New group out of Benicia "Cock Asian"

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Oct 31, 2007
im with you on that

on top of that, rappers from benicia? come on.

whats next, niggas comin straight out of walnut creek with it? niggas bout to shine out that rough ass San Ramon trap spots?

fuck they rappin about, the benicia street fair on saturdays?

i can see the songs now

"chillin on military west, we the best.."

Classic Post!!! LOL
Oct 27, 2014
Check this out! COCKASIAN is merely experimental, yet still far superior to any music y'all clownin ass, homophobic wannabe's can ever dream of making! If u have to fight your gay tendencies by talkin shit about a group of bad ass mother fucker's who make real music, good luck with that! Keep talkin bout us, please! We'll be LOMFAO from a big ass stage at you hatin ass, fake ass, rappers that sound like every other rapper out there! DubbC415, you sissy closet fag! Come on and suck on this nerdy COCKASIAN dick so you can find out how much you love it!! Hahaha!! Slapmaster, one love! You my true folks! You and I know these kids could NEVER fuck with me baby! And as far as the band name goes, it's got you talkin bout us! I came up with our name! I'd love to see someone come try ta slap me for my creativity! COCKASIAN is the SHIT!! LEREK BEATZ (COCKASIAN producer, lead vocals) that's my word! NERD life bitch! Still more gangsta then all y'all!
Oct 27, 2014
That's true, don't click on it if it had cock in it! I don't blame you! If you're scared you're gonna love it, you should run away!
Oct 27, 2014
Real recording artist!!

So if they're clowning why are you defending them from everyone thats calling them clowns?

And its not like any of those kids is Jack Black, there's a reason that the its free to watch youtube videos.

And if you don't think an all male half white half asian group named "cock asian" makes the average person think of gay shit, then you don't get the joke, breh. And they're name is most definately a joke.
COCKASIAN is the shit!! I'm a real artist who makes real music! Whether it's comedic, experimental, funny or wierd, it's a display of raw talent that you can only dream of experiencing! You could never fuck with me baby! Go back to jerkin off to Asian gay porn you irrelevant nobody!

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
I'll say one thing about you, YOU'RE GAY!!
lol that was random and illogical

now before you fix your mouth to call anyone else gay, just remember one simple detail, fella... between the both of us, i'm not the one willfully associating with a group of men who have, for some odd reason, named themselves after the oriental male genitalia.

instead of seeking my attention, you should probably seek forgiveness from jesus #justsayindoemynigga



Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
few points:

1) i responded, once, to what you replied towards me. thats not a back and forth. it became a back and forth when you replied, again, and then a third time. (wtf?)
2) i'm not mad. i told you i was joking. do you know what a joke means? it dosent mean i'm mad, it means im in a jovial mood enough to tell jokes. im telling you that you typed that shit for nothing, that dosent make me mad. if anything, im laughin at you for typin that shit at a joke.
3) youre not exactly the gatekeeper on whether 60,000 people on this site understood i was being sarcastic or not
4) youre not exactly the intelligence level i reach at when i tell a joke
5) if youre so fucking stupid you cant tell the sarcasm in me talking about rappers in benecia, i dont think we should talk anymore, atleast until you step your IQ up.

PS: if you are possibly not too great at reading and youre typing a response, please read #5 as many times as it takes for you to delete whatever the fuck your about to type. i dont want to talk to you, go away.
Damn did someone urinate in your count chocula or something bro?
Feb 18, 2011
This fuckin guy exemplifies everything I hate about rappers/producers today. They're all a bunch of attention whores with little to no talent that swear "they're the next to blow" yada yada yada.... Shut that shit the fuck up. You will never go anywhere with your music.

Here's the only believable thing you said in this entire thread:
I have shared the stage with bone thugs n harmony. Please believe I blew them too!
Oct 27, 2014
This fuckin guy exemplifies everything I hate about rappers/producers today. They're all a bunch of attention whores with little to no talent that swear "they're the next to blow" yada yada yada.... Shut that shit the fuck up. You will never go anywhere with your music.

Here's the only believable thing you said in this entire thread:
If I was an attention whore, I would have already blown the fuck up you fuckin retard! You obviously know nothing about talent, originality or creativity or you'd be begging for my autograph! All you gotta do is listen to my music for 10 seconds to realize that it's the most unique and marketable creation you've ever experienced, you piece of garbage! try spending one day in a real studio with real artists and a real producer before you speak to me. I can understand how someone like you would be mad at someone like me, you could never get on my level even if I gave you lessons! Why don't you get off my dick and go blow some fake ass wanna be gangster rapper that'll really go nowhere! You're barkin up the wrong tree, I'm way outta your league. Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about, I'm nothing like "this fucking guy" that you think you're talking about! you got me fucked up, ya bitch ass hater! reply if you want, but I won't be reading anything else from this weak ass site. Lol! I just hopped on here real quick ta silence all you weak ass hatin ass bitchmade nobody's out there tryin ta speak on my shit! Shut the fuck up when you talkin bout me...