Systematic Racism in United States

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Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA

How do you feel about the racism that's going on in Australia? like how the Queen still owns some of their Traditional lands and that they have been fighting to protect their sacred lands fro Oil and Mining companies and the fact that Aboriginal Australians are never involved in the conversation about whats best for them. It always seems like non-aboriginal people in charge are always trying to be the voice for them and never have the native people have an actual say. Correct me if im wrong tho cause I don't live there and only going based on what I've read and seen on the International news about the issue. Seems like systematic racism is also apparent in your Country
Aboriginals are very different to other indigenous peoples. Australians have tried to integrate them into society unsuccessfully because they just don't want to live the way we do.

For example, and i am not giving you anecdotal evidence or making this up, this is VERY common. If you drive in outback towns where Aboriginals live, you will see pretty nice houses that seemed to have been burnt from the inside out with fences missing but people still living in them. This is because the locals will break down their own fence and then use it as firewood in the middle of their living room to start a fire to cook or heat themselves up. No joke, this is very common. They just don't understand you shouldn't do this.

Also they live communally with large families, and basically anything someone owns belongs to anyone else. If one family member buys a big screen TV and another family members wants to watch TV he will just break into the person's house and take it. It's not considered wrong or stealing, it's just normal to operate like that.

And all of these outback communities are 100% financed by the taxpayer, the government just sets up towns with houses built to house them for free.

Aboriginals also get taken care of financially pretty well. If you say you have some Aboriginal blood, even 1/10th - you have free education, huge financial support, automatic entry into university and paid for by the government and all sorts of perks. It's not even necessary to prove you have Aboriginal blood to get this.
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Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
Like Jess said it depends on who answers. Back in 2013 my gf applied for the same job twice. She applied with her first name (Tamieka) and her middle name. They said no thanks to her first name application and got a call for an interview for her middle name application.

I have applied for jobs that i know I am qualified for that I do not get. As soon as they see I am black on linked in I don't get the call. Ill tell you this though; I recently made my picture private and I am getting more calls for jobs. I don't think that's a coincidence!
But why do you think this attitude exists? I find it surprising that there are people who would still think along these lines because there are plenty of high profile black people in mainstream America from athletes to movie stars to musicians. I would have expected in America out of all places people don't see your skin color anymore in this day and age?

Hood Rat Matt

aka Goodfella (since '02)
Oct 19, 2009
East Oakland (Hills)
But why do you think this attitude exists? I find it surprising that there are people who would still think along these lines because there are plenty of high profile black people in mainstream America from athletes to movie stars to musicians
Race aside...sadly these are the people America celebrates. We should be propping up people like our teachers & community leaders. I remember when we used to look at astronauts as the cream of the crop. Now everyone wants to be like the Kardashians. It's a really shallow society we live in and that kind of thinking goes hand in hand with racist/ignorant thinking.
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May 7, 2013
But why do you think this attitude exists? I find it surprising that there are people who would still think along these lines because there are plenty of high profile black people in mainstream America from athletes to movie stars to musicians. I would have expected in America out of all places people don't see your skin color anymore in this day and age?
Racism is a learned behavior, that is why racism exists. It isn't an attitude, it is a practice. Racism exists in your country too. It's quite interesting you say aboriginals don't want to live like you- duh. Indigenous people lived the way nature intended for millions of years just fine without your tell lie vision and other bullshit. It's the white world that wants to fabricate everything to the point where we ALL are left to depend on something or someone else. Poverty only exists where gubmint can control and monetize. We live to work for 40 + years to allegedly pay debts that aren't ours and then have the nerve to say we are free. We are the dumbest animal on the planet.
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May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
But why do you think this attitude exists? I find it surprising that there are people who would still think along these lines because there are plenty of high profile black people in mainstream America from athletes to movie stars to musicians. I would have expected in America out of all places people don't see your skin color anymore in this day and age?
Movie stars and musicians operate under the principles of systematic racism that you are inquiring about. How many black majority owners are there in any sports team? How about black CEO's of record companies. keyword, companies not labels. How about black movie producers who have power? I can count on one hand.

And thats another thing, it seems as if that's all we are good for is entertainment value. It's very rare to have a black supervisor/manager/director/vp/ceo in the corporate sector. Why is that? Well StillHustlin @StillHustlin laid it out. It's learned behavior/practices passed on from generation to generation.

