Jul 12, 2002
May 13, 2002
Because being an asshole is normal and being a murderous child abusing terrorist is not..that used to be common sense lol @ cant figure it out
This is how people like hitler come into power
Not Trump but he seems to be paving the way for one yeah? It's fucking weird that being a neo nazi is becoming in style. Hey you have fascist beliefs and believe the white race is superior but maybe not quite bold enough to outright say it in those words since you don't want to get sucker punched in the face at a protest and want to label your "movement" something new and hip like "the Alt-Right"? Fucking aye, join the club! Although to be serious, there already seems to be a lot of backlash and people distancing themselves from those with the more blatant ideology.

I don't know which period was worse, this or Bush, I guess time will tell. With Bush it seemed just the Bible thumpers and rednecks really supported him, now I dunno, I see weird shit on all sides, this country I don't think has been this divided in this many ways in my lifetime.
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Jul 12, 2002
I don't know which period was worse, this or Bush, I guess time will tell. With Bush it seemed just the Bible thumpers and rednecks really supported him, now I dunno, I see weird shit on all sides, this country I don't think has been this divided in this many ways in my lifetime.
I'd say it's far worse now because Trump blatantly lies about stuff and people are ok with that, or refuse to admit it. Feels like the twilight zone but this is real life and that's scary.
Jan 2, 2006
The only people to blame is the people whos been running the world so far
these last 17 years has been weird as fuck lol wtf happend?
But atleast something is happening now