Blacks & Whites in the Midwest = Widest Gap of Any Two Racial Groups in the US

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Feb 10, 2006
dawun said:
White people have been pulled up from poverty by the oppurtunities that other white people have made for them and openly allowed them to have, where as they wouldn't offer the same oppurtunities to a black person, the only reason it happens now is cause of Eqaul Opp laws and shit.

The Civil Rights Acts are not being enforced.For every act of discrimination that goes to court,millions of others go unnoticed.Everyday,millions of blacks(and other minorities) are discriminated against on all levels of society.Employers ''just so happen'' to prefer whites-judges ''just so happen'' to sentence blacks to longer jail terms-blacks ''just so happen'' to get pulled over (with no probable cause) at rates several times that of whites-etc

The mere fact that these laws are on the books gives whites a comfort.....even though the laws are not enforced.Most whites will pretend that they are,and will expect you to do the same.They will get uncomfortable,defensive and irratated if you do not play along with thier sick fantasy.Some even believe that because of Affirmitive Action,that minorities have it easier than whites.

You have to understand just how sick and disconnected from reality most whites are.....60% of whites polled in the early 1960s,before the civil rights acts of 1964,believed that blacks were treated equally in thier communities.And this was during Jim Crow times.So imagine how many think ''everything is fine'' today.They ease thier own consciences(the so called non racist ones) with lies and flat out ignorance.''well they are better off here than in Africa(we are not seen as americans)'' or ''everybody can make it if they try,so i will just ignore racism because everyone can make it''.Its a collective psychosis.Plain and simple-white people as a whole are nuts.Lunatics.Just like thier 'fore fathers' who created this country.The ones we see on the money...the ones we send our kids to schools named after.The ones honored in holidays in this country.

Whites would like to think that they are better off because they are...better people.Not because they have stolen,raped,abused,plundered,and discriminated themselves to the top.(this explains dabullsdabears refusal to believe that whites are oppressing blacks).They will usually only acknowledge wide scale oppression as being history,in the past.You could point out all current facts,and since they already have thier ''defend whites'' script memorized,they will act as if discriminjation is a thing of the past.''get over it'' ''whites today are not to blame for the past'' ''my ancestors never owned slaves'' etc.

another white tactic,is to portray all races as equal ''there are poor whites too'' ''everybody struggles'' etc.This seeks to sugar coat racism;they want to pretend that we all are in the same situaton.
Apr 4, 2006
loyalty7414 said:
Im not the one
#1.sentencing blacks to harsher sentences for the same crimes
#2.setting a policy in place that makes it easier for white felons to secure employment than black men with no record and the same qualifications(worst white better then best black rule)
#3.eagerly locking up masses of blacks for non violent drug offenses,yet not enforcing the civil rights laws
#4.Giving whites more pay for the same work
#5.making whites 3 times more likely to recieve loans even over blacks that make more money
#6.setting policies in place that make facts like the average white person having over double the finanicial assests then the average black person
#7.disenfranchisng the black vote by making masses of us felons

Thats all bullshit.

If you think that way thats how people will treat you.
Feb 10, 2006
swoop187 said:
Thats all bullshit.

If you think that way thats how people will treat you.

Those are all proven facts.It has nothing to do with how I ''think''.

Youre another one of those ''its not racism thats the problem...blacks realizing that racism exists is the problem'' idiots

Its like saying if I didnt ''think'' G.W.Bush was the current president of the United States,then it would somehow make him not the president.Ignoring facts does not make the fact change.To ignore a fact means to be ignorant.You are ignorant.
Apr 4, 2006
loyalty7414 said:
Those are all proven facts.It has nothing to do with how I ''think''.

Youre another one of those ''its not racism thats the problem...blacks realizing that racism exists is the problem'' idiots

Its like saying if I didnt ''think'' G.W.Bush was the current president of the United States,then it would somehow make him not the president.Ignoring facts does not make the fact change.To ignore a fact means to be ignorant.You are ignorant.
lol, im not the one using my race as some kind of excuse for why i cant do something.