On the flip side, we become victims and play it into it. Some feel like its pointless to fight against the system, so they give up. Others don't reach their potential and think they should go another route. It's deeper than the abyss.
Jun 21, 2016
Movie stars and musicians operate under the principles of systematic racism that you are inquiring about. How many black majority owners are there in any sports team? How about black CEO's of record companies. keyword, companies not labels. How about black movie producers who have power? I can count on one hand.

And thats another thing, it seems as if that's all we are good for is entertainment value. It's very rare to have a black supervisor/manager/director/vp/ceo in the corporate sector. Why is that? Well StillHustlin @StillHustlin laid it out. It's learned behavior/practices passed on from generation to generation.

On the flip side, we become victims and play it into it. Some feel like its pointless to fight against the system, so they give up. Others don't reach their potential and think they should go another route. It's deeper than the abyss.
There is no doubt the white man benefited off the backs of slaves, giving them a head start. Problem is now using gender or race quotas won't solve the issue.

If any of you like to read, Tom Sowell is pretty based.

Jun 21, 2016
Having said all that - Australian committed unspeakable crimes and almost committed genocide against them when they first arrived.
Yes it's fucked up, but when a lion kills it's prey in the wild, nobody cares because that's nature.

Only the strong survive.
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
Having said all that - Australian committed unspeakable crimes and almost committed genocide against them when they first arrived.
Yes it's fucked up, but when a lion kills it's prey in the wild, nobody cares because that's nature.

Only the strong survive.
And there you go folks, observe the Australian mentality.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
There is no doubt the white man benefited off the backs of slaves, giving them a head start. Problem is now using gender or race quotas won't solve the issue.

If any of you like to read, Tom Sowell is pretty based.

30 years of liberal policies more damaging to blacks than slavery, Thomas Sowell - YouTube
I think its way more deeper than welfare. I think it has a lot to do with the family structure. Welfare is part of the issue which again was created under the principles of systematic racism. Instead of being slaves to massa we slaves to materialistic items. It will take generations and a civil war to fix these problems imo.
Jun 21, 2016
I think its way more deeper than welfare. I think it has a lot to do with the family structure. Welfare is part of the issue which again was created under the principles of systematic racism. Instead of being slaves to massa we slaves to materialistic items. It will take generations and a civil war to fix these problems imo.
Civil war? I think that's a bit extreme, mate.

I agree with you on the family structure, the welfare state and family/criminal courts have also played a major part in weakening it.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
Civil war? I think that's a bit extreme, mate.

I agree with you on the family structure, the welfare state and family/criminal courts have also played a major part in weakening it.
I say civil war because you really think the creators of the system want to let sone of their power go? Extreme yes. But I would not be surprised if it ever comes to that.

However we as humans need to be agents of change. Also there are a multitude of issues that plague the inner cities which fuel the beast of systematic racism.
Jun 21, 2016
I say civil war because you really think the creators of the system want to let sone of their power go? Extreme yes. But I would not be surprised if it ever comes to that.

However we as humans need to be agents of change. Also there are a multitude of issues that plague the inner cities which fuel the beast of systematic racism.
Of course and it's pretty sad people feel that hopeless.

Flint still doesn't have clean water and the government wants people to pay for dirty water.

Flint residents struggle for affordable, clean water, while Nestle pumps gallons of it nearby

“I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.”

I see where he is coming from.
May 7, 2013
The oppressed have already been suppressed

Civil War for everyday people won't happen, the way we want it to. They will wipe out any offensive before the news at 9. The war is already taking place though, among foreign agents and the US govt. Anyone supporting these foreign agents don't comprehend what they are really supporting either as these foreign agents will not free you.
May 7, 2013
Best thing to do is to leave while you can, if that is what you want to do. The way things are here were planned generations before us and they will continue to be carried out, you can count on it. They don't need any of us, we are expendable as they have many waiting to take your place.
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May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
The oppressed have already been suppressed

Civil War for everyday people won't happen, the way we want it to. They will wipe out any offensive before the news at 9. The war is already taking place though, among foreign agents and the US govt. Anyone supporting these foreign agents don't comprehend what they are really supporting either as these foreign agents will not free you.
drone strike. they don't even need boots on the ground.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
When Dr King was murdered we all lost our opportunity for change in the US

Everyone who believed in that man, that assassination was the opportunity for Civil War.

Those before us failed to seize the moment.

Today is the product of that failure.
and maybe that was the whole point, to psychologically destroy our hopes of a world without racism.