Chris Benoit movie

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$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
SRG Films has announced that they are adapting Matthew Randazzo's book Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry into a feature film titled Crossface.

Coming Soon posted a press release that describes Crossface as "a biographical thriller" that "delves into the pressures WWE superstar Chris Benoit faced throughout his wrestling career as the combination of drug-use, depression, and head trauma became increasingly impossible for him to handle. The true story made headline news in 2007 when Chris murdered his wife and young son before taking his own life."

The film's writer, Sarah Coulter, said: "People immediately point to steroids, never thinking about the brain trauma these wrestlers can, and do, incur in their profession, nor do they consider the rigorous schedule that keeps them working even when they shouldn t be. The Benoit story is one that needs to be brought into the light."

Producers are said to be out to directors and actors right now in the hopes of beginning production in late 2012


Sicc OG
Jun 24, 2005
it would be hard to make people feel bad for benoit after what he did
It might not necessarily be to make people feel bad for him, but to give an understanding to what may have happened with him.

This is something I definitely want to see. Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers, and his WrestleMania title victory is one of my favorite wrestling moments ever.
May 24, 2002
I think people forget the fact that Benoits brain at that point in time was almost completely mush... Dude had the brain of an 80 year old alzheimer's patient.

Its sad what happened but I really don't fault benoit for it


Sicc OG
Dec 4, 2004
I think people forget the fact that Benoits brain at that point in time was almost completely mush... Dude had the brain of an 80 year old alzheimer's patient.

Its sad what happened but I really don't fault benoit for it
But its not hard to imagine that he still knew common sense and right from wrong.

I think what happened sucks and I still respect everything Benoit did in wrestling. In the end, no one can really point fingers until they knew what went down in his house that night.

Though if you seen Paul London/Brian Kendrick shoot interview, they didn't seem to be surprised and would expect something like that from him.

I'm sure this news is making Vince McMahon turn red. I expect them to start airing video packages about their Make a Wish stuff and even reach out to offer wrestlers some kinda help...when this movie drops, as a PR move.
May 24, 2002
But its not hard to imagine that he still knew common sense and right from wrong.
I doubt he had much common sense left at this point.

Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia. Put a crazy old man brain that has received YEARS of trauma in a healthy, young, steroid users body....shits bound to go bad.

This picture doesn't mean much since no one here is a neurosurgeon but maybe it will help a little bit
May 24, 2002
how many fucking 80 year olds with alzheimers have you heard about killing their wife, son and self?

How many fucking 80 year olds do you know with a 40 year olds body that has been taking head bumps most of his life?

But no... lets go with your story. Lets ignore the fact that his brain was practically mush. Ill pretend that he knew exactly what he was doing because we all know how sane and rational someone with dementia can be.

May 25, 2005
ok..and his brain was like that why? wrestling..isnt that one of the things they try to say in the media, talk down on the wrestling life and base the unfortunate incident on that? if it wasnt steroids it was that, if it wasnt that it was something else...the die hard wrestling fans are always gonna pull out some excuse cause it was chris benoit...any regular joe woulda been shat on and dismissed...

anyway guy, no hard feelings, i just said what i had the words of sheik "fuck him, have a good day"
May 24, 2002
ok..and his brain was like that why? wrestling..isnt that one of the things they try to say in the media, talk down on the wrestling life and base the unfortunate incident on that? if it wasnt steroids it was that, if it wasnt that it was something else...the die hard wrestling fans are always gonna pull out some excuse cause it was chris benoit...any regular joe woulda been shat on and dismissed...

anyway guy, no hard feelings, i just said what i had the words of sheik "fuck him, have a good day"

Idk... maybe its all the head bumps, concussions and using a diving head butt for 20 years.

Does it really matter how it happened to him? the fact is HE HAD AN 80 YEAR OLD ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS BRAIN!

Im not trying to save face here because he was a wrestler.... I don't care. I do care about people ignoring his mush brain and assuming he is just a monster. That I find to be completely ignorant.

If this happened to some "regular joe" he would have been tested by the state and probably declared insane and would be stuck in some psychiatric hospital for the rest of his life.
May 24, 2002
Ungodd. If his brain was mush how was able to wrestle? Not being a smarty ass, that's a serious question.
I don't mean mush as in he was a drooling idiot. Just his brain is beyond fucked up as pictures and autopsy pointed out. Don't get me wrong. Im not trying to defend benoit because he was a wrestler. I have shitted on plenty of wrestlers and called the choices they have made stupid and put all the blame on them. However, I am not going to ignore the medical facts and just believe that he was a cold calculating monster that knew exactly what he was doing with a clear head.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
This guy that went to my high school, he was a sever paranoid schizophrenic and he ended up killing his mom a few years back. So I say that to say this: dude wasn't a monster and neither was benoit. I agree with that. I blame not only him tho, but the people around him who didn't bring it to his attention that he needed help. Seems like maybe they feared him? Or his reactions if someone called him out on it.
May 24, 2002
Judging from shoots and what people have said about him....his last few months were kinda odd. and yeah I think a lot of people were legit scared of him. Im sure his very long stay in japan(1986-94) didn't help things. Seen him take some real nasty bumps during that time...

In japan its custom to TORTURE the young boys and people just getting started. Benoit would become one of the nastiest people backstage and one of the main guys in charge of fucking up the young lions.

So maybe Benoit was always a fucked up dude...but I don't think having the brain of an 80 year old Alzheimer's patient helped anything