Why dont you go tell all of the succsessful black people the reason why you cant _________ is because your black. They will tell you your wrong and tell you you have an attitude problem.

What do you expect? just to walk into a company and say "i want a fucking job now" and i want 25 dollars an hour and if you dont get it its racism? You just think its racism becouse your expecting it.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
loyalty7414 said:
Whites would like to think that they are better off because they are...better people.Not because they have stolen,raped,abused,plundered,and discriminated themselves to the top.(this explains dabullsdabears refusal to believe that whites are oppressing blacks).They will usually only acknowledge wide scale oppression as being history,in the past.You could point out all current facts,and since they already have thier ''defend whites'' script memorized,they will act as if discriminjation is a thing of the past.''get over it'' ''whites today are not to blame for the past'' ''my ancestors never owned slaves'' etc.

another white tactic,is to portray all races as equal ''there are poor whites too'' ''everybody struggles'' etc.This seeks to sugar coat racism;they want to pretend that we all are in the same situaton.

that's real right there.

Just cause your born white doesn't automatically make you in the better people club, you have to earn it. However once your born black, white people automatically put you in the bad people club and don't let you have a chance to earn yours. Double standards. I can't believe some white people can be so oblivious to racism and think it's a thing of the past. Many black, mexicans, asians, non whites are discriminated against by whites everyday, wether the receiving party knows it or not.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
that's real right there.

Just cause your born white doesn't automatically make you in the better people club, you have to earn it. However once your born black, white people automatically put you in the bad people club and don't let you have a chance to earn yours. Double standards. I can't believe some white people can be so oblivious to racism and think it's a thing of the past. Many black, mexicans, asians, non whites are discriminated against by whites everyday, wether the receiving party knows it or not.

god, what do you think white people get whatever they want but blacks dont?

I think your expectations out of life are completely diffrenet from white people thats why your having trouble. Their are plenty of succsessful black people in this world that arnt rappers or sports stars so how do you think they got succsessfull if there is so much racism going on in this world.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
lol, im not the one using my race as some kind of excuse for why i cant do something.

Why dont you go tell all of the succsessful black people the reason why you cant _________ is because your black. They will tell you your wrong and tell you you have an attitude problem.

What do you expect? just to walk into a company and say "i want a fucking job now" and i want 25 dollars an hour and if you dont get it its racism? You just think its racism becouse your expecting it.
besides the whole job and finacial divide, you gotta see that white people just plain and simple have a negative view of blacks, even before they draw conclusins why they don't like blacks ie crime, lazy, etc. successful black people are not liked any better by a lot of white people, white people put them in the same category as the murder and gangbanger, they're all the same to them. this is the negative attitude and stereotyping that still hangs over how our society acts. There's prejudice out there period.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
besides the whole job and finacial divide, you gotta see that white people just plain and simple have a negative view of blacks, even before they draw conclusins why they don't like blacks ie crime, lazy, etc. successful black people are not liked any better by a lot of white people, white people put them in the same category as the murder and gangbanger, they're all the same to them. this is the negative attitude and stereotyping that still hangs over how our society acts. There's prejudice out there period.
how do you know all of this? do you have any proof? didnt think so, your just making an assumption and thats why you are having problems with white people.

Yes if a white person was up in the ghetto he would think that but thats the ghetto. Im sure if a white person was all up in some mobil home park he woud think the same thing. Look at the fucking getto man, does it look like a safe fucking place? no didnt think so so why should some unwanted white people feel safe there? ofcourse they are going to have negitive thoughts because ALL ghettos are shit holes. Besides alot of it has to do with how you represent your self, if your walking around in some straight up gangsta shit talking like a gangsta then people are going to have there opinions about you and you wont get a job but if you come dressed "normal" then poeple will except you.

Why dont you trade in your baggy pants and due rag for a nice suit and then apply for a job im sure people will treat you with alot more respect then if you were dressed like lil john.

