Who Is Voting Tomorrow?

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Are You Voting Tomorrow?

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May 7, 2013
Rasan @Rasan & 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx I was going to bring up the fact that Obama probably had more death threats than any president in our history. These people are no different, however.
May 7, 2013
Haha calm down tough guy, acting like you're the smartest person in the room.
Yes I am so smart that I am as ignorant to how things really work as anybody else on here (this may mean I am smarter than you because I am not afraid to admit it). When you get past yourself and re-read my entire statement, maybe you will decipher that.
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May 9, 2002
It is. I remembered some racist people doing similar shit when Obama was elected. At the very least these people should expect being contacted by the secret service. Idiots.

Anyone see this yet? I don't know if anything happened become the video started that made the group of people attack him but as it is now it's not a good look:

Well for one, we only see the aftermath of something that caused this. The "he voted for trump" could be gas to throw on the flame. What caused this? What prompted a man in the middle of an intersection to get beat up by some dudes?
Apr 25, 2002
I think environmental sustainability is common sense, tree huggers want to put every living tree branch above humans- thats not what I'm saying at all.
maybe tree huggin has a different meaning in AZ. in CA, the mecca, as well as the NW, tree huggin has a broader range of captain save the earth meaning. it's not always a dumb or bad thing. but what you are talking about is tree hugging, my dude. at least in your initial post. putting a frog in front of humans is tree huggin in CA and the NW. the frog aint even got to live in a tree.
Jan 31, 2008
You mean like these worthless ones that talk a good one but aint gon do a damn thing bout anything? They are all as much human scum as all of the Washington crooks

eeious K @kaz zandrabalona

Trump ain't president 'til inauguration day lmao you guys still have time to assassinate BOTH Trump and Pence.
1:31 AM - 9 Nov 2016

molly P @PRO tectisak

if trump gets assassinated then y'all are gonna have michael pence and he is possibly even worse. so u need to assassinate both of them
5:42 AM - 9 Nov 2016

Kodak savage @savage _Lifestyl

*Waiting on someone to assassinate donald trump*
11:34 PM - 8 Nov 2016

Greg B @bank RolllGreg

I just pray that the first nigga who tries to assassinate Donald Trump don't miss
9:33 PM - 8 Nov 2016

dannia �� @OVONavyy

If trump wins he will be killed. Believe that. Someone will assassinate him. More chapters for the history books I guess
8:40 PM - 8 Nov 2016

deceased @tyweIIick

if someone wants to take one for the team and assassinate trump make sure to get pence's ass as well
11:40 AM - 9 Nov 2016

EvaTheGoddess @evathegoddess

In a dream world, I assassinate Trump & all his supporters.

dildo hoe W @WTF jxrge

Can we start a gofundme for a hitman to take out Donald Trump????

��Raee A @Aye eeRaeee

Who gone be a real nigga and assassinate trump I will 4sho put money on your books
10:47 PM - 8 Nov 2016

emily ?? ?? ?? ?? @creativesugg

so who will be the one to assassinate trump? I think the key is to infiltrate and become part of his security team and then go from there
10:52 PM - 8 Nov 2016

bro most of these people think and say these things just to get accepted by their peers. This is how bereft of any sense of worth and self they have.
You want to hate on trump and say you hate "white men" because yall will applaud each other go ahead. But dont do it acting like your opinion on any of this has any value whatsoever just because your friends made you feel confident enough in spewing information you really arent that certain about. You just think we gonna let you slide because you think we agree.
bitch please


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA


Most of the protests are all obviously a part of Soros' globalist agenda and were pre-planned. It was fairly obvious to me when they were plastered on the front page of all of the newspapers today, and then seeing that's the narrative being run on every trending article on Google news (which is 100% definitely without a doubt a pure globalist confirmation bias bubble). I'm sure theres a few actual organic ones in the areas where the liberal mental illness is strongest, like Oakland / Berkeley, because like SeriouslyThug said the dumbest people have the greatest indignation and these sheep feel like they're some kind of warriors for righteousness in some sick diseased way. But I guess that's what happens when the echo chambers are so strong and they've brainwashed them into thinking ALL trump supporters are uneducated or rednecks or ignorant, or effected by one of the "isms" like Racism or Fascism or whatever else they've been hammering in for the past several months on all fronts of the globalist confirmation bias bubble / inside of the globalist echo chamber

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Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Absolutely. The Eastbay MUD is tiny compared to what the keystone is. You should read up on it if you can. Its a terrible idea and it puts our HOMELAND in jeopardy environmentally.

And make no mistake, we get more oil from canada than we do from the middle east. IN fact, we get more oil from LA's than the ME.

Where Does America Get Oil? You May Be Surprised : NPR

Also, the US has PLENTY of reserves...but he who controls the oil, controls the world. Why do you think we are always in the middle east stirring shit up? We dont give a fuck about the people...i can assure you that.

