68-yr old growin $3 million in pot arrested

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Jan 11, 2008
Miracle Grow?

Massive Pot Plants Found On Sutter County Property

Authorities have arrested several people for allegedly growing giant marijuana plants in their home in Sutter County. The suspects say the plants, estimated to be worth $3 million, were legally grown for medicinal purposes.

The giant plants, some of which are bigger than the average adult, are estimated to be worth at least $30,000 each. Authorities seized the plants on a rural property in Live Oak rented by 68-year-old Leon Foster.

Investigators say Foster attempted to make the marijuana operation look legal by posting compliance signs.

"That right there was the biggest joke in the entire garden," said Mike Hudson of the Yuba-Sutter Drug Taskforce.

The suspects allegedly posted prescriptions for medicinal marijuana, but authorities say that with doses as small as an ounce per week, the operation cannot be anything but "outrageously illegal."

The 200 plants are so large that police cannot burn them to destroy it. Authorities will instead bury the plants.

(Yeah, righttttt.)
Sep 5, 2008
lol at 1 plant "some of which are bigger than an average adult"(like thats huge) being worth anywhere near 30k each. thats hillarious
Aug 9, 2006
last time they did a "bury" here.....all they did was rototill it into the ground.....for about 3 months people were gettin rid of people were calling "barn yard weed".....it was the weed that they tilled into the ground and shit.....it was hella funny to see people smokin that shit