Society has standards and dont expect society to work around you, you have to work around it.

Besides dont act like any white person that assumes that shit goes down in the ghetto is stereotyping because shit does go down in the ghetto and i know that because i live in one.

You wanna change stereotyping? then fix the ghettos, dont stand on the street and drink 40's and break the bottles on the ground, dont gang bang, dont tag walls.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
god, what do you think white people get whatever they want but blacks dont?

I think your expectations out of life are completely diffrenet from white people thats why your having trouble. Their are plenty of succsessful black people in this world that arnt rappers or sports stars so how do you think they got succsessfull if there is so much racism going on in this world.
what did you understand my post? I'm not talking about getting anything. i'm not talking about whites getting jobs and having everything handed to them. Do you believe then that just cause your born white your automatically a better person? That is what i was targetting, the thought of white people thinking they're better from the time of birth and raising. And whites looking down on blacks regardless of their stature or job and financial situation. I never said I was doing bad. Those successful black people are just a handful compared to the magnitude of whites out there. Some of those are tokens and helped by laws to get where they were, but they are smart enough and worked hard enough, but may not have been given the oppurtunity they had if certain laws didn't exist and white people wanted to not come off as racist as if to look like they were doing there part to bridge the gap. but overall its the thought and attitiude white people have in general before they even meet a black person that's the problem.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
what did you understand my post? I'm not talking about getting anything. i'm not talking about whites getting jobs and having everything handed to them. Do you believe then that just cause your born white your automatically a better person? That is what i was targetting, the thought of white people thinking they're better from the time of birth and raising. And whites looking down on blacks regardless of their stature or job and financial situation. I never said I was doing bad. Those successful black people are just a handful compared to the magnitude of whites out there. Some of those are tokens and helped by laws to get where they were, but they are smart enough and worked hard enough, but may not have been given the oppurtunity they had if certain laws didn't exist and white people wanted to not come off as racist as if to look like they were doing there part to bridge the gap. but overall its the thought and attitiude white people have in general before they even meet a black person that's the problem.
And what proof do you have that says white people think they are better then blacks? what proof do you have that says white people look down on blacks?

Their are racists on both sides of the line but beyond that the majority of whites (99%) dont look down on blacks. Im sure the ones that have been car jacked by blacks and had crimes commited against them by blacks dont trust them very much but they have a reason to.

Another thing, do you realize that blacks are a minority only about 17% of the total population? Thats the reason why somanny white people are out there in good jobs. So out of 100 people in the work force their should only be 17 black people and im sure there are more then that.
Feb 10, 2006
swoop187 said:
And what proof do you have that says white people think they are better then blacks? what proof do you have that says white people look down on blacks?

Their are racists on both sides of the line but beyond that the majority of whites (99%) dont look down on blacks. Im sure the ones that have been car jacked by blacks and had crimes commited against them by blacks dont trust them very much but they have a reason to.

Feb 10, 2006
dawun said:
what did you understand my post? I'm not talking about getting anything. i'm not talking about whites getting jobs and having everything handed to them. Do you believe then that just cause your born white your automatically a better person? That is what i was targetting, the thought of white people thinking they're better from the time of birth and raising. And whites looking down on blacks regardless of their stature or job and financial situation. I never said I was doing bad. Those successful black people are just a handful compared to the magnitude of whites out there. Some of those are tokens and helped by laws to get where they were, but they are smart enough and worked hard enough, but may not have been given the oppurtunity they had if certain laws didn't exist and white people wanted to not come off as racist as if to look like they were doing there part to bridge the gap. but overall its the thought and attitiude white people have in general before they even meet a black person that's the problem.

dont waste your time


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
how do you know all of this? do you have any proof? didnt think so, your just making an assumption and thats why you are having problems with white people.