The Keystone is a catastrophic crisis waiting to happen...and it hasnt even happened it. That little oil spill in the Gulf will be nothing compared to this thing spilling.
What do you know about train oil spills?
May 13, 2002


Most of the protests are all obviously a part of Soros' globalist agenda and were pre-planned. It was fairly obvious to me when they were plastered on the front page of all of the newspapers today, and then seeing that's the narrative being run on every trending article on Google news (which is 100% definitely without a doubt a pure globalist confirmation bias bubble). I'm sure theres a few actual organic ones in the areas where the liberal mental illness is strongest, like Oakland / Berkeley, because like SeriouslyThug said the dumbest people have the greatest indignation and these sheep feel like they're some kind of warriors for righteousness in some sick diseased way. But I guess that's what happens when the echo chambers are so strong and they've brainwashed them into thinking ALL trump supporters are uneducated or rednecks or ignorant, or effected by one of the "isms" like Racism or Fascism or whatever else they've been hammering in for the past several months on all fronts of the globalist confirmation bias bubble / inside of the globalist echo chamber

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies - YouTube

Bob Creamer has visited the White House 342 times since 2009.
Apr 25, 2002

wow, shes so cool.

the Democratic party was racist as fuck up until the mid-late 60's (aside from JFK). (again, aside from JFK) they only passed civil rights to control blacks and their votes. the same typa shit Democrats do now, give to control. this is the typa chick who listens to Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher and spews the same ignorance.

i'm sure she reads these websites too. probably skipped over these articles on purpose tho.
23 maps that explain how Democrats went from the party of racism to the party of Obama - Vox

The Democratic Party's Two-Facedness of Race Relations | The Huffington Post
May 13, 2002
Private prison stocks are soaring.

Supposedly this leaked from the Trump Camp, a list of names he's considering:

Buzzfeed received a copy of the list of names that Trump reportedly is considering and here are just some of the bigger names being considered for high profile posts (read the full list here):

-Attorney General: Former Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Chris Christie, and Senator Jeff Sessions.

-Secretary of State: Ambassador John Bolton, Senator Bob Corker, former House speaker Newt Gingrich
Treasury Secretary: Businessman Carl Icahn, Congressman Jeb Hensarling

-Secretary of Defense: Retired General Mike Flynn, Stephen Hadley, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr., Senator Jeff Sessions, former senator Jim Talent

-Veterans Affairs: Congressman Jeff Miller

-Secretary of Homeland Security: Governor Chris Christie, Sheriff David Clarke

-Secretary of Commerce: Former governor Mike Huckabee, former senator Jim Talent

-Health and Human Services: Former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, Florida governor Rick Scott, former House speaker Newt Gingrich

-Secretary of Education: Former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, Hoover Institution fellow William Evers

-Energy Secretary: Venture capitalist, Robert Grady, Businessman Harold Hamm

-Agriculture Secretary: Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Chuck Conner, CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

-Interior Secretary: Former governor Sarah Palin, former governor Jan Brewer, Governor Mary Fallin, energy executive Forrest Lucas

-Chief of Staff: RNC chief Reince Priebus

A lot of bad people on this list. Rudy Giuliani becoming attorney general would probably piss me off the most, the guy is such a scumbag piece of shit, biggest liar around constantly uses 9/11 when in fact he's responsible for the deaths by his refusal to upgrade the fire departments radios so the fire fighters couldn't hear the evacuation order not to mention his brilliant decision to locate the Office of Emergency Management headquarters (long-identified as a target for a terrorist attack) in the World Trade Center building, which everyone told him was idiotic considering the previous terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in '93, and of course all of his other failures kn New York like stop-and-frisk, "cleaning up" the homelessness by having them arrested and dumping them off like trash outside of the city, etc. etc. Dude should be rotting in prison.
Jul 12, 2002
Private prison stocks are soaring.

Supposedly this leaked from the Trump Camp, a list of names he's considering:

Buzzfeed received a copy of the list of names that Trump reportedly is considering and here are just some of the bigger names being considered for high profile posts (read the full list here):

-Attorney General: Former Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Chris Christie, and Senator Jeff Sessions.

-Secretary of State: Ambassador John Bolton, Senator Bob Corker, former House speaker Newt Gingrich
Treasury Secretary: Businessman Carl Icahn, Congressman Jeb Hensarling

-Secretary of Defense: Retired General Mike Flynn, Stephen Hadley, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr., Senator Jeff Sessions, former senator Jim Talent

-Veterans Affairs: Congressman Jeff Miller

-Secretary of Homeland Security: Governor Chris Christie, Sheriff David Clarke

-Secretary of Commerce: Former governor Mike Huckabee, former senator Jim Talent

-Health and Human Services: Former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, Florida governor Rick Scott, former House speaker Newt Gingrich

-Secretary of Education: Former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, Hoover Institution fellow William Evers

-Energy Secretary: Venture capitalist, Robert Grady, Businessman Harold Hamm

-Agriculture Secretary: Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Chuck Conner, CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

-Interior Secretary: Former governor Sarah Palin, former governor Jan Brewer, Governor Mary Fallin, energy executive Forrest Lucas

-Chief of Staff: RNC chief Reince Priebus

A lot of bad people on this list. Rudy Giuliani becoming attorney general would probably piss me off the most, the guy is such a scumbag piece of shit, biggest liar around constantly uses 9/11 when in fact he's responsible for the deaths by his refusal to upgrade the fire departments radios so the fire fighters couldn't hear the evacuation order not to mention his brilliant decision to locate the Office of Emergency Management headquarters (long-identified as a target for a terrorist attack) in the World Trade Center building, which everyone told him was idiotic considering the previous terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in '93, and of course all of his other failures kn New York like stop-and-frisk, "cleaning up" the homelessness by having them arrested and dumping them off like trash outside of the city, etc. etc. Dude should be rotting in prison.
That list is scary. Hopefully it's just a Republican's dream list. Giuliani is a POS. People like him are what's wrong with the Republican party.