Yes if a white person was up in the ghetto he would think that but thats the ghetto. Im sure if a white person was all up in some mobil home park he woud think the same thing. Look at the fucking getto man, does it look like a safe fucking place? no didnt think so so why should some unwanted white people feel safe there? ofcourse they are going to have negitive thoughts because ALL ghettos are shit holes. Besides alot of it has to do with how you represent your self, if your walking around in some straight up gangsta shit talking like a gangsta then people are going to have there opinions about you and you wont get a job but if you come dressed "normal" then poeple will except you.

Why dont you trade in your baggy pants and due rag for a nice suit and then apply for a job im sure people will treat you with alot more respect then if you were dressed like lil john.

Society has standards and dont expect society to work around you, you have to work around it.

Besides dont act like any white person that assumes that shit goes down in the ghetto is stereotyping because shit does go down in the ghetto and i know that because i live in one.

You wanna change stereotyping? then fix the ghettos, dont stand on the street and drink 40's and break the bottles on the ground, dont gang bang, dont tag walls.
I know this cause what i've lived thru and i know many white people they like me a lot and I know what they really think about blacks, they will be cool with one black but really hate all others and have a negative view. I don't have problems with white people, just don't like their racist views and their ignorance toward how their views are racist and they don't even know. There you go stereotyping all thru your post. Why do all blacks have to be in the ghetto? you just assumed i was talkin about blacks in the ghetto. see there is an example of white peoples views, thinkin all blacks are in the ghetto and dress like little john with baggy jeans and doo rags. Why don't you loosen up your turtle neck sweater and quit snackin on Grey poupon.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
And what proof do you have that says white people think they are better then blacks? what proof do you have that says white people look down on blacks?

Their are racists on both sides of the line but beyond that the majority of whites (99%) dont look down on blacks. Im sure the ones that have been car jacked by blacks and had crimes commited against them by blacks dont trust them very much but they have a reason to.

Another thing, do you realize that blacks are a minority only about 17% of the total population? Thats the reason why somanny white people are out there in good jobs. So out of 100 people in the work force their should only be 17 black people and im sure there are more then that.
I am white fool. I grew up with white people and i listened to their racist remarks and negative attitiudes. Just cause we had the same skin they thought I would feel the same way. I know how white people really think, even my own family, they won't call themselves racist, but they say and acted in many racist ways that they think is okay. i have gotten to witness first hand racism at its finest, i feel for the black man and his struggles and understand where he comin from. My color is only skin deep. I know of white people like you coming with your views ignoring racism and blaming it on something else, don't want to admit it. White people don't like black people for the most and don't give them a chance.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
I know this cause what i've lived thru and i know many white people they like me a lot and I know what they really think about blacks, they will be cool with one black but really hate all others and have a negative view. I don't have problems with white people, just don't like their racist views and their ignorance toward how their views are racist and they don't even know. There you go stereotyping all thru your post. Why do all blacks have to be in the ghetto? you just assumed i was talkin about blacks in the ghetto. see there is an example of white peoples views, thinkin all blacks are in the ghetto and dress like little john with baggy jeans and doo rags. Why don't you loosen up your turtle neck sweater and quit snackin on Grey poupon.
first off you expect white people to love gangbangers from the hood because thats who white people dont like and have every right in the world not to like them based on their actions. They call them selfs thugs for a reason and expecting any civil person of any race to except them is just crazy.

Second i never said all black people are from the ghetto but alot of them are you know that and i know that.

Third you didnt make anything clear in any of your posts except the fact that you assume that white people think they are better then blacks so i was pointing out which type of black people might be offensive to whites.

fourth, im from the ghetto and i have never seen any fool around here running around in a suit, shit i know one cat that drives a old ass caddy and thinks hes a pimp but other then that i dont see suit wearing mutherfukers around here.

You are trying to say im making assumptions but you just said i wear a turtle neck.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
I am white fool. I grew up with white people and i listened to their racist remarks and negative attitiudes. Just cause we had the same skin they thought I would feel the same way. I know how white people really think, even my own family, they won't call themselves racist, but they say and acted in many racist ways that they think is okay. i have gotten to witness first hand racism at its finest, i feel for the black man and his struggles and understand where he comin from. My color is only skin deep. I know of white people like you coming with your views ignoring racism and blaming it on something else, don't want to admit it. White people don't like black people for the most and don't give them a chance.
lol, you gotta be kidding me!

If you come correct in life you will be treated correct. I know way more black folks then you most likely and the biggest problem some of them has is the fact that they refuse to change, they expect society just to except them and there thugish ways and if they arnt excepted its racism, BUT its not. Society has standards and they refuse to live up to those standards for there own reasons and they vary from person to person.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
first off you expect white people to love gangbangers from the hood because thats who white people dont like and have every right in the world not to like them based on their actions. They call them selfs thugs for a reason and expecting any civil person of any race to except them is just crazy.

Second i never said all black people are from the ghetto but alot of them are you know that and i know that.

Third you didnt make anything clear in any of your posts except the fact that you assume that white people think they are better then blacks so i was pointing out which type of black people might be offensive to whites.

fourth, im from the ghetto and i have never seen any fool around here running around in a suit, shit i know one cat that drives a old ass caddy and thinks hes a pimp but other then that i dont see suit wearing mutherfukers around here.

You are trying to say im making assumptions but you just said i wear a turtle neck.
You know damn well why i was making assumptions, just trying to be like you. I'm not talking about gangbangers, i'm talking about just regular plain black folk regardless of their lifestyle. White people have these pre conceived notions about blacks before they even know if they are a gangbanger or not. You can take white people who never had any contact with blacks or gangbangers and ask him his views on blacks and 8 out of 10 times it will be negative, this is from their parents and friends. fellow whites spreading stereotypes and racist opinions on people they don't know. This causes these whites to grow up thinking the same way instead of being open minded. This puts blacks that come accross those particular white people at a disadvantage to begin with. What's not clear to you? what isn't clear to me is how you honestly think it's an even playing field. and its all minorites included in the boat.


Sicc OG
Oct 10, 2002
swoop187 said:
lol, you gotta be kidding me!

If you come correct in life you will be treated correct. I know way more black folks then you most likely and the biggest problem some of them has is the fact that they refuse to change, they expect society just to except them and there thugish ways and if they arnt excepted its racism, BUT its not. Society has standards and they refuse to live up to those standards for there own reasons and they vary from person to person.
half that is true, there are many blacks that feel the same way you described i agree. but racism is still out there. You must only know the gangbangers and thugs in the ghetto you spoke of, no wonder you know them well. I must know more white people than you then. So i would know them better and know how they really feel. Since you live in the ghetto you were fooled by the man along with the gangbangers, they look at you the same way. Blacks can try and come correct, it depends who is on that other end and usually since white people don't lke blacks they aren't given a fair shot, that's why we have certain laws and then whites don't want to be accused of racism so they will try and bend for a few.
Apr 4, 2006
dawun said:
half that is true, there are many blacks that feel the same way you described i agree. but racism is still out there. You must only know the gangbangers and thugs in the ghetto you spoke of, no wonder you know them well. I must know more white people than you then. So i would know them better and know how they really feel. Since you live in the ghetto you were fooled by the man along with the gangbangers, they look at you the same way. Blacks can try and come correct, it depends who is on that other end and usually since white people don't lke blacks they aren't given a fair shot, that's why we have certain laws and then whites don't want to be accused of racism so they will try and bend for a few.
Thats the whole point, There are people that made it out of the ghetto and white people dont look down on them and they arnt the ones that they dislike because they contribute to society. Its the thugs and gangsters with in the black race that white people dont like and its not because they are black its because they for the most part are criminals.

To say white people dont like blacks is just straight up wrong. Blacks are liked when they come correct and if they gangbang and sell drugs they arnt going to be liked and its NOT because they are black. White people hate white drug dealers/gangsters just as much.